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Fantastic Contraption <3 <3 <3


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I will officially never get anything done now.. this game has me so mesmerized :weirdo:


Fantastic Contraption


Explaining it wouldn't do it justice.. it's a must-experience-it-to-see-if-you'd-like-to-play-it kinda game. Involves (simple) physics, patience.. and sometimes, just a warped mind :D


I'm sure it's been out for awhile, but I don't get out much :xp:





My Contraptions So Far:


(1) Rolling Away: Tow Away

(2) Reach Up: Sky Tower

(3) Mind The Gap: Ballista, Simplis-stick

(4) Junkyard: Catch Rover

(5) The Wall: Rigamaroll

(6) On A Roll: Hi-rise Chariot

(7) Full Up: Fill'er Up, Extend-A-Bridge

(8) Higher: Drunken Tower

(9) Around The Bend: Yoiks Away

(10) Up The Hump: Wobbly Tread

(11) Mission To Mars: Whiplash

(12) Up The Stairs: Bridge Buggy

(13) Big Ball: Collaps Ramp

(14) Four Balls: Over The Bridge

(15) Down Under: The Other Side

(16) Awash: Pinwheel Plow, Over Boulder

(17) Handling: 3-Wheel Mosh

(18) Tube: Wallcrawler

(19) Back and Forth: Tread Bridge

(20) Unpossible: Un-probable

(21) U-Turn: U-Hugger


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So, anybody have the same idea I did for 11 "Mission to Mars"?


My Idea

hehehe.. I wish mine was so elegant :xp:




That's what mine did, although not quite that polished, as my ball was actually connected to my contraption.


I got stuck on 15 last night and haven't gone back to try it again today. Anyone have advice?


Down Under?


Here's mine: http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=2197381



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Here's mine for Back and Forth. It's my favorite because of its simple elegance. Most of my other ones are jumbling messes with what I like to call, "hairy legs". They're ugly and very non-sleek but they can get you through just about any obstacle.


I remembered what this game reminds me of. Anyone remember The Incredible Machine games? Those kicked some serious butt.

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