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Morons run the schools


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I feel sort of insulted by this, judging every school director for this, since I'm learning to be a teacher and school director myself.

Maybe you should take a look at the country and education system in this case.


I (honestly) feel some countries are 50 years behind with their education program. I am already capable of managing children with Down Syndrome, autism, ADD and am (right now) teaching a child with Neurofibromatosis type I.

And the people in this case can't handle a gesture?

Go find a new job, cause you're obviously not fit for this one.

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Wow, that's pretty bad. The kid is in freaking kindergarten. Do little kids these days not play cops and robbers / cowboys and indians anymore?




How's this for morons running our schools:


The new principal at my old high school is trying to treat the 3400-ish, diverse student body like she treated her previous 900 students in a predominately white middle school. The stories I hear about her interacting with non-white students are hilarious and sad. They all think she's a moron and have no respect for her.


She does her morning announcements, plays classical music in between class, and tells bible verses and stuff. I'm suprised she hasn't gotten in trouble for that last one.


I'm told that since she took over, there have been more trouble at school. She's had a student taken away in handcuffs once. I don't ever remember that happening when I was a student.


It's like she's unable to move on from middle school. High school students aren't little children...

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^^^ZOMG he's making a hand gesture gun! EXPEL HIM BEFORE HE KILLS SOMEONE! :lol:


How amusing. Is there no such thing as common sense discipline anymore? Are we *really* that much of a (pardon me) stupid-ass-dumb-****ing society that we need to have these knee-jerk power trips to little hand gestures now? :rofl:


What next--they expel you if you so much as speak out of turn? If they're going to be like that, why not just make it a drill camp? (Probably b/c Mr. Buzzcut would actually be a reasonable man, where these people aren't.)


Oh, right, we can't have teachers who exercise discretion b/c that would be unfaaaaaaair. We have to punish everyone equally, now. So if big Rocko busts little Timmy's skull open with a rock, in addition to expelling Rocko, Timmy MUST get suspended AT LEAST for not doing his part in preventing the violence. Also he is in trouble b/c he may have potentially provoked Rocko into hurting him because didn't effectively just flee from the area.


The Article

"When students are at school they should be concerned about learning….safety shouldn't be a concern at school, we have a zero tolerance policy," said Dr. John Irion, from the Yakima School District.


I love how this says nothing specific that actually addresses the issue. You "have a zero tolerance learning policy"? But wait, I thought tolerance was one of the principles of a school environment? :dev9:


And while we're at it: please explain how, pray tell, making a gun hand gesture is ACTUALLY a danger to other kids besides being a nuisance.


Afterall: We all need to fear that the Heavy Medic Boat Guy on Team Fortress may have trained him to emit a real concussive wave upon pulling the pretend trigger of his thumb. Yeah.

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^^ Unfortunately the situation outlined actually sounds like something my High School would actually do...... Damn, I can't wait until I graduate.


Since society refuses to change their ways. Unless force is used, change rarely ever comes.


Cool, want to start the revolution with me?

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How's this for morons running our schools:


The new principal at my old high school is trying to treat the 3400-ish, diverse student body like she treated her previous 900 students in a predominately white middle school. The stories I hear about her interacting with non-white students are hilarious and sad. They all think she's a moron and have no respect for her.


She does her morning announcements, plays classical music in between class, and tells bible verses and stuff. I'm suprised she hasn't gotten in trouble for that last one.


I'm told that since she took over, there have been more trouble at school. She's had a student taken away in handcuffs once. I don't ever remember that happening when I was a student.


It's like she's unable to move on from middle school. High school students aren't little children...


That's the exact problem of education when teacher don't want to change in an ever-changing world with ever-changing students.

I've seen people like that here too. They usually get burned down by the government education inspection.

I recognise your example perfectly. It's someone who can't keep control and blames everything besides herself.

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I got suspended for telling this annoying boy at school that I'd rip his voice box out if he essentially didn't stop trolling me in PE line.


He ran off, told the teacher, and I got suspended for inciting violence.


I used to play cops and robbers in elementary school... now if I were to even go back now and suggest it I'd probably get expelled.


Are we really this paranoid?

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Good thing they expelled that little terrorist, God KNOWS what he was going to do with that hand weapon!?

Maybe...Point it at someone and say "Bam Bam"?


Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go change my pants after hearing that terrifying story.

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This....this is idiotic beyond belief. A facepalm could never describe something of this stupidity...






Why is it that we have morons running our education system and teaching our children? Isn't there some form of test that one has to take before becoming an educator?


I would ask that question too. How the heck did this guy even get in to the education system if he expels students for idiotic reasons?

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Well that's not disproportionate retribution at all.

Trust me, you don't know this kid. He has a hip disability that he used to his advantage as much and as often as he could, and a passtime of his was to hang out in the back of line with me and brag and troll me and the teacher's aids to get a rise.


He got a rise, crapped his pants, and I got suspended. However, he never bugged me and the teacher's aids again after that, which was especially nice considering he was in the same school club as me.

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"OK, lesson learned, you can't use that tactic again because suspension is bad, but I'm going to take you out to dinner for standing up for yourself."

Basically what my parents did except with a lot more yelling and being grounded :p


Thing is, I stood up for myself a lot in grade school since I was an easy target, and that was sort of a problem which is why my parents weren't too much impressed. I stood off quite a few jack***'s in High School, but this is the first time it really went 180 and bit me in the butt. Second time was when I got into sort of a mini blood feud with a teacher (ironically also the teacher of that PE class that, at the time, I got along with very very well) that even the students in the class were behind me on. Cops and robbers and fist fights in elementary school to emotional outbursts in middle school, and the most I ever got was a referral and maybe a call home. By the time I hit High School this trend of stepping around glass starting chugging up again and looks like they didn't take kindly to my outburst. The principle even threatened to call the police on me if I didn't have a good explanation.


I used to get in fights. Since when is a threat saying, essentially, "shut the hell up" worth a police visit?

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