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J7's random tinkerings thread... (56k beware!)


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Due to an unfortunate database crash, previous posts have been lost so this is a large update post, to catch up on my posts which are missing. Sorry that other posts have gone missing! Your feedback is always welcome!


As ever you will need to be signed in to see the pictures...



The Jedi v Dark Jedi encounter on the Endar Spire has been changed...


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With updated goodies too...




Bandon v Trask...


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Working on touching up the Sith Troopers...




Thanks to Qui-Gon and Dak's excellent work I am happy to show off the Sith Stalker!










And finally a Jedi Robe based off the ones seen in TOR! I don't actually intend for Nemo to be wearing it, don't think it fits in with his character so much!




Thoughts and criticisms welcome!

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Hmm, I could possibly make Nemo's robe something to be taken off his body, the problem is I'm running out of equipment slots for robes!


Anyways, here is something I will be doing.... Bandons Armour, the Sith Apprentice Armour and a Jedi Armour will be all availible in game, I'm solving the equipment problem in this case by using a helmet, Quanon is coming up with a design currently :)


Here is a very very early test run of the Jedi Armour, again using the TOR armour as a base/inspiration...



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As ever you will need to be signed into see the screenshots as they are in a Lucas Forums album...


Here is where I'm now at with the Jedi Armour, ignore the facts its a Sith Apprentice... I'm being lazy!!!




Pretty much finished with Nemo... Just a few edges to smooth over on the tunic now...




I've also been experimenting with adding variety to the Jedi Robes of the "standard Jedi"...




As ever let me know thoughts, criticisms etc...

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Is it just me, or does the Jedi on the right look a little stiff? As always, your work is beast.


J7 Be Praised!


J7- Great stuff....Nemo looks good, agree with LDR - shoulders look a little square or stiff on the jedi, but love the robe....on the sith apprentice, not so sure about the color for the armor


With regards, the stiff Jedi thats a limmitation of that particular model; which was original one of Xavier2's fantastic creations which Prime did some great skinning for. For a non-important character I think it works well enough :xp:


With regards the Apprentice, its a Jedi Armour intended for the player, not the Sith Apprentices, I was just being lazy with showing the skin in game; The colour is directly from the TOR trailer, and that is what the armour is based on if you follow?


Couple more updates...


Bolook (the Jedi investigator) I thought would be good for the first TOR armour robe thing;




I was requested a while back to improve some of the low Res Aliens, I've started with the Quarren... I doubled the size of the texture, reskined some parts and patterned layered other areas, main thing I concentrated on was the head, which I think is looking much better now (used actual highres octopus skin, to give a better skin tone).



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Nice looking updates J7, though I've brought one myself aswell :-)

Here's a small preview of that mask I'm making for you.





Mind I didn't apply any smoothing yet, so it looks a bit... eh... hard edged, pointy :lol:

But I think I've got the basics, might do another variant, but I'll get this puppy textured first.

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Looks awesome Q!


(You will need to be signed into LF to see my screenshots)


So people understand what Q is working on, to make Darth Bandon, the Sith Apprentice and the Jedi Weapon Master armour available to players, without using a .2da slot, Quanon is creating a helmet as a head which will sit ontop of the said armours... So they will be disguise items and full sets of armour so to speak.


Here is the pretty much finished Jedi Weapon Master armour, I've tryed to make it a bit more green, and tidied up a few issues;




I've also been working on having a few more alien Jedi around the place, this also gives an opportunity to see the Quarren head a little more close up;




Still some tidying up needed on that, and need to decide what I'm gonna do with the cloak....

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