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Star wars Episode 2 DVD


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Who says we arn't going to get Ep 2 DVD? I'm getting it! Pre-Ordered it. I'm gonna get it Nov. 12 and isn't anybody going to stop me. Even if the delevery truck isn't in yet. I doesn't matter. I'll force choke the manager until he gives me the secret copies that he was going to sell to other 'friends.' MUWHAHAHAHAHAH:lightning

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my bf is going to get them for me tomorrow morning - since he works at Target and all. Last year I went after midnight and bought it at Walmart (ep1). Since I work graveyard. The only probablem was that I found out the computers at work don't have dvd playing drives - so it sat in my desk all night in my drawer and i couldn't watch it. :mad:

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hum....video?!? :confused:


oh yeah...i remember those days...


i have the trilogy on video...damn wish they would come out on dvd!!!!!


i LOVE dvd. Oh the power. No rewind!! No dirty heads! No tapes getting stuck in the machine.


and the sound! :eek:



dvd all da way!!!


plus you can play it on your computer.....oooooo....and remember with the first dvd you got to get EXCLUSIVE content about EP 2...woohoo...a trailer. But still...when its all ya got! Woot!

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i hate these months.... to expensive :D :D

Im getting AOTC on video first... my dad doesnt want to buy a DVD player yet... he wants to wait till the better version for his B&O television set comes out :D and i do have DVD player on my comp.... but he wants to see it to... so first for me is video... later DVD

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as stated in another post, all i have to do is run out to Suncoast to pick mine up after I'm done w/ my classes....at 3:15 this afternoon.....dang, I wanna skip so bad....but can't.....stupid "I take roll and it counts towards your grade" teachers....they should recognize that I know EVERYTHING now and thus, do not need any more school and just give me A's....:mad:



ok, need to calm down....Ep 2 dvd....Ep2 dvd....Ep2 dvd....:D much better

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