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Opinions about user ratings


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OK, anybody got an opinion to the User Ratings (Bantha Fodder, Pit Droid, etc.)? I do.

I have not very good feelings about those ratings. People pick on other people because of their user rating. When you play against a "Bantha Fodder" and you are "Gungan" and he is better, you think "the heck! I didn't know Bantha Fodder could play JK2!".

Well - obviously - the Bantha Fodder developed better skills before going to the forum, before even KNOWING about the forum.


It's a psychological thing... People look at other people through their popularity. Like in this case, the post count. Analogy: NO girl is interested in Britney Spears' lack of intelligence. "Because she sings such cool songs," is the comment of many girls in my class.



Well, I am an Ewok now... AND I MIGHT BEAT ANY SITH LORD!


Boo hoo. Anybody got other opinions?

P.S. That custom User Title thingy is great! Why can't we set that before 1000 posts? ? ?

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I don't mind them as long as people don't make fun of me. I been playing JO since it's been out so just cause I'm a .... well I don't know what I am but, anyways just cause I'm a "Insert here" doesn't mean I'm not good at Outcast.:)



EDIT: well I found out I'm a Wampa so insert where it's needed.:)

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Originally posted by kstar__2

I think they are good the way they are, and I judge people by what they post:cool:


You're one of the friendlier people......... :)


Yes, rankings are nice :). But they can hurt people, as I have already proposed :(.

AND IF ANYBODY MAKES FUN OF ANYBODY ELSE JUST BECAUSE THEIR RATING IS BANTHA S***, I WILL PERSONALLY REPORT THAT TO A MOD! (GonkH8er could take good care, acdcfanbill would do the job too, StormHammer is also good at closing and banning... There is a good selection of mods around here!)

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You could set the custom title to, say - 200 posts, but I don't know why.


It is true however, people with more posts seem to have more experience in posting generally - though not always. And that's why I judge on postcount, not title.


Set the custom title to 5 posts and I'll still judge people based on their post count.

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Originally posted by Darth Strom

Eh calm down. The ratings are fine, if ur a n00b, its just incentive to post more...almost at 100 uh huh huh


when i reach 100 i own u all



Why the heck not just give the "n00bs" that damn custom title and let them be done with it? :confused:


It encourages spamming - everyone approaching 1000 will start to spam more when he reaches around 990... :D

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I post on multiple forums :)

(You might even see an odd post by me in SWG if I can be active enough to point my browser in that direction)



I haven't been playing JK2 MP since it was out. I think I must've got it a few weeks / maybe about a month after it came out. All I did then was play SP with cheats.

Then I eventually went to play online, even though I thought MP was evil, and I played MP for days on end for a few months. Now I'm not that bad :)


People shouldn't be judged by their postcount. Oh wait, I'm going into a logical lecture, which I don't do :)

I think date registered matters more than post count.

You can't really judge if people are n00bs by their postcount.

Unless they ask how to open the console :confused:

I think'll go back to sleep now... :)


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I know you can't judge people by post count - but between judging them based on title or post count, I'd say post count is always the better to judge by.


I was really only using it to argue for letting people have that damned custom title anyway :D


If a new dude comes along with very good opinions and a sane mind - then I'll gladly judge him based on that.


However, if I see a new guy that can't spell, is very offensive and so on - I know he's going to get banned sooner or later since we don't keep guys like this on these forums...

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ondrahosek...a small correction...you are referring to User Rankings. I only point this out because we did actually used to have a User Rating system...where each member could rate another member, which decided how many stars (up to a maximum of 5) a user gained. Of course, it was open to abuse (people getting their friends to give them good ranks...and trolls giving everyone bad ranks) so it was scrapped.


Anyway, as I've said before in the past...it wouldn't bother me at all if the post counts were switched off. I post on some forums that have done this...and there doesn't seem to be quite as much spam on those forums. It is unfortunately true that some people come onto these forums seeing the rank system as a challenge, and trying to spam themselves to the top rank, and beyond...then some of these people disappear of their own accord. I can't see the point myself...there must be far more interesting things to do with your life than seeing how much spam you can post.


Anyway...the ranks are enabled...they are what they are...and they do act as an incentive for people to post their views a bit more rather than simply lurking...because as you say, no one really wants to be considered Bantha Fodder. :)

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Well - You are right, StormHammer. And you are friendly, leXX. If that gets switched off, people might stop spamming.

But people need challenges. If they know that when they get to their 1000th post, they can add their own User Title (matt-windu style if they want to - I laughed my er... bottom off when I read that).


If you hated being an Ewok, leXX, I surely hated to be Bantha Fodder. What's the next level? Ewok baby? No, Tusken Raider. Boo hoo. :( I hate 'em Tuskens. I might also as easily as hate myself. (From time to time, I do.)


Well - my custom level might be:


Sithstem error

Fear my double blade

Stupid face

Avatar creator


1 h8 1337 741k

Bantha droppings


Or something else.


Anybody never spammed? Raise your hand! (I will call you a liar.)

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Personally, I judge people on what they're like, when they registered, and then their post count. In that order. If I see someone who's been here like a month, and they have 5-600 posts, I'm pretty sure he/she's a spammer(or they go to a LOT of other forums, but usually the first one is right). However, if you see people who've been here around 5 months with a 1000 posts or more, then it's not so bad. These people have been around a while, they know how the swamp works, so I'm alright with that.


But I agree with StormHammer, take away the user rankings, and there would probably be a lot less spam here. A lot of people spam their way to the top, for what, a few lines of words under your name? Leaving us to shift through the spam in their wake... yea, thanks :D

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I never looked down on someone's JK2 ability based on their rank.




I don't think I've even played any of the regulars from these forums.


I don't see anythin wrong with ranks as long as you don't spam for the sole purpose of a higher rank:o


-edit- I don't agree. People are jerks. There will be just as much spam. People spam to piss you off, only because they find pissing you off entertaining. Course, I'm talking about the negetive spam (ie, "[insert name] is a lamer" threads) I don't believe in positive spam. As long as you're not writing over some petty fight, I'm a loser, thusly, it's worth my time to read:)

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Originally posted by StormHammer

...if the post counts were switched off.


I'd second that notion. In my opinion the forums would calm down and there wouldn't be so many people trying to race to the top. For myself, I wouldn't mind iether, however you always have to take into account the other hundereds and thousands of users that visit LF from time to time/every day.


The more active people (not complete spammers) would find this alittle discouraging and even a turn-off, sure things could settle down although their feedback would be less noticable and often if a person wanted responses less would show up even though they'd be more 'to the point'.


Another side to the argument is if there weren't any post counts to deal with, most likely the true spammers/troublemakers would still continue with perhaps even a greater force since it's a win nothing and loose nothing situation.


Then again to be honest probably what makes these forums partly fun is the fact that there are ranks to climb and a custom title as a reward in the end. All in all, there will always be trouble but we must prepared in the event of such. That's my 2 bit. :)

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