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Introduce Yourself :)


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Hmmm we havent had one of there but heres a good chance to get to know the other forum goers just a little bit better :)


Anyway ill start

My name is Luken im 19 from New Zealand, i love playing SWGB but i have a probl;em with the Direct draw at the moment but should be up and running soon :)

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I am Brian, 21 years old from North Carolina in the USA. I am a rising senior in computer science, enjoy doing all kinds of work with computers, and am currently working an internship in the nuclear it field and right now working on site at one of the nuclear plants.

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I'm Shannon, probably one of the only girls who reads this forum. I am from California. I'm 22. I work graveyard at a Distribution Center. Post-its...etc. I read the forums when I'm supposed to be working. Right now I'm busy playing Rollercoaster Tycoon...and Return to Wolfenstein ( just got it last night) I burned a version for work and it didn't work...so now I'm bummed out. Haven't gotten to buy the new CC yet for SWGB.... :o(. Some day.... next month!! Hopefully!

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Hi my name is Drew, I'm 15 from Arkansas. Go to same school/church as fergie. Why won't you post your name *****? Anyway, I'm currently recovering from driving school. *shudder* I've downloaded the most songs on a 56k as far as I know.


Unemployed is the best way to live. ;)

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Guest King Andrei

I'm Andrei E. Stoian from Bucharest, Romania. (Not telling you what "E." stands for :D) I'm 14 and I justed passed some exams and made it into High School.


I like computers, TV, newspapers, having fun and lots-o-stuff (see my profile)


I wanna move to USA as soon as I finish the University, if I finish it that is.

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Ahhh... I love these threads. :)




My name is Rhett Andrew Peterson, my nicknames are Ricker and Ricky.


I was born in 1984 in Springfield, Missouri and moved to Iowa when I was two. I still live there.


I'm a twin. 'We look like exact opposites"


I mess around with coding and all sorts of junk in my spare time.


I'm not planning on getting a job any time soon. :D


I contain a wealth of misc/useless facts and info. :D


I love swimming.


I collect Star Wars Figures.


I am in no shape or form a redneck! :mad: *shakes stick*

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Guest King Andrei
Originally posted by Lord Fergie

Final warning Lord Fergie. Stop Spamming or you'll be banned. -rhett


Can you ban yourself?;P

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I'm Ian, 17, from New York. Been a Star Wars nut ever since 1990. Just graduated high school (June 2002), attending the University of Binghamton in the fall. Have aspirations of attending a European university my sophomore year. Am an avid fencer specializing in sabre and foil. Am a repository for useless trivia, which helps me in Academic League matches.

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My name is Clefo, yes its on my birth certificate, I was born in Los Angeles but I've lived in a third world country (Arizona) for most of my existence. I'm a Pisces. I've been into SW for awhile, I'm also a trekkie of sorts. I like to rot my brain with that Rock music, my favorite bands being: Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, U2, and Stone Temple Pilots. I joined the GB forums almost a year ago.. And thats about it...

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