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Holy Cow, I Got An Arcade Machine!

Boba Rhett

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This story could easily be summed up in a paragraph or two but if you think that I'd rather cut to the chase than drag you through the entire sordid ordeal when stories concerning me and awesome things happening to me are on the line, you obviously don't know me very well.



Random chance brought me to a garage sale this Saturday. The seller had just, just began setting out his stuff and was wheeling out his old Missile Command arcade machine that he had had in storage for 15+ years. My eyes lit up and my mouth went dry. I began wringing my hands as thoughts of the insane price he surely must have wanted started to push me out of my happy place. A pipe dream or not, I had to find out. I went up and asked him - he only wanted $75.


I talked to the seller about why he wanted so little and he informed me that the picture tube had imploded and that's why he was selling it for so cheap. I didn't think anything of this because 75 bucks for the shell is a great deal by itself and I didn't mind as I just figured I'd throw a pc and monitor into it and load it up with Atari games.


Get this. Get this. I also then discovered that the other shopper standing right next to me is an arcade machine hauler. He told me how to load it correctly and gave me some other pointers. What else could I have done but bought it right then and there, really? What? What. Signs from God here, people. :carms:


I get it home and plug her in - yeah, she's dead alright. I decided to crack it open, mostly just for giggles. To my great surprise all the boards, monitor, and other sundry components appeared to still all be intact! And then what literally fell off the monitor tube and into my lapl? A package containing diagrams and schematics of every single circuit and wire in the machine. emot-psyduck.gif I immediately flipped the pack open and started digging through the wiring looking for the real reasons as to why she wouldn't power up. Fast forward a few hours - I had bypassed several cracked fuse cartridges, replaced a broken rocker, and cleaned and reseated some corroded eeprom chips. I couldn't find anything else wrong with it so I sealed her back up.


Figuring there was nothing more I could do, I said screw it, jammed the power plug in and flung myself to the front of the machine in a manner similar to how a fat man would have attempted to propel himself towards a fresh shrimp trough at a buffet.


I get to the front, and silence. I had failed. I turn around and began eying various farm implements; pondering over which one I would be using to flog myself for my insolence in thinking I could restore life to this ancient monolith of the video game gods.


".....w.wwww.w.wwwwwwwwwwwwwwWWWRRRRRRRRR. BEEEP."


I whip around just in time to catch the appearance of the following message slowly but surely flicker into being:

Player 1------------Player 2




------Insert Coin(s)------


Not a moment later the subsystems began individually powering up; the warm glow from the box's internal lighting system fell upon my brow, the speakers kicked in and the theme song started playing. Angels began singing as cherubim and seraphim descended from on high, encircling myself and the arcade machine - anointing us with precious oils.






A lot of elbow grease and she's starting to look as good as new. Ladies and gents, may I present to you the newest member of my family:




Check out the kickin' rad decals!




For those of you who do not know of this game, first off you're all horrible horrible people. :( Secondly,

is a video of the game in action. And because I'm so ridiculously nice, here are some links to flash based recreations of the game. :) Discuss.
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That is a great find and a great story! I am truly amazed. Cold war simluation comes home to Rhett... Congratulations man! :D Thanks for the sharing that -- it looks so familiar. *sigh*


Be sure to put all the 3 letter bad words on the high scores to make relive all the arcade memories.


They weren't selling any table top units were they? Imagine this as your coffee table:


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That's sooo cool!


I've always wanted a vintage arcade game, and you got one that works for $75.00!:thumbsup:


It even looks like it's in good shape. Any idea how much it's worth? Those things are collector's items, you know.


@CE: A sit-in vesion of spyhunter would be my second choice if I had my pick. My first? a sit-in version of Star Wars Arcade, of course!

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If any of you ever find yourselves in Missouri, you're more than welcome to drop on in for a game. ;) This machine was the only arcade game the guy had. The rest of his stuff was standard garage sale fare. This has really given me the fever for this. I either want to try and find another one or build my own shell and have it run all the Atari 2600 games.


I would love to find one like that, tk! I can already imagine it...


"Please, sit down and make yourself at home. Coffee? Tea? How about a spot of Pac Man?" :joy:



I haven't gotten very good at it yet. Here's a screenshot of my high score.




I'm going to take some pictures of the innards in a bit. It's pretty interesting if you've never seen the insides of something like this before.

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Whoa, I love the size of that board and those resistors (I assume that's what the red circles are). They don't make 'em like they used to. :p Are those big black cylinders in the front capacitors? Where are the speakers mounted?

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Check out the 80's tech!


Boba, that thing has to be worth some serious cash. Especially since it's in such great condition. I'd find out how much it's worth if I were you.


BTW: What's that piece of sheet metal with all of the wires that's sitting in the bottom of the case?

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I know, tk, it's so retro I love it! Those red guys are actually unpolarized ceramic caps. Yeah, the big black ones are caps too. :) There's one that like four times that size hooked next to the transformer. :eek:


That metal piece down below is actually the bottom of the main transformer mount. I had to flip it over to redo some stuff. I'm sure it's worth some money. I wouldn't be surprised if it was worth over $1000.

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.... You, Rhett, are so ****ing lucky, I weep in envy. The only way you could have been more blessed is if that arcade machine had a crisp roll of $100 bills mysteriously stuck under the coin slot or something.


Hey, it could happen. Make sure to check out every nook and cranny for random money. And if you DO find something, I demand a 10% finder's fee! :xp:

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