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[W.I.P.] [K1] URM (Ultimate Ranged Mod)


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I can't actually make force powers do anything on the guns. They just LOOK like they're doing the force powers. At least, I can't yet, and that's what I said about explosions a couple weeks ago...

You can just set the onhit properties to the individual gun so they are doing the force powers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's my first gun model. It's an m-4 carbine. I'm going to make authentic bullets and a new muzzleflash *crosses fingers*. Also, YES, I am on the enclave roof, but don't ask how I got up there. If you do, I'll probably just answer. I still suck at making textures, but this gun is UV mapped a lot better than my previous, so I'm getting there... I did use a pic, but a higher resolution than my last M-16...




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I've planned on an AK-47. I'll try to create my own scratch-built texture for it. As for why I'm on the roof, well, here goes. I was fighting off Kath Hounds with the M-4. I just replaced the default repeating blaster, so I was doing 4-6 damage. I decided to run off so I could examine the gun closer. I ran back to the Enclave, but they followed me all the way there. There was one right behind me, and when I turned around, wallah! I'm on the roof. Most random bug I've encountered. I was sniping Juhani from up there, so she'll shut up...

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Does this mean the texture on that weapon is not your own work?


I've done it with a pic from google so far, but I'm going to redo it. I just suck at texturing. Partly because I still have the gimp. Plus, I need to figure out how to use Photoshop. I need a really good tute...

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Could you make these weapons and ammo for k2? I play k2 more than k1 so it would be nice to have them on both. This mod is a definte download from me! it's frickin hilarious! :lol::rofl::lol: Though it might be better to make the swoop bike things and other big ones to be scaled down a bit.

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I've finished the Gizka Gun. It's a pretty large model, and it's a pistol, so the good news is that you can hold two of them. I did the texture all by myself, and it looks alright, I believe. The star wars text on the top says 'Gizka,' in the case that any of you were wondering. It clips a bit when it's ingame, but hey, I'm not going for the most realistic weapon here. My icon, also, is pretty funny. It's the gun with two Gizka's standing around it with their tongues out. Enough talk. Here are the pics.






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Thanks for all the compliments, guys! Right now, I'm working on an AK-47 and a REAL ion gun. This one is going to be like an electrocuter that shoots out lightning. Not a sorry grenade launcher turned droid rifle. I am planning on doing a cold gun, a flamethrower, and a teleporter cannon. The teleporter cannon is a new invention. It has a teleport on the end that can turn a regular infantry man into a walking artillery gun. Remote artillery fire into the 'entry' end of the teleport on command, and it comes out of your end. If you have any requests, I'm open to them. Oh, I've also finished a sniper rifle and I'm planning on a dart shooter and a rocket launcher.

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sithspecter, that Gizka Launcher is freaking awesome! I'm amazed at all of the things you are able to do with this mod. I'm also pretty anxious to see how you're AK will turn out, judging by your M4, I have a feeling it's going to be pretty sweet. Keep up the good work, and keep those screenshots coming, loving it.



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The M-4 is certainly one of my better models. But, the drawback is that it's 4900 polys. The front grip is 2000 alone. My AK-47, finished, but not textured, is 1,300 polys, but it doesn't look as good as the M-4, but it still looks decent, I think anyway. I've got Photoshop now, but I haven't the slightest idea of how to use it. Also something that I'm planning on doing is making the M-4 as a single pistol weildable by only HK-47. That way he can hold two! :fire2:


Edit: @ Bioshazard. The sniper rifle will have an insanely large range. It will also have a instant kill with a DC 10 save.

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