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Ahsoka's destiny?


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i think they just made Ahsoka up for the series... i meen, you never here of her in the movies or books


she is as useful as Jar Jar was in Ep I.

I think that Lucas came up with the idea of Ahsoka just so there could be a child in the series to appeal to the target audience of Cartoon Network.

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she is as useful as Jar Jar was in Ep I.

I think that Lucas came up with the idea of Ahsoka just so there could be a child in the series to appeal to the target audience of Cartoon Network.




Just out of curiosoty, does anyone else find it a little rediculous that only ashoka and anakin can beat count dooku or ventress in a duel? The episode with Shaktii comes to mind.

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Just out of curiosoty, does anyone else find it a little rediculous that only ashoka and anakin can beat count dooku or ventress in a duel? The episode with Shaktii comes to mind.



Yeah, I found that to be too much to swallow, don't know what the hell they were thinking when they set it up that way.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone willing to consider that she might pass the trials and become a Jedi Knight? Just because she isn't mentioned doesn't mean she doesn't exist in the movies.


Impossible. If she made it to knighthood, Anakin would be a Jedi Master in Episode III, and if she was still Anakin's apprentice then, she'd have appeared in Episode III. That, and she's too young to become a Jedi Knight.

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As a children's TV series, I think it's pretty good. Not great, but we did see a marked improvement in the quality as the series progressed.


As much as I dislike the current focus on Clone Wars timeframe, I look forward to seeing what they do with the next series.

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Whether it is entertaining or just plane terrible, I'd just wished the writers of that Tv series would have been consistent with the Star Wars movies, comic books, novels, etc.


It really gets confusing to follow the Star Wars history as a whole, when some storys or a Tv series just like that are not in sync with the rest of the Star Wars mythical history.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Well, there is one way out... he quits being Jedi alltogether, and find a way of her own... nope, no darkside, no heroic death, no mysterious disappearance. Then it would make sense she is not mentioned, better if she lost her connection to the force in some way. She may be missed a bit, but not too much since she is still alive and well and having a decent time as a normal person. That would also spark Anakin's wish of having a normal live with Padme (although he would want to have the cake without quitting the jedi order)


It would be much easier for her to sneak away from order 66 since she is not a jedi at the time. If she is smart enogh to be on the move once3 sheet hits the fence there is a high chance she is not tracked down by the Empire, and Vader not tracking her down with effort is also reasonable, he still has his inner struggle (and easily explainable if Asoka lost her force connection).


Now that is one way of fading away a character, without making her into something great, no lightside or darkside, just poof.

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There's no reason to assume that she has to die and Anakin has to kill her.

This reminds me of the talk of Jar Jar's fate when Episode I came out, or what happened to Naboo. Just because we don't hear about it in the OT doesn't mean it has to be destroyed in between (Shadows of the Empire is about the only series that seems to have done that, but I hear they resurrected many of those characters too, even though they created and then killed them off in one book). Creating new characters like this, does raise questions, but we've seen already that it need not be answered and it gives them more opportunities to write stories.


Let's recall that in the EU, tons of characters vanish, only to re-appear later. Remember even before the Prequels were made, they had tons of "lost Jedi of the week" showing up. The Prequel EU has continued this tradition (silly and contrived as it is). When it comes down to it, Star Wars has become, rather than a galactic saga, a rather small story, about a dozen people, basically on two planets.


We might say "ah, but Ahsoka must be a Padawan for ten years and she can only be with Anakin a maximum of 3 before she would 'disappear' in Episode III." However we don't know how long she's been a "Padawan" prior to being assigned to Anakin, do we? It's not as if it's ever been established that someone can't serve more than one Master in their lifetime.


So she might "graduate" and we just never see her again (until somebody writes another EU story about her either surviving until the time of the OT, or being killed somehow in the meantime).


There's no guarantee that they'll "have" to kill her off in Order 66. Not that I have any attachment to the character (I don't), just saying.



As for Star Wars continuity or consistency, there never really has been any. Sure, it's not as bad as Highlander continuity, but it's pretty bad. It has been there since day one, when Star Wars was created to be a stand alone movie (remember, when Lucas wasn't sure he could make any sequels, and the only plans were for two novels which were different than what we got with ESB and ROTJ?). Star Wars has always contradicted itself, created loose ends and other problems. Now I'm all for consistency, but considering no story or characters have really been improved by their consistency (or lack of consistency) I think it's not really an issue.


I've said it before, but Star Wars has become more like King Arthur, where they just tell more stories with the same basic characters and concepts, not that they all fit together perfectly into one story. Even the original movies have that problem, like I said. You could reboot the EU for all I care, and nothing would change.


Bottom line: The CGI "Clone Wars" series (starting with the theatrical movie) is "T-Canon," in a class all by itself. Something similar to Episode II is assumed to have happened, but that's about it.

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hmm, Ill have to agree with wired, but there is another option. Any of you heard of Jolee Bindo?

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He left the Order for some crazy reason during the Exar Kuun War
That is what could happen to Ahsoka. Maybe she meets up with her parents or something. And she could just leave the order and train herself. That would be more interesting that she just fading into the past.
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hmm, Ill have to agree with wired, but there is another option. Any of you heard of Jolee Bindo?
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He left the Order for some crazy reason during the Exar Kuun War
That is what could happen to Ahsoka. Maybe she meets up with her parents or something. And she could just leave the order and train herself. That would be more interesting that she just fading into the past.


Train herself?! Anyway, I believe she will be passed to another master.

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As for Star Wars continuity or consistency, there never really has been any. Sure, it's not as bad as Highlander continuity, but it's pretty bad. It has been there since day one, when Star Wars was created to be a stand alone movie (remember, when Lucas wasn't sure he could make any sequels, and the only plans were for two novels which were different than what we got with ESB and ROTJ?). Star Wars has always contradicted itself, created loose ends and other problems. Now I'm all for consistency, but considering no story or characters have really been improved by their consistency (or lack of consistency) I think it's not really an issue.


I've said it before, but Star Wars has become more like King Arthur, where they just tell more stories with the same basic characters and concepts, not that they all fit together perfectly into one story. Even the original movies have that problem, like I said. You could reboot the EU for all I care, and nothing would change.


Bottom line: The CGI "Clone Wars" series (starting with the theatrical movie) is "T-Canon," in a class all by itself. Something similar to Episode II is assumed to have happened, but that's about it.




I see where your coming from Kurgan, on the issue of Star Wars continuity or consistency. But still, it would have been nice if they had just made the effort (even just a little bit) to make most of it fit in with the continuity of Star Wars mythical history. When you collect most of the Star Wars novels, comic books series, and the movies over the years as I have; something like the CGI "Clone Wars" series and the character Ahsoka herself, just really throws my understanding of the SW mythical history out of whack for me. But like you mentioned, there have been other story written inconsistencies in the past pertaining to Star Wars. So I guess the best bet would be to either except these out of place inconsistencies as they are, or just ignore them completely in order to make sense of it all.



Anyway, just for the sake of predictions, as this thread seems to indicate, pertaining to the stories of the CGI "Clone Wars" and Ahsoka herself. - If there was a poll on Ashoka's destiny, I would have voted that she dies at the hands of Count Dooku as a few others have mentioned here in the past months; and that would be another event that would of course, fuel or continue Anakin's path towards the darkside. I mean, If I was a professional writer - that's the way I would have ended the character's future in trying to stay within the continuity of Star Wars mythical history. But anyway - that's just my 2 cents, nothing more. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

That's the easy way out. There's no REASON for them to do it this way and it would be the expected thing to do, but I am betting they'll do it, and just have Ahsoka die "senselessly" and have Anakin "blame himself" and be haunted by it.


If they go that route it would be nice if it really was all Anakin's fault, but since this is a kid's show (even though they try to make it "edgy" at times) it probably literally won't be Anakin's fault, but he'll say it's his fault anyway, and carry it inside him. Like she'll make some "cocky" decision based on what she learned from her "Skyguy" and get killed.


What would make it even more silly (I know, I'm just ranting here) is to have Ahsoka die in battle with Ventress, and then have Anakin kill her in vengeance (AGAIN). End the last episode with him telling Obi-Wan "don't ever mention her again."


Frankly though, I really don't care what happens to any of the characters in the new series. As far as I'm concerned it is a separate story line from the movies. Sadly, due to expectations (and the track record thus far with Prequel stuff), none of the movie characters can have anything meaningful or lasting happen to them. All will be forgotten from the "leap" at the end of the series to Episode III.


On the other hand Lucas' penchant for leaving loose ends would make it feasible that he'd just have Ahsoka go away (and not die) and leave it up to the imagination. I wouldn't have a problem with that, and in fact it would be nice to see. Of course if that happens you know they'll have people demanding they finish the story (and writers will see more money to be made) by putting her into a novel or comic or two to "finish the story."


All the EU creators seem to suffer anymore from the two tendencies: 1) Make it just like the movies because you're unimaginative or afraid of taking risks, 2) Make it as different from the movies as possible just to be different (and end up losing that elusive "Star Wars feel" or being silly).


It seems if they had wanted to make it all consistent, it would be for Lucas to lead by example and have some serious continuity people on hand throughout. Leeland Chee seems more like he just sits back and when a source comes out, gives his own explanation for it after the fact (prompted by whatever Lucas is feeling at the moment). They fire off a new story without really checking to see what's going on. If it sounds cool, it doesn't matter what it conflicts with. That's my hunch, anyway.

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Wel if Ahsoka is truly the prodigy the masters make her out to be then I think she could (and will) elude the Jedi Purge. Once the Clone Wars is done and over we will probably start seeing an adult Ahsoka living a secluded life on a remote planet offering help to a stranded starpilot or something like that idk :)

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