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Skyrim: Elder Scrolls 5


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Some right-handed people (like myself) prefer the arrow keys too, so this piece of info saddens me as well. We can only hope they'll release a patch to allow proper remapping - they aren't the first to make this particular oversight, nor will they unfortunately be the last.

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I haven't played Skyrim yet, but everything that I've seen across the web gives the impression that this is just an upgraded fork of Bethesda's Gamebryo, and not the fresh-from-scratch Creation Engine. Of course, the UI seems to be an overhaul (in the negative sense) but everything else is just plain old Oblivion 2.0. The Radiant AI is wonky as seen by the buckethead stealth action, but this vid pretty much confirms that the ragdoll physics system and the death sequence is lifted straight from Fallout 3, bloody lens blur and all:



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been playing this one for about 6+ hours now. first thoughts:


1. this is *upgraded* graphics?? sure, its better looking than Oblivion, but compared to other open world games that have come out in the meantime (GTA 4, FarCry 2, Crysis, etc), its not very impressive. textures range from spectacular to 8-bit ugly. i even found one tower in the game that had such a bad "snow" texture, that i seriously thought that the floor had been cell-shaded.


2. the gameplay is improved, but not overly so. combat is much better and more diverse than Oblivion, but the AI drags the game down in a bad way. i should not be able to run right up to a deer from the front and hack it down with a mace.


3. and this is the most important one: i loved Oblivion, and so far, i love this game. the mistakes are there and expected, but overall, the game is just fun, and exploring is still a blast the same as it always has been.

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The game is a shining example of everything that is wrong with the industry's handling of console games ported to PC. I'm surprised they didn't just leave out keyboard/mouse support altogether and force you to use a control pad. They might as well have - the UI is clunky as hell. I hope we see some mods that make it less of a hassle to use.

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  stingerhs said:

1. this is *upgraded* graphics?? sure, its better looking than Oblivion, but compared to other open world games that have come out in the meantime (GTA 4, FarCry 2, Crysis, etc), its not very impressive. textures range from spectacular to 8-bit ugly. i even found one tower in the game that had such a bad "snow" texture, that i seriously thought that the floor had been cell-shaded.


I thought that too on my ps3, but when i switched to my pc copy and my 1024p screen, i really noticed the graphics improved a lot.

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  Canderis said:
I thought that too on my ps3, but when i switched to my pc copy and my 1024p screen, i really noticed the graphics improved a lot.
well, i'm running the game with all but some of the LOS settings at max @ 1200p. the art design is impressive, but the graphics are a bit of a let down.


oh, and for the record, if you are playing the PC version, don't forget to turn off Vsync. you'll have to do it manually by editing your skyrim.ini file.

  tweakguides.com said:
For now, the most important tweak has to do with the fact that VSync is automatically on and can't be disabled from within the game. This not only reduces FPS, it also introduces mouse lag. To disable VSync in Skyrim, add iPresentInterval=0 to the bottom of the [Display] section of the Skyrim.ini file in the \Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Skyrim directory.
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Turning off vsync gives me about 60-90fps outside and about 80-120fps inside. There's the odd bit of tearing though.


EDIT: Now that the Nexus site seems to be working again, I thought I'd bring this mod to the attention of stoffe (and other arachnophobes) - http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28 Sounds like it still needs some polish, but should be sufficient to get you playing. Again for stoffe (and other lefties), there's a UI mod that might alleviate your control difficulties - http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=88

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I think the graphics look fine - I was concerned whether my PC could run the game anyway, but it's been running on high settings with no problems at all.


I'm enjoying it so far (just encountered my first Dragon), even if I was a little impatient and sought out the timeline on the Wiki to find out some more about the Thalmor and what else has happened in the 200 years between Oblivion and Skyrim.

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  stingerhs said:
well, i'm running the game with all but some of the LOS settings at max @ 1200p. the art design is impressive, but the graphics are a bit of a let down.

I did find that tower, i really hope some mod fixes that snow shader.


  stingerhs said:

oh, and for the record, if you are playing the PC version, don't forget to turn off Vsync. you'll have to do it manually by editing your skyrim.ini file.


Thank you! I noticed that, but i thought it was just my computer lagging.

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Okay. After non-stop playing. I've come to a conclusion.


The most annoying, most infuriating enemies are the Falmer and the Dwemer Spheres. Or just anything Dwemer related. Hate. Hate. Which is why I hate the last couple of thieves guild missions. I hated em. Hated. Hated, I say.

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Alternatively, award for most awesome, albeit completely useless, thing goes to the zombie goat. It's standard combat tactics to protect its master? Run away.


I was also somewhat amused (and slightly miffed) when I was ambushed by one of the randomly spawned dragons out in the wilds and half way through the combat it decided that some nearby mud crabs were far more dangerous enemies and engaged them instead. Another dragon attacked me when I fast travelled to one of the stables outside a city, and I was ably assisted by my trusty steed in bringing the beast down. It's quite something to see a horse attacking a dragon.

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  Canderis said:
In the main quest, the thelmor party, how did you guys beat it? I cannot do it on my ps3, and on my pc, i used cheats.


  Taak Farst said:
easy. as soon as i retrieved my gear I went the head-on route...didn't sneak...


I think now would be a good time to remind people about using spoilers and hidden tags for any queries about the story or quests, just in case others haven't gotten as far, although thank you to both of you for trying to avoid mentioning any major spoilers. :)


Having played some more, I think my only annoyance is that everyone I encounter on the road (and I seem to be doing a lot of walking, so far) wants to kill me. I don't know what I must have done to the Thalmor, but they attacked me on sight. And even the bandits I paid a toll to shot at me afterwards. :¬:

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  Astor said:
Having played some more, I think my only annoyance is that everyone I encounter on the road (and I seem to be doing a lot of walking, so far) wants to kill me. I don't know what I must have done to the Thalmor, but they attacked me on sight. And even the bandits I paid a toll to shot at me afterwards. :¬:
my annoyance is that the game tends to either spawn harmless deer and/or goats in front of you, and then the game will spawn something that's way more powerful than myself in front of me. its really, really annoying whenever you forget to save your game and die in one of those fights and spawn outside of where ever you happened to save last. lost over 30mins of progress once due to that. :fist:
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