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No 'Force Unleashed' Multiplayer on PS3/360

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Multiplayer USUALLY follows singleplayer in its style. Thats all.


And its not about taking the game to seriously, if you never win, how the hell can you enjoy a game? So no one will play it if one person is amazing and just kills them all the time. They will play a game that is more cooperative. Duel modes suck for those that don't spend their lives playing games. For those that master combos and tricks and timing with hours of playtime I am sure it will be fun. Well until they can't find anyone to play against because no one wants to play the damn game.

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But you could say that for any fighting game, like super smash bros., and yet you said that it wouldn't apply if this was a fighting game, that makes no sense. Anyways luckily this is a primarily single player game so you won't have to be bothered with getting pwned in duel mode.

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  Qwerty Uiop said:
I don't get it. Why should Microsoft and Sony be punished for having a more powerful system, and why should 360 and PS3 owners be punished for buying that system?


So far 360 and PS3 owners have had 5 levels and MP taken due to having a powerful system.


Some Lucas Arts poodoohead retard really needs their skull replaced. If GL is smart he should make the suggestion of placing said personel in Jabba's Dungeons along with the jarJar impersonators.


I mean, seriously! Shouldn't you aim HIGHER and not LOWER? What next? disabling DMM so that the game quality is equal to those of PS2?


How about bundling the game with a belt strap so someone can carry around their 360 like a psp... that would even things out.

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  Darth Moeller said:
But you could say that for any fighting game, like super smash bros., and yet you said that it wouldn't apply if this was a fighting game, that makes no sense. Anyways luckily this is a primarily single player game so you won't have to be bothered with getting pwned in duel mode.


Your right of course. Wait, no one I know will play that game with me either. They don't enjoy getting their ass kicked. I hope that doesn't poke holes in your argument. And this isn't a fighting game, so why would anyone want a fighting game like multiplayer. If you ask me thats what doesn't make sense. An action game with fighting game multiplayer. I would think that would be harder to program and add in then a straight, heres a level, heres some AI, heres a lightsabre, GO. But maybe I am thinking about it the wrong way. And I don't know programming, nor much about game development, so I shouldn't say anything.

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This is more than likely bs, but I just read a post saying 360 and maybe ps3 are developing a downloadable patch to allow the multiplayer game on the above platforms... Maybe LA have been checking in on our dismay at the the lack of x360/ps3 gen love?




Update: Sorry, No longer relevant :(

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  mrpanicy said:
Your right of course. Wait, no one I know will play that game with me either. They don't enjoy getting their ass kicked. I hope that doesn't poke holes in your argument. And this isn't a fighting game, so why would anyone want a fighting game like multiplayer. If you ask me thats what doesn't make sense. An action game with fighting game multiplayer. I would think that would be harder to program and add in then a straight, heres a level, heres some AI, heres a lightsabre, GO. But maybe I am thinking about it the wrong way. And I don't know programming, nor much about game development, so I shouldn't say anything.

I don't really understand your argument. Why doesn't it make sense? I think the duel mode is a great idea and a great addition to the game. It's not the primary function, obviously, but it appeases the masses of Star Wars fans that want to know what it might be like to be one of the greatest Jedi or Sith, and to stage a fight against another all-time great. What's the harm in it?


I'm not an avid gamer but it's rare that I run into someone that's just so good I don't want to play them. No one I know takes video games that seriously. And even if I am overmatched, it's still fun to play.


This is a weak argument against having a duel mode.

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Fine. You guys win. The Wii can have its weak excuse for multiplayer. All I am saying is a duel mode is a boring simplistic way to have semi multiplayer. In truth it should be called duoplayer. All I want is to fight multiple enemies with multiple friends, and Lucasarts has let me down. Now I will have to wait another year or so, possibly more, until they make another game like Jedi Academy so me and my friends can get the multiplayer that is actually enjoyable and cooperative. Multiplayer that is anything but MULTI is weak, if they wanted that type of gameplay they should remake, and I shudder at the thought, Episode III for next gen.


I am not against duel mode as you said, I am just for a fun and entertaining MULTIplayer. You know, where MULTIPLE people can play and have a fun time. I will probably end up trying it, but its not going to have lasting appeal like Academy's multiplayer did.


And adamqd I read that post, it was good, but once i got to the end it shattered all my dreams. Unless LA is lieing, then the Bothan Spies were led astray.

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I can understand your desire for a multiplayer game - I think it's a great idea too. However, I think the point of the duel mode in TFU is just an addition to the primary purpose of the game, which is neither "duoplayer" or multiplayer - it's single player. I think a good multiplayer game needs to stand on its own entirely, which was not the point of including the duel mode in TFU.

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  Darth Moeller said:
I still think overall gameplay will be the best on the PS3/360 versions, but it looks like Wii is shaping up to be the real deal version of the game.


seems like it, doesn't it? oh well...wii and 360 versions XD

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Darth Moeller said:
I still think overall gameplay will be the best on the PS3/360 versions, but it looks like Wii is shaping up to be the real deal version of the game.



Yes the 360/PS3 versions do lack the multiplayer that the wii will support, but the fact is they will be two different games. The wii simply can't support the kind of detail and immersion that will go into the 360/PS3 version. I think that they chose to leave out mulitplayer so they could focus more on the telling of the story, which is really what this game is about when you get right down to it. (sorry, i know this replay came a little late)

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