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Quanons Crazy Projects!


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For me this seems to be more like the Coruscant underworld, i.e. Coruscant's lower levels. I think it needs a little more dark to it and some long holes that you can fall for hours in. This area would work for both planets because it's so amazing!


It's bright daylight at the moment; because I haven't added lightmaps yet. And it's easier to spot mistakes in my model. Expect it to get a lot darker soon ;)


I've started to fix various bits and bobs in the model, slow going as some of the meshes just keep being faulty; plus discovering missing parts to :lol:

I hope to start rendering the lightmaps this week.


@everyone: Thanks for all the replies and support!!! I'll keep working on this.

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Just one bottle who's pretty big :lol:


It's obviously an alien life form. Give it a name and some dialoge and pretend like you meant it to happen. Years from now when people are still playing the game cuz of your great mods, they'll never remember this thread.



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Thanks everyone, again, for all the nice comments.

Bit of sad news though. Lightmaps for the street area are not what they should be.

I guess I made a wrong step when I first tested them without lightmaps. I'll see if I can call in help from MagnusII.


Though not sure what's going on...

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Just popp'in in to put up a minor update. Lightmaps in the street area keep bothering me. I redid the whole bunch, but alas in vain. I think the crates I picked out of other kotor areas, to decorate my own area; are to blame.


Bit frustrated now; so I might start modelling another club, I need 4 anyway for my story :lol: And get back to the street area later when I'm less "GRRRRRRRRRRR" :lol:

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  • 10 months later...

Boink, update time. I haven't stopped modding. Though been fighting with Lightmaps all this time. Saddly my street area kept being faulty. I've tried many things to get it fixed, but it only made things worse, far worse. As in making the game just crash and die on me. All of this was so frustrating I'm just making a new area. Learned a lot of the last area so things are going a long nicely.


So a first teaser is in order:


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Nar Shaddaa hasn't been the only project I've worked on. A few modders from the Holowan community are using my old Yavin 'jungle' areas; which I really enjoy. Fun news on that is I'm making new jungle areas. Which if all goes well, will look better and have lightmaps. Second fun bit is, I don't have plans to use these areas in a mod of my own. Once it works in the game, these will get packed and to be used freely by all you modders out there!


Been working on this thing to:

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You've lost the Nar Shaddaa street area but did you lose the lounge portion of it too? That would be a shame as it was awe inspiring.


As long as I have your attention, could you send me the full sized version of your full sized Telos Citadel Station skybox? You only posted a smaller version before. (Better yet, you could upload the large version to Deadly Stream!)


Lastly, did you ever convince anyone to finish Scrapyard Games (Quanon's and Glovemaster's space station project)?

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You've lost the Nar Shaddaa street area but did you lose the lounge portion of it too? That would be a shame as it was awe inspiring.


Only the street area is 'lost'; the model works perfect in the game, but without lightmaps its bland and I want quality. The lounge/ bars/ clubs are intact and work nicely as intended. Though there are a few minor errors in one of the club areas. But I consider that to be work for later. It's not breaking the mood and look of the club area.


As long as I have your attention, could you send me the full sized version of your full sized Telos Citadel Station skybox? You only posted a smaller version before. (Better yet, you could upload the large version to Deadly Stream!)


I should have those files somewhere on my HD; I'll get to that asap; send it your ways to spread the 'love' :lol:


Lastly, did you ever convince anyone to finish Scrapyard Games (Quanon's and Glovemaster's space station project)?


A very long time ago, I passed it on to D-stoney, but since then I never heard anything from him again... So it's just like... dead I guess :-S


@everyone: Thx for the support. Next time I'll try to show some of the jungle area. Don't expect this to be finished within a few months though. I'm a snail :lol:

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Can't find info on this but will the Red and Blue club be a modder's resource? Because it looks amazing.


Not at this time; I want to use it first in my own Nar Shaddaa mod; once, if that ever gets finished, I might give away the models to be used freely by the community.


Minor updates and as promised a glimpse at the Yavin thing, not much yet, but you might get an idea where I'm going.

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And some more shots on the nameless project. I made these awhile ago though. Work slowed down, because I can't get a good look for some of the smaller details for this area. I've tried various things, but I was never really pleased by it. So I let it rest for a bit.

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The Yavin bit reminds a bit of Dxun, at least from the overhead shot. That nameless project also looks really cool.


Héhéhé, that's no coincidence. I sort of 'copied' the ideas Obsidian used. The area sort of acts as an connector to possible other areas. See it as a hub from where the adventure gets a start :p



More work has crept into Nar Shaddaa. Working out lots of windows and facades for all the buildings. Getting there slowly, it's a bit of a boring work to do.

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