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Should Grandma die for naming a teddy bear 'Muhammad'?

Jae Onasi

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Now all the Sudanese children have learned how to deal with substitute teachers they don't like.



Sorry, the whole situation is so absurd to me (and probably most non-Muslims) that I have a hard time even addressing the rationale.

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This seems like such an extreme reaction for giving a teddy bear a name that is commonly used for Muslim males. I thought Sudan had more important issues to deal with than this.
There is nothing more important that promoting and upholding religious intolerance!


So this is the face of the Devil!



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Okay, this is terrible. Terrible indeed. Plays into the hands of those who want to use this as another clause of why Islam is evil, and into the hands of those who want to claim Islam is being insulted, etc.


But's that is why there's Heaven and Hell.


1) To be fair, I actually can understand. Assigning a name to a teddy bear can be seen to demean that name. It's like stating "Bongs for Jesus". Sure, free speech and all, and Jesus is a common name, but associating it with bongs is just surely wrong. Plus, the teddy bear is a toy, so calling it "Jesus" just make the toy look comparble to Jesus, which is just wrong. So I can see why some people are upset. But since I know many people don't want to listen to the other side and just scream at one side, I'll just shut up now. Being devil's advocate is not exactly conductive to living a long life.


BESIDES, the teacher is sentenced to 15 days in prison. No execution. She'll be somewhat fine.


2) Just because I believe in a religion does not mean that I can be associated with whatever thing SOMEONE else does. It's mind-numbingly annoying. It's an angry vent, but it's something I want to keep in mind. People don't walk in lock-step, you know.


Muhammad Abdul Bari, secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said Sudanese authorities had “grossly overreacted.”


“Gillian should never have been arrested, let alone charged and convicted of committing a crime,” he said.


[Okay, so this article is still pro-Mohammed Teddy Bear, but it does have some quotes from the Sudanese protesters and lecturers, so I like it:


http://www.nydailynews.com/news/us_world/2007/11/30/2007-11-30_sudanese_call_for_teddy_bear_teachers_de.html ]

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The Sudanese government have gone too far...


All the women let the kids do was let them name a teddy a name they know and love....


If anything this shows respect for Islam because it shows they love and respect Muhammed enough to name they're bear after him....


They've stepped over the line.....

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You know who I really hate now? The Media.


Because here they are, focusing about this conterversy, and I know it's a good conterversy, but that's NOT IMPORTANT.


A lethal Ebola virus that has killed at least 16 people and infected 51 others in western Uganda is a previously unknown strain, health authorities said Friday."




All sides in the fighting in Democratic Republic of Congo's North Kivu province are killing and raping civilians and looting on a scale not seen in years, the International Committee of the Red Cross said on Thursday.




...And instead, the media worries about a teddy bear and a person who's going to be sentenced to 15 days in prison. Shame on you, Media. SHAME ON YOU.

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Sudan isn't what I'd call the most liberal nation in the world. They are an authoritarian government, a backward state, plus devout Muslims. The "crime" Gibbons has done is equivalent of naming your donkey "Jesus", residing in the Vatican City and all that during the times of Medieval Inquisition - add the crusades for good measure.


Also, I will quite frankly say that the reason the controversy is being raised up is that the teacher is white and British. There must be countless other ordinary men and women who are being "punished" for ridiculous reasons across the African nations.


This is what makes me really sad. :(

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Why are the parents of all those children named Muhammad not arrested and executed?
Because unlike like the evil western influenced infidel teddy bear the child will grow up to do great things in the name of Muhammad. Anyone remember Mohamed Atta?


This an arrogant woman who came to our country, cashing her salary in dollars, teaching our children hatred of our Prophet Muhammad," he said.[/Quote] I know my childhood teddy bear taught me to hate little bears named teddy. Evil little bear always getting me in trouble.
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Muhammad is a comman name among the Indian culture!

Jesus is a common name in the Mexican culture and in the Hispanic culture of the Southwest (including Texas). That said I don’t see anyone around here wanting to imprison or bludgeon someone to death if they name a teddy bear Jesus.


Muhammad being a common name only makes this story more ridiculous. How does anyone know the bear is not named after Muhammad Jones the butcher down the street and the name has nothing to do with the Prophet Muhammad. It could be the little kids name or his brother’s or his father’s name.

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I will quite frankly say that the reason the controversy is being raised up is that the teacher is white and British.


I'm quite offended by your statement, but sadly it is probably true... but this doesn't take anything away from the fact that the angry mob want execution for a women who "let" her pupils name there own teddy! Ridicules

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Because unlike like the evil western influenced infidel teddy bear the child will grow up to do great things in the name of Muhammad. Anyone remember Mohamed Atta?


Hey don't forget this pair, either:

General Mohamed Farrah Aidid

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed


Just more proof that it often takes just a few knuckleheads to screw it up for everyone else.


@Silent Scope--If she had merely been censured/reprimanded for "cultural insensitivity", you'd have a point about this being blown out of proportion. Sort of like shooting a guy for jaywalking. ;) Really, anything beyond expulsion/deportation is excessively draconian.

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And Corinthian I thought you were a big fan of criminals getting what they deserve.


This teacher broke Sudanese law by insulting Islam. She was tried and convicted. I'm surprised you're asking anything about free speech in this case.

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Jeez... this world of ours is such a mess... even more thna i thought after hearing the tragic tale of that poor woman. (i'm being serious, not sarcastic.)

I could go rename my dog Hitler or Mussolini here in the U.S and i wouldn't be sent to jail. but i'm not planning on doing that. i think i'll stick with my dog's anme being Lassie. *everyone looks at me wierd* what? i liked the lassie movies.

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Jeez... this world of ours is such a mess... even more thna i thought after hearing the tragic tale of that poor woman. (i'm being serious, not sarcastic.)

I could go rename my dog Hitler or Mussolini here in the U.S and i wouldn't be sent to jail. but i'm not planning on doing that. i think i'll stick with my dog's anme being Lassie. *everyone looks at me wierd* what? i liked the lassie movies.


My cousin actually had a German Shepherd named Adolf.


This is a travesty of justice, but that's what happens when one mixes religion and government...

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My cousin actually had a German Shepherd named Adolf.


Adolf used to be a pretty sound German name to name your kid, till Hitler came around.


but the Hitler comparason is a bit bad since Muhommad wasn't a genocidal tyrant. not the greatest of guys of course like any religious figure, but no Hitler.

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You have to remember that not all nations aloow freedom of speech, and all that goes with that. I do think that the Sudanese government has gone a bit far with this though. Freedom of speech (in this case naming) is something that I think that most of us have taken for granted. The Sudanese government made their choice, and just because we think that something may be wrong with that choice, their is really nothing that we can do.

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