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Which Swampie do you admire the most?

Bob Gnarly

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Originally posted by Padanime

wow, i thought u guys didnt like me. could i be more wrong???

*slaps himself*


why do u guys like me that much

*is confused*:confused::D


Aye, we at NRG still like you and always have... we just didnt want 500000000 Swampie hangout links posted ;) no hard feelings

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I've added more to my ever long lasting list.


ZDawg: Is one of the coolest people I've talked to. Has always been nice to me, and gave me a job at the NRG. More people should be like him.

XERXES: Always has good advice and despite what most ppl think about his opinions, I usually agree with him :D

Cjais: Makes good threads, and I believe he's a very intelligent person, which I like to see in the swamp every once in a while :p

Tie23: Posts great jokes, and always makes me laugh.

HexuNoku: For tricking me into clicking on his "list":D

k__star2: I love the avatar, and he's always nice and considerate.


And thanks to all who have listed me....I had no idea that many people find me a respectable person! :D :D

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this follows no particular order and all these guys *as well as many others not listed* kick all ass.


Darth Slayne (even though i have no idea where hes gone and havent heard from him recently)


Reb Starblazer (long time friend/foe of reb. he really brought me into the academy wars)


Darth Groovy (caman! hes the GROOVSTER! plus hes done alot for these forums in general)



why you ask did i choose these three? ive never seen any of them post something blatantly stupid or mean. all three have a natural flare for writing and have been very nice to me. keep doing what you're doing guys.

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wow, I'm totally overwhelmed by how many ppl have mentioned me! I'm shocked because I woulda thought my *cough* mood swings *cough* :D woulda put a dampner on things. Thank you very much. :crybaby:


I respect some ppl here much more than others, but those ppl know who you are, I don't even have to mention names! ;)


I like ALL the swampies I know without any exception.

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ET_Warrior (Obviously an intelligent person, as we agree about almost every matter related to SW except that we both interpret Luke's "Master Yoda, you can't die" line") :D


MotionMan (Where the heck is he?) :(


Darth Groovy, (Enlightened in political matters) ;)


Leemu Toas (Forgive me if I didn't spell your SN right!) :confused:



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Originally posted by AB_Legion

Since I'm not on anyone's list, I've concluded that it must be due to the fact that I'm so admired it would be just plain obvious to mention me.


AB_Legion aka Truthful Liar(:p) : Has an amazing gift of being able to blend into the swamp, disappearing disctretely and using his anonymity to do cool, good acts of charity, e.g: making lovely avatars :p And also a nool, cice person in general :p


LeXX: OMFG!?!!? Is that Chun Li!!?!?! :eyeraise: Haaaaiyah! Man, I could beat everything and it's brother's dog with Chun li in street fighter!!





Or, at least, I like to think I could....

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OMG, I can't believe I left you out leXX:(:(:(:(


leXX: she has always been a good sport on here, made me laugh, and just added to the friendly atmosphere in here:)


Legion: the avatars for a start:Dlol...he's done a great job over here, keeping ppl in order, and NRG is just an awesome forum:thumbsup:

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More to my list:


Darklighter: Havnt known him long, but the more i see of him the more i like him.


Lexx: Its a shame i havnt gotten to talk to her much... seems to be a good gal


Boba Rhett: Nice guy... always been nice to me and everyone elce.

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:eek: I'm a little shocked to find out I'm on two ppl's list!!!! I didn't think I'd be on anybody's list 'cause I just kinda lay low and I try not to stir up trouble.......


my list: (no particular order)






Et Warrior

Jedi 220

Jedi Monk


Sivy B


The other boys from Washington!!!! :D



These are the ppl that stand out the most to me.....but I enjoy and respect everyone here in the swamp! :)


What a great place this is!!!!! ;)

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Well here's on my list.


Leemu Taos- He's a great guy and we were like each other's first friend's on LF.


E T Warrior- He's a pretty smart guy and never really argued that much on anything.


leXX- Is there really anything to say? She's one cool female and can always make you laugh and she's my big sis. :D;)


Jedi_Monk- He's one Intelligent guy and even though we argued a lot when I first started I enjoyed it. I think there isn't a lot this guy doesn't know.


Motion Man- He was a good friend along with ET except that he hasn't been around in a long time. :(


Agent Smith- Aayla Secura's biggest fans. Me and him took Natalie Portman and Aayla out to Dinner :D That was one crazy double date :)


ep2ani- He's a cool guy and we get along very well.


Jedi220- He may be new to the forums and not have a lot of post's behind him but he's a cool guy and smart.


Padanime- Well he made a home away from home for us when LF was down. He's a cool guy and very wise.


I may not be on many list's here but it's all about the friend's and thats it right?


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Well first, I admire and respect everyone in the swamp, but here's some honourable mentions :


LeXX : For being herself, a XX forced to put up with with us poor suckers with a Y chromosome:D She's also a mother of two, so that definitely gets my respect and admiration.


Darth Groovy and Rogue Nine : For being voices of reason in a sea of insanity.


Darklighter : For his sense of humour, wit, and ability to laugh throughout an entire post.


Tyrion : For his ability to act twice his age most of the time, and half his age at the most inopportune moment:D, for representing the inner child in us all.


Obi-Wan13 : For his patience, wisdom, and uncanny ability to completely lose it at his modem sometimes.


Dath Maximus : Cuz he's batman!:bat1: and also a little :nutz3:...


Agen Terminator : For being the keeper of the spoon and protector of us all.


XERXES and FatalStrike : For having different opinions and the willingness to express them. We may not agree, but hey, without you guys, we wouldn't have many debates (Read : Arguments:D) around here, now would we?


Jah Warrior : For his "don't worry, be happy:D" outlook on life, and that awesome Jah Warrior skin.


Cjais : For being an all around pleasant person, having intelligent and valid points, and of course, for being our buddy Jais;)


Jedi_Monk : For his support of fanfiction, his intelligent posts, and the link to that site making fun of the EU, that was truly hilarious.


Darth Talliusc and Darth Slayne : For their wonderful contributions to the Academy Wars, helping to keep it going, and giving us LFJA guys someone to fight against instead of sitting on our arses all day.


Legion, ZDawg, and the other guys at NRG for being our gracious hosts.


Of course, everyone who's a member of the LucasForums Jedi Academy, for doing just that. You're all stand-up guys, and you all help to make this community a little better with your contributions


And last but not least, all the Moderators, Supermoderators, and Administrators, who work constantly at a job they get no money and barely any recognition for, and who every single day wade through more crap than you can possibly imagine, so that we don't have to.

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Originally posted by Ratmjedi

Jedi220- He may be new to the forums and not have a lot of post's behind him but he's a cool guy and smart.


That is a nice compliement and motivation for me to post more often!

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