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Community Project (?) - New Planet

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This thread is meant to be a kind of test of willingness/people available, and then maybe some idea-throwing if there are people with ideas and a desire to do this.


The idea is to do a new planet for KotOR I, as a standalone mod. That means no grand overarching themes, no massive plots, etc. Let's face it, making a single planet would be difficult enough. The bit which I hope will grab your interest, though, is that the idea here is to make use of KotOR's lost modules. Specifically, the cut part of the Shadowlands (m25ab), the Czerka area (m21aa), and the old Tatooine temple and cave complex (m19aa):


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The reason for using these areas is because... well, they're there, and they aren't being used. They need a little work to be made truly functional, it must be said, but I don't think they're unsalvageable. I've done a small amount of initial work to try and make the areas look more like they belong together (keep in mind these are rough concepts, not finished reworks):

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My feeling is that the forest should connect three areas: the landing area (for which the Korriban one would be best), the temple, and the Czerka module.


So there are two questions here:

1. Are people interested in this idea?

2. What should the planet be about?


For my part, I'd be willing to do some more work on reworking the module areas, and take on the bulk of the scripting for things like the galaxy map. What I'm looking for here are people who are willing to come up with stuff to put in the modules, because (for once) I've come up blank, but also I'm looking for people to share the work-load. Again, this all depends on interest.

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One idea to get the player to the planet is a message sent to the Ebon Hawk- T3 is the one who tells you = no VO needed. The message could be from help me to a Jedi sending info of a possible Ancient Ruin, Person sent message could be Republic or Jedi.


Second thought is to just have a hidden location on the Ebon Hawk computer that then leads you to the planet by just want to explore or some hint either Davik was going there-business.


These ideas will get you to the planet with little code and only beep sounds from T3 for VO.


I like the images of the planet and I agree to make it simple when it comes to quests. It could even be a quest hub. Place some side quests and then future modders can add more.


Also the planet could be one that is dominated by Alien species --to save from to much VO (assuming you would use VO in this mod)-with mainly alien VO then the humans if any could be for more important roles like quest giver or confrontation npc.


I hope I'm understanding what your goal is,..I sometimes get carried away :-p

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Hmm, intresting idea. I like Logan's ideas about the quests. Will focusing on compatabilaty on mods like BOS SR, Yavin and Ord Mandell be an issue? Either way I'm excited about this, and will be willing to offer help when I can. I'd be happy to be part of the team if I modded more regulary. But school/friends take up alot of my time, so I'm afraid apart from encouragement and the odd idea or too, I wont be able to help.

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Another member woefully lacking much of a role in KotOR - after Kashyyyk, at least - is Zaalbar. It would be nice to see him in a role where he could really shine. He wound up taking Bacca's Ceremonial Blade off-world . . . maybe something could be tied into that event. Perhaps learning the origin of that spaceship could tie into the new planet. Was it a Rakatan craft that crash landed on Kashyyyk? A Rakatan craft that could lead to a Rakatan temple?

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Revan mentioned something about Tython during TOR. Maybe this can be it; it has lush forests, a landing bay, and a temple. This should take place after the revelation imo - tasks on Tython may help Revan find the peace (LS) or the strength (DS) needed to face dark-side Bastila and Malak. The peace/strength could be found through trials in the forests and/or meditations in the temple - I want dem stat boosts ;P. Plus there really wasn't much reaction to the destruction of Dantooine's enclave except for about 2 lines of dialogue. Traveling to Tython can emphasize Dantooine's importance (maybe Jolee or Juhani could propose going there).


Or we could bounce off SH's idea of expanding party member stories; Zaalbar would be a nice candidate.

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I think the Czerka area should be like the main hub of the planet - the player can visit shops, find quests, and talk to a bunch of people. The forest area connects the Czerka module to the temple. I would place some wild beasts or something in the forest that the player slaughters his or her way through. Then maybe at the temple there could be some surviving Rakata. This could be like a quest for the player to investigate or something.


Good idea, DI. :)

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  • 1 year later...

All right, so it's been a little while since this thread was active. I'm going to go ahead and assume there is still some interest in a project like this. I've taken the liberty of writing a draft plot for this, based on a couple of the suggestions in this thread. I hope someone will give some feedback/suggestions/comments:


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After the player has discovered that their character is Revan, they will remember a set of co-ordinates – those for the obscure Eth-Hira system, and feel an unaccountable compulsion to visit the planet Eth-Hira, which is listed in the Republic database as an uninhabited jungle world which has only ever been briefly surveyed.

Landing on the planet, the player finds its forests are crawling with Tuk’ata and that a


Terentatek is also roaming around. The player discovers a Czerka survey team have set up camp on the planet, but have been herded back into their compound by the beasts, and have begun to fall ill one-by-one since they started to explore the caves and ruins nearby. They ask the player (or his/her companions?) to perform various tasks (tba), and debate whether or not the player should go to explore the ruins.


After one such task, during which the player passes near the entrance to the caves, the ancient pillars in the forest begin to cast a beam of light, which culminates in a mysterious energy field blocking off the entrance to the Czerka compound. The player must then enter the caves – alone.


At the end of the caves, which are filled with flying beasts which the player must kill, the player finds a temple, which culminates in a huge, six-sided abyss, and in which there are several other chambers. In each of these chambers the player finds various enemies to destroy and various sets of elements which might be used in lightsaber construction.


In an ante-chamber before the abyss room, the player finds the entrance to a cave, after entering which and defeating the various traps or animals inside, the player finds a variety of unique lightsaber colour crystals. The player can then enter into the abyss chamber.


Confronting the abyss, the player must choose – to stare into it, or to shut his/her eyes. Choosing to stare into the abyss confronts the player with the choice to either revel in the seemingly bottomless darkness contained within, or to attempt to resist. Resisting will make the player face a will-check, failure of which will mean that the player gains Dark Side points (and a permanent ability reduction, if possible?); shutting their eyes and refusing to look into the abyss reduces the will save required and the consequences of failing. Giving in to the power of the abyss will also give Dark Side points (and if possible give the player a permanent will reduction but an increase to something else).


During this mental battle, the player can also choose to construct a new lightsaber out of the various parts they have found about the temple. These will reflect the various places the player has been to, and the major plot elements they have encountered, allowing them to create a unique new lightsaber with new properties (the lightsaber will also have a unique colour).


The player then defeats the Abyss (either by mastering it through the Dark Side knowledge the player recovers from their own mind, or by resisting it through the Light), and returns to the Czerka outpost. If the player has chosen to revel in the Dark Side, the Czerka group are all dead. If not, they have survived but remain ill. The player, depending on their powers and Treat Injury skill, can then attempt to heal them (success to be determined by their Treat Injury skill, or else, if they have Force Cure/Heal, is guaranteed).


This planet should act as a kind of epilogue to the first part of the game and a prologue to the final section, but should not be so game-changing as to make the final Star Map planet feel pointless or silly.

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I like the idea, i don't have a computer right now, but if you need a voice actor, i'd be happy to try.

Also what about having it so instead of czerka (since they are kind of despicable) have it as the republic looking to create a small base for mining minerals or something to help the republic in the war. Also you could have this before the star forge planet as a sort of stop to help out before the main mission.


For your story i have no complaints, though. I may suggest more in the future

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Nice idea, InSidious, however do remember that having the PC help Czerka contradicts the LS storyline, where he/she regards them as an enemy. Maybe change up the groups? You need an incentive. Why is he/she so willing to help them?


And regarding,

The player, depending on their powers and Treat Injury skill, can then attempt to heal them (success to be determined by their Treat Injury skill, or else, if they have Force Cure/Heal, is guaranteed).

I think it should just be by treat injury skill. Most players usually have Cure at that point.


Just my 2 cents.

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I am a newbie comes to modding in general but I am bit interested in adding a few characters.


One Character is a Sith Assault Trooper named Daxom and he is a bit of a sociopath and a super soldier. And Female Sith with a Jedi Sentinel class.


both of them have their own gear.


well I am willing to learn.

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Nice idea, InSidious, however do remember that having the PC help Czerka contradicts the LS storyline, where he/she regards them as an enemy. Maybe change up the groups? You need an incentive. Why is he/she so willing to help them?


Maybe it could be Aratech that is there instead of Czerka? They are after all, the arms-and-supply company for the Republic at this time.


And let's be honest, I'm also looking for an excuse for character reskins and new items, haha.


I like the storyline, by the way! I wouldn't mind helping out with the project, though my involvement would be rather minimal at best. I have other stuff to work on too, you know.

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Maybe it could be Aratech that is there instead of Czerka? They are after all, the arms-and-supply company for the Republic at this time.


Good idea, LDR. However, how about the Arkanians? True, they took a loss due to Zayne and company during the Mando Wars, but they are still big on supplying armies with as much gear as they need. And we've seen them work both sides of the Mando Wars, so why not the Sith-Republic Wars, as well?

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Good idea, LDR. However, how about the Arkanians? True, they took a loss due to Zayne and company during the Mando Wars, but they are still big on supplying armies with as much gear as they need. And we've seen them work both sides of the Mando Wars, so why not the Sith-Republic Wars, as well?


That's another good idea, but I think it would be better to expand upon Aratech, considering there isn't much lore about them in the Old Republic Era. Plus I really want to see some Aratech weaponry in the game, we have enough Arkanian stuff :p.

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Idea for More Interactive Villains: having 3 Alien Sith Lords using the rakghouls and Terentateks as a small army to defend their project on another area of the planet.


Also having a new playable character that joins your crew and she is a Dark Jedi. And during the course of this planet, she will discover what happen to her squad. 3 Sith Lords are the cause of her squad. after the close of the planet, she joins you.


Fade to Black Sidequests:


Revan: Faces his Dark Half and the truth of the Star Forge and why the Star Forge must be destroyed.


Seviole: Her guilt of her squad's death.


Hk-47: His failure to kill Mandalore the Shadow. And his re programming by him to kill that Mandalore Soldier.



Each of them have to overcome their past and each side quest has to be done alone with that said character. Of course there will be a boss battle as well.

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