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Quanons Crazy Projects!


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You could take it and turn it right side up or down then place it into the side a wall and there you have some Lab chemical chamber. You can always find a way to re use items and textures to bring new life to it. =)

Just a matter of playing with it.


Great job !

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That's a big bottle. :lol: Maybe you could use it as scenery or something (or hang it on the wall XD)?

Héhéhé, haven't thought of that. I made some commercial signs for the other area; but not something like that :p


You could take it and turn it right side up or down then place it into the side a wall and there you have some Lab chemical chamber. You can always find a way to re use items and textures to bring new life to it. =)

Just a matter of playing with it.


Great job !

Thanks, so far there are no drug labs involved in my little story. It's all about tapes :D


That. Is. Awesome.

Thank you ^_^


HAHAHAHA that is one huge bottle. I'm glad Magnus could work his magic for you! I hope those glorious lightmaps can be preserved.

I'm pretty pleased aswell Magnus came back and saved the day. I'll be messing about with lightmaps soon enough. Though it's time consuming to render it all out.



Now for an update. Remember the Red&Blue club? I showed off some renders a couple of posts back in time. This time I can show it in the game! Pretty pleased how it looks. It's a bit bright now, due to no lightmaps. But hey, that newer Kaurora is very powerfull stuff.


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Really awesome stuff! Though I do miss thoughs amazing lightmaps.


HOLY MOLY! Those glow effects are gorgeous! Congratulations!


Well, you guys are in luck! I've spend most of my day tinkering on this. Did another search on the intrawebz; digged up new and helpfull little tool and tips on creating lightmaps.


Then it was all about making sure NWmax would export it correctly and checking if Kaurora didn't crash. To my great relief both of those went A OK.


Which gave this great looking result in the game! My own made area model with working lightmaps! YIPPIE :lol:


THere's still a big bottle and one mesh seems to have dissapeared :confused:

But that doesn't spoil my fun. I'm certain I can get it back to work as it should :p


Enjoy the pictures


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Looks stunning, Q! Can't wait to try it out in-game. :D


You'll all have to have some patience for that. I"ll start working on the street area soon enough and that's quiete a beast.


But before that, first a neat preview of the Red&Blue Club with LIGHTMAPS!

And it looks nice, even if I say so myself :D


It's just so awesome how those lightmaps bring more energy and life to an area. I feel tempted to go back to my Korriban leves and add in lightmaps there aswell. But, first Nar Shaddaa, then other projects :lol:


Enjoy the pictures! Do mind, somehow the screenshots where very dark, I had to do some Photoshop magic to make them less dark. But that enhanced the glowing in the screenshots. It's not exactly like that in the game, but it's close enough ;)

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Time for another update. You all now the street model I've been working on? Well it's in the game, took me awhile to get it there, it's a huge model, plus it's sliced up into 8 parts. Skybox is missing at the moment and no lightmaps yet, but I can run around smoothly.


Just to kick out some faults in a few meshes here and there, mostly it's the commercial signs that go 'crazy'. Anyway, let me show some snapshots!


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For me this seems to be more like the Coruscant underworld, i.e. Coruscant's lower levels. I think it needs a little more dark to it and some long holes that you can fall for hours in. This area would work for both planets because it's so amazing!

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