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I AM the Internet! (I gots me DSL!)

Boba Rhett

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Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.


The world has changed, my friends! :D


Today I finally got my DSL hookup! But the good news continues, oh yes, it does! I'm one of only two people out here using the local "DSLAM" and it's only about 100 feet from my house. So I am now surfing at 1.5 megabits "downstream"!!! :eek:




2.5kbs to THAT is quite a jump! Happy Day! HAPPY DAY! :D




*Starts throwing giftbaskets out to assembled audiance*

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Good for you, Rhett. If you use the internet fairly often then there is really no excuse not to have broadband, unless you can't get it where you are.


The maximum bandwidth is my area is 280 k/s i think. Not incredible but its still a ton faster than 56 k. And now with my new NIC card i can usually get it going up to maximum.

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Betrayer to the 56k! You have just lost your right to be one of the masters of the web! It's you DSL/Cable I hate. You people who eat up all of a site's bandwidth to where it won't send any information to the slower dial-ups. Just because it's that fast you all think that you must have anything on the internet in less than half a second or the website is "incredibly slow." You people with no sense of patience or value. Whatever it is you'll load it, even if you don't care about it cause hey, you can do it in less than a second. But it takes a truly patient and smart person to use a 56k. These are the modems that it takes 10-15 seconds average to load a page. The people surfing with these modems don't have time to do or download whatever just because someone told them to. They have to pick their priorities, but they are continually frustrated, cause some ubernoob at his 286 with his DSL is eating all the bandwidth a site has to offer and the 56ker is getting nowhere. :mad:


That is why a 56ker is the true master of the web.




I am incredibly mad at you people cause today he had to log back on 3 or 4 times to get a response out of the site. Also he had to wait close to a minute to see this page when he finally logged on because the server was too busy sending all that precious information to you fancy-shmancy DSL/Cablers. :mad:


*No offense was ment by this post, it was just a rant made by a very mad droid.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Hey! That means you can add articles faster to LC!




Yeah, and since you already have broadband you can put up those reviews you were gonna write faster. Or at least add all the games to the lists. *nudge*

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What are you SOBing about Redwing? A slow cable isn't any worse than a fast 56k, in fact probably better. :p


At the moment, I'm cursed with a 56k, but if our Cable company is as good to us as it has been in the past, we ought to have a Cable connection within the year-Woo Hoo-They CLAIM to have good speed (194k upward and 600k downward) at a price better than Rhett's DSL.



Man that sounded SO like a commercial that it even caught ME off guard.



O and Eets PLZ tell me that your 10 mb is Megabits and not Megabytes.

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Unfortunately for Rhett, he also has to access the net from behind a router now.


Same as me.


Anybody know how to configure a router so we can stop having various problems in some applications like games and IMs? For example, I can't initiate file transfers in MSN Messenger because of it. Also, I can't host a game of Jedi Outcast or Neverwinter Nights; the game doesn't show up on the client's list. I also can't use my webcam as a live stream, can't connect for voice chatting, etc.


Can anybody help us out?

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Damn you people, I'm in the SECOND biggest city in Arizona and I'M NOT IN THE AREA FOR JACK ****!


Although, a brochure for Qwest DSL came, I'm thinking of putting it in my mom's purse with a post it note attached "hint hint"

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