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This forum's boring now!

Sherack Nhar

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Of course... sorry guys but I won't come up with a design tonight. I'm nowhere near as good as Eets or Rhett in this matter so I'd rather enlist their help to make sure this project gets the attention it deserves :)


So instead I'll give you a few more details on the project:

Basically we're going to set up a website that will act as a kind of whitepage directory (without the addresses :) ) for this forum. For every willing member I will set up a personal page where they can add whatever they want on it (no huge files though - Netfirms has a file size limit of 255kb): A profile, pictures, quotes, poetry, whatever... Just NOT huge files like MP3s of movie clips.


You can create your own HTML (or flash animation as Tie Guy wants to do) if you want to. I'm planning on having the member pages pop up in a new window so you are not restricted to the directory's layout.


Updated list: Clefo, Tie Guy, krkode, Homer, Rhett, Havoc , Eets, Shannon, Rogue Nine, YD, MadDoofer, Fergie, Artoo, possibly Sardaukar, and yours truly :)

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I'd like to be in it too. I know I am fairly new to GB.com but I am planning to stay here for a while. I am a regular in the Swamp and I will be here in dew time. I really would like to get to know you guy's better. I have a profile's that you can see by going to my Website that is in my Profile here. Sound's like a good idea so count me in if you guy's don't mind.


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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

... Havoc (where have you been!) ...



Well, I've had meetings with Corporate officers and management concerning a possible Job promotion, and I had a long weekend (I took a vacation day in addition to Thanksgiving Day), and then my wife came down with a real bad bout of the flu, which coupled with the pregnancy, really kept me busy all weekend. Thirdly, my network admin is at a conference all week, so I am doing her job as well as my own, as well as another coworker who's boy is in the hospital.


So, as I said, I've been just a bit preoccupied as of lately. ;)


But I always at least read the forum, even if I don't have time to post! :D

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

But I always at least read the forum, even if I don't have time to post! :D


Yup ... I see you browsing the forum a lot :D


But I didn't really said I was in ... I just said that you needed someone with inteligence on this mission ... quest ... thing ...


Funny that no one has said 'that rules you out' ;)


But hey, let's make it official. I'm in.

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Heyhey !

First things first:


1) yep, i'm still here, and i'm regularly browsing these forums.


2) the reason i don't post as much as i did ? well, i explained that earlier; there's only so many minutes in a day, and they seem to get taken fast with me nowadays ! That doesn't mean i abandon the forums though..


3) good to see a good bunch of ye old folks still here.

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Lately i've been busy interviewing tons of people. Just came back from a festival here in the Netherlands (Winter Wonder Rock) and a concert the wednesday afterwards. I'm getting more involved in my magazine as well, so that keeps me off the streets.

And oh yeah, there's also this girlfriend-thing that still eats time...



if what Sherack's putting up is a means to breathe new life in things here, i guess i'm up for it. I'm getting my new cable-connection soon (still hitch-hiking here), so that should mean more freedom in when and how long i can be online. Hook me up for it !

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