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LucasArts Posters: The Revenge


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Since the reprinted books of the map out there seem to be mostly crap, I guess this is our best bet at a quality version of it:
https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?kn=Original Map Coasts Islands Aegaean


Is there enough interest in this for us to collect some money to purchase this? I haven't done this before for the poster project, and I wanted to keep money out of it for all these years, but I'm thinking about mobilizing the community for stuff like this.


Could you see yourselves donating to the project for this?

Total costs for the map + shipping would be $77.50


(I know some of you have purchased items for the project before, and I'm really thankful for that!)

Edited by Laserschwert
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On 5/22/2022 at 2:07 PM, Laserschwert said:

No, the book is public domain, so you can print and sell it as you wish.


Hmm. Just because something is on archive.org doesn't mean it's not copyrighted. That website has a special exemption (which I expect to be revoked any day now...) Anything produced in 1977 is certainly still copyrighted...

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The book is from 1856:



This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.


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Wow, didn't expect this kind of response, thanks!


Alright, if it's okay with the mods, I'll add a PayPal donation link to the opening post. It'll only stay up as long as it's needed.


EDIT: Here we go! I've refrained from putting it in the opening post, so that no one thinks this is general payment for the poster project itself (greetings, Disney lawyers!). The funding goal is set to 75 EUR, so that it only covers the costs of the map. As a side note: Collecting money to acquire a map feels very adventure-game-appropriate.


Edited by Laserschwert
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I have a 91 Gousha atlas but unfortunately it is the โ€œnew editionโ€ which means the graphic design has changed.ย 

I know the 88 is missing some roads so itโ€™s the wrong edition, but itโ€™s the only one Iโ€™ve found that is available for sale so I picked one up off eBay. My guess is 89 or 90 is truly correct, since they seem to come before the โ€œNEW DELUXE 1991โ€ redesign, but I havenโ€™t found them for sale yet.ย 

Fortunately these are all staple bound and will be easy to scan. ย 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if this is already known but after I discovered this posters topic it immediately reminded me of another site I found with the same posters. I think you will like them as the quality is very good as well. It's in Spanish but I think you will discover all the versions of the displayed posters soon enough when you click on the links below them.

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1 hour ago, TimeGentleman said:

I'm not sure what use that site would be to anyone as it just seems to be reposts of Laserschwert's work from 8-10 years ago.

You're right. I didn't know there was an older thread on this site with the same images.


I think I can also safely assume Laserschwert is the same person as the owner of thisย Google Drive Folder.

Edited by Clementine
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