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Darth Groovy's WTF of the Week!

Darth Groovy

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I love AdBlock vewy vewy much. It saves me from the bizarre side of the Internets.


Shh... those ads fund our site.


Hog Wars: Connecting the World of Star Wars and Harry Potter explores the parallel experiences of characters, relationships, social structure, and storylines in the Star Wars and Harry Potter epics. Whether you are a fan of Star Wars or Harry Potter, Hog Wars will provide a renewed appreciation for your favorite, as well as a deeper respect for the other. For those who are new to both, Hog Wars will show you why these stories are among the most popular of all time!


So it's more of a venn diagram?

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Honestly, I would rather make home made porn.


Fixed... but not funny...


Well, anyway, that's pretty creepy. Besides, it would kinda work if Voldemort was Harry's father or something.

Dumbledore = Yoda/Gandalf,

Hagrid = Chewbacca/Lando,

Broomstick = X-Wing


Yeah, not very interesting.

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Star Wars = Good.

Harry Potter = Good.


Star Wars + Harry Potter = Bad.


It may be "different," but it's still uncreative, unoriginal, and exploitive.


This doesn't exactly look like Kingdom Hearts. I imagine Star Wars and Harry Potter are pretty much incompatible.


People need to learn to keep their fantasies to themselves.

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ZOMG Darth Slayne!


I love summer time, all the classic members come back! We got leXX back, Sivy B, and Darth Slayne! Let the good times roll! :cheers:



Yep, I'm still kicking, though I very nearly up and died, seeing that banner add!



The rolling of good times sounds sweet to me. :roll1:

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They're just trying to market to the nerds. I can only imagine Darth Vader, ready to kill Luke on Cloud City, when in the background "RICTOSUMPRA!"


lol, why do I now imagine Harry Potter as a KOTOR party member, ewww cleanse me plz.


It's a book stating the already obvious similarities and plot devices of your standard boy grows up tale.

IT'S THE MONOMYTH! According to my Language Arts teacher, every story ever written is exactly the same structure! If they're gonna compare these two, may as well compare LOTR and Star Wars, or Harry Potter and the tales of King Arthur! They're all the same!

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Aye, there are many similarities and archetypes that are unavoidable. The difference between them is the framing and the individual writer's ability to create a world in which the characters aren't as one dimensional as their thematic skeletons.


I.E. the Tolkien v. the Lucas. Granted Tolkien was too wordy for my tastes, but I acknowledge his skill. Lucas' best line - "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

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