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Legacy Names and your family tree


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Well I've run Shelkylya long enough to get a Legacy name :D




So if you play, and aren't in either of LF's guilds.. you'll at least know it's one of my characters running around lost :xp: (Tu'Deay = 2da). Assuming of course you have Legacy titles enabled in your nameplates options ;)


Anyone else running around with their Legacy name?


As far as i understand, currently (Feb. 17, 2012) Legacy only bears the title with no additional benefits... yet. Any good rumors going around as to what ToR may bring to the Legacy goodies table?


I'm assuming possible tweaks for newly created characters. Maybe stat/skill buffs, or something to that extent. DDO (and I'm sure other MMOs) did something similar. While it wasn't "legacy" or "lineage" oriented.. players who played long enough and built up enough "Favor" would unlock certain rewards or additional goodies. There were exceptional gifts, new classes, stat buffs, etc.


Wondering how the whole Legacy thing will play out.

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On Peragus Mining Facility EUROPE server, my legacy name is Dovahkiin. No word of a lie. I'm on another server trying to get Potter for my character, who is called Harry.


I usually show it as 'The Dovahkiin Legacy'.

As for what legacy is, I heard it's basically an incentive to make new alts. I heard it will unlock things like new races for you to make characters with, or perhaps new social abilities or racial bonuses.

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Yup, chose "Tarquin" as my Legacy. Was a reference to the old kings of Rome, I only later realized you could read it as "Tarkin". True story.


Anyway, BioWare promised Legacy levels would get you access to new customizable options in character creation, special skills and the option to tie your characters by way of a family tree. I wouldn't mind more, but at its core, it does seem a nice feature. Can't wait to see how it turns out myself, either. :)

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Well, both of the two I already had in mind (Kaine and Drax) were taken by the time I was high enough to have a Legacy. I was determined though, that if I couldn't have either of those it should be a Star Wars name (most of my characters have the first names of various EU characters) so I tried a few obscure ones that were also taken, until I finally managed to get Yularen.

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Bremiaha to her friends....


All of you can call her Bremiaha Shotfir'st the Pure.


Legacy name is thanks to Mav. Is kind of funny to have a name like Shotfir'st for a healer.


Level 11 on my legacy now, no clue what that will mean when they add to it though. Also wonder what the level cap for legacy is/will be.

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Was able to get Ell as my legacy name on The Harbinger server. YESSS!!!!! *fist pump*

On most of my characters I just display it as part of the name, e.g. Vrahn Ell


I too am very interested in seeing what legacy levels do for you in release 1.2. I've already got 6 characters on my account though so if some of the benefits are new character creation options then I'll be somewhat limited.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a question for anyone that knows about these things.


I unlocked my legacy with my first character..problem now is, my first character isn't worth a ****, seeing as I had no idea what I was doing with crew skills and leveling and whatnot. First character is always the learning curve, right?

(subquestion: Is'nt being lvl 40 and having you butt kicked by 37th lvl npc's a bad thing?)


My second character I know what to do with now..and have gotten him to 17th lvl. (Sith Sorceror see avatar :D)


So, now I'm seriously considering rerolling my first character as a Sage rather than a Shadow and making him an altogether better character.


Onto my question..If I recreate my first character and delete the original, do I then lose my legacy since it was unlocked by the first character I want to delete?

Does it even matter?

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Someone better will have to answer this to be sure.


However, from what I read you legacy name will stay even if you delete that character. As of now there is no way to change it from your account. That ability is coming "soon" according to the BioWare forum.


I'm thinking my smuggler, trooper, agent and bh will be the only ones showing off the Legacy Name. Shotfir'st just doesn't sound right for a Jedi or Sith. :)

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Yep. Of course mine is Jorn. But that was a big factor in remaking the character because I had squished the whole name in one, not realizing there would be a Legacy surname.


Glad I did because now I have a huge headstart and also know what Im doing now. :p

Already at 23rd :D

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That's a shame, after you start playing through a few of the storylines you begin to see how they relate to each other...
Indeed. Finding out I had to put antidote in the Sand People's water supply as a Jedi where I had before been given the job as a Mercenary to poison it was great. There are quite a few of these moments that I love. :)
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