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Monkey Island 2 Remake


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I'm with Thunderpeel. As in.... not surprised. I honestly didn't expect LucasArts to get this right, quite simply because LucasArts sucks.


I played through the original last week so I know how things work, will compare asap. Although suddenly I'm almost thinking about not parting with my money at this point

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  Snugglecakes said:
I'm with Thunderpeel. As in.... not surprised. I honestly didn't expect LucasArts to get this right, quite simply because LucasArts sucks.


I played through the original last week so I know how things work, will compare asap. Although suddenly I'm almost thinking about not parting with my money at this point


Oh, give over, we're talking about a couple of issues here that are significant to some, yes, including me but they don't completely ruin the game. As I said before, there is a LOT to like about this SE, I'm just surprised that these specific problems have come up.

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So here's an interesting discovery. I just played woodtick on PC, PS3 and Xbox and on PC the simulated imuse is almost perfect, the transitions are great. On PS3 they work, and on the Xbox version there are no transitions at all. Bizarre!

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Woodtick (which sounds very nice on a real MT-32) sounds absolutely horrible in classic mode here. Inside the huts of Woodtick sound perfect but outside the huts sounds very very bad. Like they used the horrible Piano patch from the MT-32 for some crazy insane reason.
The MIDI of the Woodtick theme doesn't have any regular patch changes in it. All of that is in the imuse sysex messages. The boats have regular patch changes though. From what I can hear, it sounds like they just played the MIDIs directly without attempting to decode the imuse sysex. The custom instruments are gone as well and the panning is swapped, which it is in the original MIDI files as well, but the MT-32 driver reverses it.
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  SurplusGamer said:
So here's an interesting discovery. I just played woodtick on PC, PS3 and Xbox and on PC the simulated imuse is almost perfect, the transitions are great. On PS3 they work, and on the Xbox version there are no transitions at all. Bizarre!


Wtf??? No transitions?? At ALL?


Eagerly awaiting getting to play it... *taps fingers*

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Once again, the end credits ARE there, and they're fine, it's just the neat list of stuff to do that is gone. Annoying, but at least we have the medley. Extended in fact, because it goes into the full MI theme at the end.


It's there in classic mode. Just not in SE mode. Just like the "TURN YOUR COMPUTER OFF AND GO TO SLEEP!" message was only in classic mode in SMI:SE.


  s-island said:
The MIDI of the Woodtick theme doesn't have any regular patch changes in it. All of that is in the imuse sysex messages. The boats have regular patch changes though. From what I can hear, it sounds like they just played the MIDIs directly without attempting to decode the imuse sysex. The custom instruments are gone as well and the panning is swapped, which it is in the original MIDI files as well, but the MT-32 driver reverses it.


Yes, that's the conclusion I came to. I just don't see how they couldn't have figured that out themselves. They said they watched playthrough videos on YouTube for SMI. How could they have not done so for MI2? I hope it's possible to patch.


They also reimplemented the "." key to skip dialogue lines. This was painfully lacking in SMI:SE. I'm glad they brought it back again for MI2:SE.

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I'm really disappointed that they cut out the intro, it was so awesome in the original. It just makes me sad.


On a more positive note, after the actual buthered intro. The game itself is really good, mostly solid voice acting though I don't perticularly like Largo's voice, or how people say his name. But the graphics definitly got more attention than in the previous Special Edition. The animations look a lot better, and you can now also skip dialogs with . again like in the original. And apart from the inventory, I think the interface is actually better than the original.


I really hope the intro will be patched in to this special edition, though we all know that that's not going to happen. A person can dream right? Mods anyone?

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How's the music in the classic mode in the PC version? Is it just as messed up? Watched a gameplay video of the 360 version on youtube now, and I must say, it looks quite good, even if the iMUSE don't work properly. I don't think it's that big of a deal, but I'm happy it's still there in the PC version.

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I got the problem I had earlier sorted. I preloaded it so I could play it right away when it was available, and apparently something got screwed up in the process. I uninstalled it and re-downloaded and installed it, and it worked fine.


I'm up to Booty Island now in the game, and I'm enjoying it so far. I've been listening for the music transitions, and they seem to have done a pretty good job simulating iMuse from what I can tell. :) I actually like Largo's voice. It's not what I imagined it would sound like, but it works for his character.

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Okay, I went and bought it on Steam anyway. It probably won't work properly, but oh well. I can still hear the voices in the classic version, so I guess that's worth it. I'm just waiting for it to download now. It's taking less time than the SMI:SE install, so I guess that's a good sign. I'll get back to you guys.

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  SurplusGamer said:
Oh, give over, we're talking about a couple of issues here that are significant to some, yes, including me but they don't completely ruin the game. As I said before, there is a LOT to like about this SE, I'm just surprised that these specific problems have come up.


  SurplusGamer said:
They also botched the bone song

And I just encountered 2 potentially GAME BREAKING bugs:

I'm furious right now, especially as they got so much right this time.

I don't know. I am so angry at the moment.

How could they seem to be getting everything right and then manage to cock up stuff so badly?

I'm also finding several instances of music playing the wrong cues at the wrong time or going wrong in other ways


Dude... you're complaining far more than I am so I don't see why I should get the flack.


I'm just sick of LucasArts missing opportunities. The intro sequence is legendary, leaving it out is totally unacceptable to me. The other stuff also irritates the hell out of me for one reason: One of the original's finest points was its attention to detail. You really got the impression that it was "finished" and then polished up good and proper. Now they come with these bugs, errors, unsynched music, they leave out the suggestions at the end... I'm sorry but it is not good enough. Not even nearly. Incorrect instruments in the classic version? C'mon, it's atrocious.

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