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Anyone else starting to feel they won't be disappointed if there's no KOTOR 3?

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Yeah, that's the MMORPG. That's different than KOTOR 3. There's been little doubt that that's coming out.




EDIT: Oh, wait... LucasArts is actually considering the MMORPG the third installment? Well, that's just smurfing retarded! That's going to alienate so many non-MMORPG fans who have been dying to play the third game, but can't due to either lack of money to pay the monthly bill or intimidation at the idea of a MMORPG. I, for one, fall into both categories.


They should make the MMORPG something entirely different from KOTOR 3.


This post sums up my feelings on the matter.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wont be but if they dont release it they may end up losing a lot of fans as what they created with those two games is fantastic especially the two main characters as many people can releate to them and it would just be plain cruel to not tell us how it all ends.

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I've read where someone else had reported that the MMO and KOTOR 3 were not the same thing. I've also read rumors that stated Bioware was working on KOTOR 3.


Now on the Next Gen stuff. I hope that is seriously wrong. If they do a Next Gen console only, with no PC port, then they will loose money. I'm not spending $50 for a game and then also have to spend $200-$300 for the console also, haven't bought a console in nearly a decade - since I saw the limited edition Episode 1 Racer Nintendo 64 in K-Mart. I won't buy a console just so I can play this one game.

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  Starfyre said:


Now on the Next Gen stuff. I hope that is seriously wrong. If they do a Next Gen console only, with no PC port, then they will loose money. I'm not spending $50 for a game and then also have to spend $200-$300 for the console also, haven't bought a console in nearly a decade - since I saw the limited edition Episode 1 Racer Nintendo 64 in K-Mart. I won't buy a console just so I can play this one game.


id do way more than buy a console to play KOTOR III. unspeakable things :lol:

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  Starfyre said:

Now on the Next Gen stuff. I hope that is seriously wrong. If they do a Next Gen console only, with no PC port, then they will loose money. I'm not spending $50 for a game and then also have to spend $200-$300 for the console also, haven't bought a console in nearly a decade - since I saw the limited edition Episode 1 Racer Nintendo 64 in K-Mart. I won't buy a console just so I can play this one game.


Althought I'd hate LA for life if they didn't release the game for PC, you're not very well informed. Console games revenues far surpasses those of PC, so there's a possibility that K3 never shine it's light on PC - damn, it's likely it doesn't shine anything, anywhere at all.

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  Starfyre said:
Now on the Next Gen stuff. I hope that is seriously wrong. If they do a Next Gen console only, with no PC port, then they will loose money. I'm not spending $50 for a game and then also have to spend $200-$300 for the console also, haven't bought a console in nearly a decade - since I saw the limited edition Episode 1 Racer Nintendo 64 in K-Mart. I won't buy a console just so I can play this one game.
Actually, it might save them money. The amount of effort to develop the PC version and do verification on a wide array of systems might not be justified by the relatively limited number of PC versions sold.
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Limited PC versions sold?


The PC industry is at least strong as the Console industry.

Did you read the poll on the main page on lucasforum?

Console! 3.6%

PC! 44.6%

I strike a balance between the two. 51.8%

You see?

The Pc is stronger then never.

If the PC industry is low, then the scale of the console industry is microscopical!!!

I think I voted from the first day the poll appeared, and since I voted, the results of the poll are THE SAME!!!!!!

So what?

I give 3.000.000$ on developing a PC version.

But I give 750.000$ for the PS2 version, 1.000.000$ for the PS3 and also 1.000.000 for the XBox version and another 300.000$ for the PSP version.

And at the end I have like 1.500.000 copies sold on PC and 1.150.000 copies on all the consoles.

Draw the line and see the result.

Stop @$$ kissing LA and thus stop giving them excuses for not making TFU- and possibly other games- for PC.

TFU won't break any recored for sold copies.

Maybe for hacked downloads.

TFU will be on the lower half of the top-sold-games on LA.

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i would be very disapointed if there was not KOTOR 3.


the first 2 were the best games ive played, and i want to know how the series ends, if they didn't leave it on a cliffhanger i would be less bothered.


but also, id be disapointed the fact that been waiting years, checking this forum to see if theres been an anouncement, and waiting for the 3rd one.

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  adamqd said:
I agree completely, I'd love KIII, but as I've said in other threads, it seems unlikely now, plus with the next gen thing a couple of years back, I think a third would stylistically be too different to the previous


If Kotor III is done couldn't they just redo the first two using the same graphics as Kotor III but still using the smae voice acting.

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  sarpedon2 said:
If Kotor III is done couldn't they just redo the first two using the same graphics as Kotor III but still using the smae voice acting.


That's probably a ton of unnecessary work, since practiaclly anyone that is a fan of Kotor has probably already played both games multiple times.


I don't think redoing the graphics of older titles would necessarily bring in a load of more fans that would make it worthwhile.


Not to mention it's not as simple as just replacing a game engine and slapping characters and scripts and everything else in there.

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Well cmon!!!!

Modders came up with methods to improve the graphics.

They also can change significant part of the gameplay.

They can add modules, characters, VOs, etc...

So it's that simple for the amateurs, thus it can't be much of a headache for LA to make another KotOR with improved graphics, gameplay, etc.

They are just lazy.

If they make a K3, then they would probably do as they did with TFU, NO PC!

But I think that's the reason of their silence bout k3 until now.

I think TFU is an experiment, LA wants to see how much profit do they gain with only console versions.

But the profits on TFU will be lower then expected, so you can hope to a PC TFU version in 09-1010, and also hope for a K3...

I'm telling ya, if it ain't a MMO, I would buy any console to play K3.

And with this occasion I could also play TFU and GTA IV.

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Just Google and download Windows XP Pro Gaming -- a fan-made, bare-bones version of XP with nothing on it other than necessary drivers for games -- partition it, and play it from there. Or if you can't find it, just look for the regular version of XP and disassemble it yourself. I believe there are tutorials out there that tell you how to do it.

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Huh??? Don't stop believin'????

I didn't START believin' in the first place :xp: Nah! Just kiddin....


So you gotta keep hoping...

Anyway, TSLRP could keep us running in terms of patience a couple of years....

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  Ctrl Alt Del said:
Althought I'd hate LA for life if they didn't release the game for PC, you're not very well informed. Console games revenues far surpasses those of PC, so there's a possibility that K3 never shine it's light on PC - damn, it's likely it doesn't shine anything, anywhere at all.


This doesn't have anything to do with what Console Revenues are, and it has nothing to do with my being informed either. Not really sure how you got me being uninformed. This has to do with the fact that I don't own a console and I am not buying one just so I can play KOTOR 3. Regardless of the revenues it would be best to continue making games for the PC. And btw despite what revenues they get from consoles their still going to loose money from people like myself that don't own a console and really don't want to have to get one just to play a game.

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