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The XWA One Year Thread III: Revenge of the Sh*t


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  edlib said:
That's horrible, man!

So sorry to hear that. That's the worst.


Who talked her into the surgery if she didn't really need it? Or was it something she convinced herself she needed?


Well, she's always been really independent. She was going to be 80 years old at the end of this month, but she still lived alone, did all the housework, shoveled the snow (in Michigan!), and kept a very nice garden, all by herself. She was starting to have some problems with her back, such that she couldn't do it all by herself anymore. She knew the risks of the surgery and everyone pretty much advised her not to do it, but I think she just hated the thought of losing that ability to function on her own, so she went ahead with it. And even though it's not really the same thing, she may also have had a false sense of confidence about it because she had some serious knee surgery a while back, but came out of it great.

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sorry to hear that keyan! my condolences!


  K_Kinnison said:
I havn't said much about Favre retiring except for my Buds at work but I have to say this. The time was right. He went off on a high note (even tho he didn't go to the big dance). He is still reasonably healthy. Most of the meaningful records were broken. ANd I think the Packer team as a whole will miss him, but don't NEED him as much as they did 3 years ago.


Aaron Rodgers is a great back-up who has his experaince to being backup to one of the greatest QB of all time, and certainly looks, and has done well as the #2. The old #2 is the new #1


Enjoy the ride Aaron, I hope it is a long one


ANd thanks Brett, for everything

I would have to agree, way better for him to leave this year than after another year like last year thats for sure. ANd rodgers played great in the time he was in this year.


cracken: what benchmark? the basics you can run for free on most but have to pay for the big ones last time I did it

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Show tonight ran long. Way long. Yikes!


Other than that it was fairly easy and painless... unless modern jazz hurts you in some way. In that case you would have been in agony.


Sleep now.


Sleep good. Yes...

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i am drunk out of my ****in mind yo! i'm like speaking irish accent and **** like wtf?!!! lol


uh...yeah went out bowling last night with a buncha walmart friends. it was fun. i bowled pretty good, like a 119 or somethin. i got hardly any sleep between last night and today. maybe 2 hours? im startin to feel tired now that i have to get ready for work...dang it.

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I might be going bowling tonight, actually.


It's been at least 10 years, if not more since I've been... and I was REALLY bad then,.. but it might be fun.


Gonna do my taxes today, and see what kind of money I'm getting back. Then maybe go out this afternoon and see about that TV. If it looks particularly good,.. maybe TVs.


I have also, for better or worse, decided today to approach the female I have had my eye on for a while,.. despite the fact that it could very well end up making things a bit tense and uncomfortable at work for a while (forever?) if the level of interest is not the same.

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n1 ed! that's awesome. i'm sobered up and ready for work now. a bit of an upset stomach...gotta go get a bagel or somethin and i'll be fine.


I'm planning on buying a Laptop soon for when i move into my parents....i don't wanna be hauling a desk over there the place is small enough as it is. they want me to get a tv for my room or whatever but i don't think so cause they'd complain cause i'd have to drag ethernet cable across the house to get the xbl hooked up, so i'm seeing if they wanna go half on a half-decent hi def tv, as their big screen tube tv is about 8 years old and it just looks so funny compared to the newer tvs.

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Well... I just sent an e-mail to her laying it all out, and asking her to call me if there's any interest in return.


(I know doing it by e-mail is kind of lame... but I can't ever seem to talk to her alone at work without at least 2 other people in the room.)


I hope I didn't just make the worst mistake of my life so far...


Oh well... the damage is done. No going back now.


I hope it works out, because she is awesome.

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  edlib said:
Well... I just sent an e-mail to her laying it all out, and asking her to call me if there's any interest in return.


(I know doing it by e-mail is kind of lame... but I can't ever seem to talk to her alone at work without at least 2 other people in the room.)


I hope I didn't just make the worst mistake of my life so far...


Oh well... the damage is done. No going back now.


I hope it works out, because she is awesome.


Going after a coworker and doing it over e-mail? You're a wild man, ed, a wild man! Good luck!

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Yeah... I know. I'm reeeal slick. :rolleyes:

Thanks, though.


For what is worth, she and I already have a fairly advanced online relationship. Several casual, non-work related e-mails a day on average; a lot of daily Facebook and/or Myspace back and forth; extended G-Mail chatting...


I probably already spend more time in online communication with her than I even do with you guys.


She, of all people, is already well aware of my tendency to open up and be as verbose in print as I am quiet, reserved, and painfully shy in person.


But even the "Meatspace" relationship has also gotten a bit more active recently. A lot of really flirty smalltalk (or at least what I have been perceiving as such, anyways...), and a few sessions of surprisingly long eye-contact.


Yesterday at work was especially intense in that regard.


I really hope I'm not reading anything into it that isn't there (and Heaven knows, it sure as Hell wouldn't be the first time for me,..) but I just had to find out once and for all...

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I hope so.


I really wish I could have found the balls to do it in person,.. but to keep waiting for the perfect moment probably would have meant that it would have never happened.


I'm sure I would have stumbled the words so badly I would have scared her off forever anyway.


Probably would have ended up with harassment charges,.. and maybe even a restraining order, knowing me.


I do feel hugely relieved that it's out there in the open. I was coming home every day after work beating myself up for not saying anything again.


And even if nothing comes of it, at least I won't go around saying "what if?..." I can put it behind me, get over it, and start looking elsewhere.

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Ahh... difficult.


She has a thing about having her picture taken... As in she hates it. With a passion. Won't allow it. Period.


I do happen to have a couple of pics that actually include her in my possession, and a few of them are actually currently up on Facebook... but for me to post even a link to any of those here would be an instant deal-breaker if she ever got wind.


So, no. Not this time. You'll just have to take my word on it, or choose to not believe me.



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But this waiting for a response (either way...) is just about killing me. Fortunately I have a couple of appointments this afternoon to hopefully take my mind of the wait.


Patience... I must learn patience...

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last week i got a set of referbished xbox 360 wireless controllers and Conker Line and Reloaded from amazon.

I finally got around testing the controllers, noting that both of them are from separate sellers from amazon.

and for some reason they both dont friggen work FFS!


urge to kill rising....

and not to mention that I have two months worth of magazine perscriptions i havent gotten, mail from home, 3 other packages also orderd at least a month and a half ago...


on to top that, the people in amazon are not reading my emails

how hard is it to say

dont ship the f**king item with a label saying what the f**k is in the damn box!!!


people steal sh*t!




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Well... Got my answer.


It doesn't look like it's gonna work out for me. Bummer.


She had her reasons, and they were good ones. I respect and understand that.


I hope this doesn't sour the friendship in any way. I'm going to work hard to make sure that doesn't happen.


Doesn't feel very good right now,.. but a good solid "No thank you" is far better than more months of carrying a torch and making myself sick looking for every little hint or sign. As crappy as it is, it is a relief.


I don't feel as bad as I thought I would at this outcome.


Now I can start looking elsewhere.

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aw man that sucks, well at least it wasn't in front of everyone and that would have been uncomfortable for both of you. she probably respects you more for asking her online rather than in person.


i'm still waiting on the response from mine.


work today was long and boring. did sell a nikon d40 though...i was on lunch though when it was sold. those were cool old people. oh yeah and WHY do people WANT pictures of PEOPLE in their CASKETS?!?!?!!?!!!!! like wtf, who would wanna see that????? well one thing, it's better than baby johnny hanging from umbilical cord still bathing in the afterbirth. yummy.


i don't wanna move in with my parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaghghghghghhhh..... if i can go in the future and think of anything in life i regret, this will be it. -_- i'm so ****ing down about it. o well. can't wait to get my freaking car back.

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