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Why do you play World of Warcraft?

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Simple question, why do you play? Theres so many things in the game that either bug you, or infuriate you.


Heres a few examples:


Who the heck made up that name?:






And Star Wars: Episode One rip-offs!:






And then you got 40 year old males making Blood Elf females in bikinis:






And 'leet' level 70's insulting you:






People who shout at you:






And when a group of level 70's come and kill you when your trying to quest: (the chat box)






And then you got jerks like me who kill you when you're AFK:







And when you're trying to quest in Stranglethorn, you get ambushed by a group of alliance who mess with you before killing you:






And thats why I play World Of Warcraft...

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Im in the middle of hating it and tolerating it. I like the people I talk to in the game. But otherwise its about as fun as getting a tooth yanked with only 5-6 shots of novocaine (cant feel a thing but it still hurts a tiny bit)...


I dunno, its got a good system for role playing, you can mod the crap out of it, you can do a lot of stuff in it that you cant do in other games that claim that its role playing.

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This isn't a 'wow hatin thread'. If I hated it, why would I play it? I like the game, just people like Rabish think their opinion is the only one in the world.


:EDIT: Some WoW quests look like they were written by a 13 year old.


Such as:


"Thanks a bunch" - after you finished a escort quest.


"Go show <centraur faction> that they are stupid" - talking to a Centaur.

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I tried playing it but went back to SWG. all wow seemed when i played was quest, quest, quest, quest, quest. of course i was only a low level, i hear it's all fun when you get out of the newbie grounds.
I'd say that was a compliment to it. There's basically 2 ways to level in MMOs in general, questing or grinding. Questing is by far the more fun and faster way to level.


For me tbh I enjoy the game, but didn't play 1-70 for fun, I played to get to 70. And now that I'm 70 while I still have fun, I'm playing to get better gear and stuff like that. Some of it can get old but I think the rewards are worth it. And I play with a lot of friends and even family. The social aspect is a great part of it, though I played 1-70 mostly solo because its faster that way.


But the thing that sets me off the most is other players, i get ticked so easily in av when the horde stop to kill me instead of just passing by. But its ironic, we always win (and I mean alliance always wins av on our battlegroup) because we rush to rh instead of stopping to kill individual horde and wasting time. That should make sense to anyone that plays. :p


I keep playing for a number of reasons but really the individual progression is the addicting part, once you get one piece of gear or accomplish something there's always something else or better to do.

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My issue is that I don't like the idea of playing a game in a universe that I enjoy, only to have a bunch of jerks doing everything in their power to pull me out of that universe.
I know what you mean. I don't play any multiplay anymore mainly for that reason; I have no interest in playing with someone else who's main interest is being a retard. -_-
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^^^ Thats why I only play on role playing servers. The amount of dimwits running around trying to ruin your enjoyment is dramatically less than on a "normal" or pvp server. Sure there are still a lot of stupid names, stupid players, and all the quests are still... stupid. But atleast theres custom channels where all the RPers hang out, and you can turn off all the official channels.


I dont know how long Ill still have it subscribed though. I really want to get to 70 atleast once, and get to experience the Sunwell expansion, but who knows. Right now Ive got a 66 Draenei Shamaness, so Im not that far from 70.

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My issue is that I don't like the idea of playing a game in a universe that I enjoy, only to have a bunch of jerks doing everything in their power to pull me out of that universe.



A game that depends on other people's conduct to be enjoyable just doesn't appeal to me.

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And then you got jerks like me who kill you when you're AFK:

That type of 'greifing' you performed on another player who was "afk" is exactly why I don't play Wow. No offence man, but that is totally not cool.


Thankfully DDO is different and you physically have to go into special areas to PvP (I only have a couple times and it was for 'testing' purposes with guildies, usually me acting as a weapon test target)... and the devs won't spend time to balance it either as PvP is not the primary focus of the game (I hate PvP, if I want to PvP there is Battlefield 2).



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That type of 'greifing' you performed on another player who was "afk" is exactly why I don't play Wow. No offence man, but that is totally not cool.


First off, it was the biggest PvP server the game has.


Secondly, he was AFK :D


Thirdly, Alliance camped my body and the spawn for three whole hours. I actually went offline for an hour to wait for them to leave. I ended up reporting them.


Fourthly, that guy was ganking the lower levels, I saw it in the chat around a half hour before killing him.

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'cause I've got nothing better to do? I dunno. I'm sporadic and one minute completely hate the idea of MMOs, and then the next I'm enjoying myself. I play on small servers exclusively for many of the reasons mentioned above, it feels like an SRPG with occasional interaction, which is just how I like it.


Also: my friend plays, and this gives us a way to hang out and play a game that only supports one person per computer.(of course, with his computer power, he could probably run 4 instances of WoW at once.

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This isn't a 'wow hatin thread'. If I hated it, why would I play it? I like the game, just people like Rabish think their opinion is the only one in the world.

Ah, my mistake then.


Btw. Why don't you make a character on a PvE server if the ganking disturbs you? :)

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You see, I don't really see why WoW is such a popular game in the first place. I've hated those games since the start, and always will.


Oh and DarthJebus, I don't think that my opinion is the only one that matters, its just my opinion, plain and simple, I don't really care if people like WoW or not, the fact of the matter is, I will always hate WoW, the best Warcraft was the original.

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Played World of Warcraft for almost 3 years as a Fire Mage and I must say...


That game is pretty bad. Or at least pretty mediocre.


I was kept playing by the tight group of friends I found online. After awhile, it simply became a chatbox with pretty colors and explosions that I had to pay for.


RP'ed for about a year, then decided to level my char to 60. Got to 60, then got into an end-game guild. The people I played with were hilarious and we had a vent server that I loved talking on. We went all the way to 40 man raids on Molten Core, and I have to admit:


That guild was the most fun I ever had in my gaming life, and probably ever will have. Became Mage leader of my Guild, Raided almost every day of the week, and talked for endless hours with friends.


Then the Expansion Pack, Burning Crusade, arrived. Most of my guild stopped raiding when it was announced, and that was the beginning of the end. After awhile of playing in the Xpack I left for a few months simply because I could no longer stand the game. I came back, my guild had split in 2 without me, and many of my friends had left. I tried to play on and off after that, but in the end I quit completely and wont be going back.


I sucked at PvP, was damn good at PvE, and loved the game simply because it was a shiny chatbox. Overall, the game was simple, aggravating, ****ing grindtastic and a huge timedump.


If it wasn't for the best group of people I've ever hung out with being there with me, I would have dumped that game after the first month or two. The public were idiots, the drop rates were so bad that it is obvious they want to hook you to the game, and being ganked by some jerks is just a huge pain.


Also, after playing all the Warcraft RTS's, I was very ticked off at Blizzard for allowing us to kill so many big name characters in the Xpack. It ruined what little there was to like about WoW's story. It would be like... raiding and killing Darth Vader in Star Wars Galaxies.


I have some very, very fond memories of the game... but it is just a huge cesspool of mediocrity. It just pulls mediocrity off so damn well that it is better than every other MMO out there, a close rival (Well, the only rival) being Guild Wars. Maybe if MMO's would stop trying to copy WoW I'd attempt to play them for more than 5 minutes.


And 9 million gamers don't make it a great game. It just makes it easy and popular. In other words: It is the Halo of MMOs and RPGs in general.


I do have a -little- hope for Bioware's MMO. They have yet to disappoint me. Until then...

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I don't I quit, it was beautiful but I just didn't have the time or patience to grind. While I 'played' I just ran around looking at stuff. I also seemed to like the jobs more than I liked the classes, I'd level just so I could craft more things. If I got xp for crafting I'd still be on.


Oh and multiclassing I'd want multiclassing.

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