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Most Memorable Video Game Moments (Spoilers abound!)

Bee Hoon

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Final Fantasy XII

1. Killing Gilgamesh, Yazmat, Doom Dragon and Omega MK XII.

2. Air Fortress Bahamut. I would have never guessed.

3. Opening CG.


Kingdom Hearts 2

1. Meeting Terra.

2. Getting the Secret video about the Keyblade Wars.

3. Getting the "other" secret video after completing 100% of the game.

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Oh, some classics:


Megaman II

-The entire game is a classic, but I especially love the Metalman stage


Mike Tyson's Punch Out

-Getting past the one-hit-KO uppercuts Mike Tyson does at the start of the fight, then defeating one of the hardest bosses in video game history


Mario Bros.

-Finally getting to Peach, only to find you restart the entire game with harder enemies plus it's faster

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Jade Empire: after rescuing Master Li (to be honest, that was more of a "ooooh bad feeling...oh wth!!)


I’m stealing one of your’s Bee Hoon, for a brief moment I really hated BioWare with an extreme passion. Luckily, I got over it.


KOTOR: The Temple Summit on the Unknown World was my favorite moment in the game. The music set the tone perfectly it was the perfect way to make your final choice on how the game ending should play out. I loved Revan revelation, it was great the first time, but I still get chills when entering the Temple Summit.


I’m stealing another:

The Sith Lords: the meeting of the remaining Jedi Council on Dantooine
Kreia’s speech is what steals the show to me.


Mass Effect has four or five such moments to me, but since the PC version has not been released and many have not played the game, I will not go into detail. However, for my favorite, you must try the background of a colonist so that you get the “I Remember Me” sidequest. I’ve only ever done the Paragon side of the quest, as I don’t know anyone that could be heartless enough to do the Renegade. It is my favorite moment in Mass Effect or any video game.


- The opening sequence to Oblivion. Very cinematic. Soaring score gives me goosebumps. Too bad it's mostly downhill from there.

I liked that one and the one at the end of the main quest; both were just mild moments to me. Cool looking but lacked any type of emotion, which is the problem with Oblivion in general; you can care less about any of the NPC or the PC. Sad when you don’t care about the PC in an RPG. Don’t get me wrong I played Oblivion more than any other video game, while it allowed you freedom it was lacking in sucking you into the story.
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I’m stealing one of your’s Bee Hoon, for a brief moment I really hated BioWare with an extreme passion. Luckily, I got over it.
Haha, their RPGs are waaaay too good for the hatred to last. When I replayed the game, I just realised that all the signs were there and the Water Dragon had been hinting at it all along. Geez, why couldn't she just say it instead of being so cryptic?:/


Kreia’s speech is what steals the show to me.
Yeah, her dialogue was brilliant! The part where they zoomed between her and the masters... <3


Same here. I've decided to stop playing after Dantooine, because it all goes downhill from there.
I would say that the final conversation with her in Malachor is worth it:)
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Geez, even the TSL fans admit the final act sucks.


“I am Andrew Ryan, and I’m here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? ‘No!’ says the man in Washington, ‘It belongs to the poor.’ ‘No!’ says the man in the Vatican, ‘It belongs to God.’ ‘No!’ says the man in Moscow, ‘It belongs to everyone.’ I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose...Rapture."


The First sighting of Rapture in BioShock, as well as your confronation with Andrew Ryan.

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I liked that one and the one at the end of the main quest; both were just mild moments to me. Cool looking but lacked any type of emotion, which is the problem with Oblivion in general; you can care less about any of the NPC or the PC. Sad when you don’t care about the PC in an RPG. Don’t get me wrong I played Oblivion more than any other video game, while it allowed you freedom it was lacking in sucking you into the story.

The opening was cool, but the final cinematic stole the show for me. And if you don't like the main Quest, try the Shivering Ilses expansion. The voice acting is a little better.


EDIT: Final boss of SSBB, where Sonic comes in to save all the Nintendo characters. IRonic to the extreme. :xp:

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lets see here...


the "Trench Run" in Halo - its the end when the Pillar of Autumn is exploding and you have a limited amount of time to reach a docked fighter in the horribly-handling Warthog. fun sequence and it gives me an adrenaline rush every time


"Trench Run II" in Halo 3 - similar concept, but no time limit, and the floor is falling away, too. at least you get a gunner this time around...


Half Life 2 - Episode 2 - its the final cutscene...

...where Eli Vance is speared in the back by one of those slug-like advisers.

its one of those few moments in video games or movies that squeezed some tears out of me eyes.


Half Life 2 - Episode 2 - the car sequence. dang it, i like that Charger, and the combat moments (especially the hotel fight) should be the stuff of FPS lore.


Half Life 2 - the Water Hazard sequence in the hover craft. that bit is just fun, especially the parts with the hunter-chopper chasing you. it was quite the rush the first time, and its still a blast to go through. its definitely my favorite sequence in that game, and it has a strong finish with the boss fight against said hunter chopper.


Portal - "The cake is a lie!!"


TES: Oblivion - the final sequence in the main quest. its more impressive on a powerful computer that can handle the sheer numbers of combatants, but its one of few battle sequences that was both difficult and scaled well. the finish was fairly impressive, too.


Chronicles of Riddick - the Riot Guard sequence. dang it, that part is fun stomping around in the posh slam owner's area in what's basically a small mech. the music is great, and getting revenge on all those guards is even sweeter.


Bioshock - the cutscene where Ryan reveals all.


Kotor - the big reveal


Mass Effect - fighting on the Citadel where you have to climb the spire to reach the

Citadel control. dang it, that is by far one of the best fight sequences ever. you feel so pressed for time, and you keep running into hordes of enemies that keep slowing you down. it sounds frustrating, but it just has that thrill to it similar to Halo's Trench Runs. it helps that its framed by one of the best space battle sequences that easily rivals those seen in the Star Wars movies.


Forza 2 - ok, so this isn't some scripted moment, but it felt like one heck of an achievement. it was winning a race online where everyone had a stock American muscle car on the King Cobra track (5 laps!!). it was tough, and there was even a point where i was in last place, but i still managed to come out on top. for those that are interested, i was using the Barracuda.


Crysis - the tank battle. yeah, there's been tank battles in other games i've played, but none of them have the sheer scale of this one. there's lots of enemy tanks as well as infantry armed with rockets. and don't forget the attack choppers, either. its a bit difficult to get through with the tank you start with, but its fun. combine that with the realism of the game's graphics and physics, and this part was just downright fun in every sense of the word.

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Morrowind - Somehow surviving use of a Scroll of Icarian flight without landing in water.


Half-Life 2 - Water Hazard, Highway 17, Sandtraps (only the stuff before you lose the dune buggy), any part of Episode Two with the car, using the gravity gun on anything, the Dark Energy Gravity Gun.


Guild Wars Prophecies - The searing of Ascalon


Lord of the Rings Online - Being forced to kill Amdir, battling a Mountain troll at Weathertop.


Kotor - The destruction of Taris and first arrival on Dantooine, the big revelation.


Myst - Seeing a linking book for the first time.


Oblivion - Getting out of the sewers at the start and seeing the immense detail in the world.

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nwn1: "But Deekin not likes you!!!" I literaly fell of my chair laughing.


nwn2: Bishop (to you): “How many enemies do you have, anyway? There’s almost more than I can count.”

Elanee: “There’s a surprise.”

Yes, the siege was epic, but actually hearing something un-preachy from E left me dumbstruck.


Freedom force: seeing a hero being punched across the city before crushing a badly damaged house filled with badies, then watching him get back up.


Vtm Bloodlines: too many to count, but failing floors, the evil kitchen and the sound of the elevator stand out from a certain hotel.


PoP3: the pause when you hang suspended before the vizier, then watching the dagger flash.


Bioshock: y'know


IWD2: the twins that showed me the power of BLASPHEMY


Haven't time, will add more later

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And if you don't like the main Quest, try the Shivering Ilses expansion. The voice acting is a little better.
I’ve played Shivering Isles, it isn’t the voice acting that I had a problem with, it was the lack of meaningful dialogue with NPC that I had a problem with. Outside of Uriel Septim, Martin, Baurus and Jauffre the only personal relationship I developed was my hatred for Alessia Ottus after reading her comment in the many city guides she wrote.
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Dark Forces 2

- The opening cutscene, especially, but all of them are memorable.

- Getting a lightsaber, and being able to use one in a game for the first time.



- The opening sequence. You gotta love ol' Jean Luc.

- Seeing the Imperial City, and the rest of the game's sprawling landscape, from the Orange Road just south of Bruma for the first time.

- The final battle at the end of the main quest, especially

the battle between Martin/Akatosh and Mehrunes Dagon.



- The destruction of Taris.

- The battle with Malak, and finally being able to shut him up.

- The cheesy celebration on Lehon.



- The battle on Onderon.

- Pretty much everything involving Kreia, especially her speech on Dantooine and the conversation on Malachor.



- The tank battle. The physics of this game are just incredible, and combined with stunning visuals and realistic sound effects, this sequence is pretty darn fun.


- The final sequence on the aircraft carrier. It would've been nice if the battle with the alien warship was a little more difficult, even on Delta, but the sheer beauty of it all makes up for it.


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Just finished Jade Empire and the whole having everything click into place during the seconds before the *ouch* part was fantastic, and a lesson to everyone how plot twists should be.


And I agree with Bee, HPH is funneee.

But so is Kang. Also the princes arogance/common sence gave me several "wtf, oh, right, human" moments.


Crysis: crashing a jeep into a heli.


Overlord: yoda V:2.0


The Witcher: quite a few, but spending several minutes before choosing what you think is the "good" choice, and then seeing people butchered because of it.

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So what about your favourite moments?;)

The most memorable one is a series of moments, when I first played Gran Theft Auto 3 on the PS2.


The feeling of freedom was overwhelming at first which had me hooked for a long time, I didn't even bother to do any missions in the beginning. I just loved cruising around with a fast car.


Also, when I first turned level 60 in World of Warcraft (this was of course before the expansion pack). I was at my friends house drinking and got my last XP from a Moonkin in Winterspring. I grinded a lot of them back then.

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Revelation from K1. Didn't really surprise me, but emotional impact made it very memorable. Really did feel betrayed for a moment.


Jedi Council in K2, when the council talks about how you were blinded and deafened, and kreia talks about how your eyes were opened for the first time. Gives me chills just about every time.


VTM: Bloodlines - when you play malkavian and meet your old neighbor who wonders if you're her old best friend. You can use dememtation to convince her you are her pet turtle and she appologises for flushing you.


LOTR: when you conquer middle earth with the armies of EVIL.


Jade Empire: The reception you get when you rescue your master Li. Hints were dropped, but it played such that it seemed like the end of the game, and I couldn't believe that they'd end the game on that note. Then the shock to realize that they didn't.


Warcraft 3

When Thrall saves Grom from the demon taint.


When the horde has to put Admiral Proudmore's forces down, and how Jaina says she sees why they have to do it.

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The big battle against the One-Eyed Cyclops, and all the women around the football stadium dancin while you fight him, then you can use them as shields, and for the final cutscene, you kick the eye right out of his head and through the rugby goals. Classic.


(Said it before, but though i'd clarify it more, as the qwhole thing was pure class)

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- the big plot twist/reveal in Kotor1

- the big plot twist/reveal in Prince of Persia 1 (Sands of Time)

- the ending after the credits of Halo 1

- the intro to Half-Life 1 (it just draws you in like no game before it)

- watching my sister finish Ico, then as the credits end she says, "Wouldn't it be cool if you could play right here?" - and then you actually can!

- any Collosus battle in Shadow of the Collosus

- the ending of Final Fantasy X (really touching...)

- Warcraft 3 when Arthas says hi to his dad...

- Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne ending

- setting fire to an entire house in The Sims

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