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Take That America!

Bob Gnarly

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That recent test was given to young Americans aged 18-24. It is not indicative of Americans as a whole, nor of that age group (I didn't get the survey, and nobody I know did either). Surveys can be flawed if the random sampling techniques aren't sound. For example, give the test to Americans in inner-city ghettoes, and give it to Canadians in wealthy suburban towns, and of course you'll get skewed results.


THIS IS THE TEST THEY TOOK. You can take it yourself by going to the link.


As a young American in that age group, I got 20/20 very easily. I didn't have to think twice or think hard about a single question on the list. Further, if you look at the results of each page, you can see that America got average or above average scores on many of the questions. But it is disheartening to see that many of us (or at least those polled) don't know where our own damn country is.


1/10th of americans know where iraq is and yet you wanna start a war


You're sure that the people who can't find Iraq want to go to war? Don't generalize one foreign policy to an entire nation of people. Once again, it is not 1/10th of Americans, it's 1/10 of young Americans who chose to took a poll which may or may not have been done accurately.


And it is possible to lead a successful life without knowing where Iraq is, you know. I respect an honest businessman who can support his family but can't find a country on the map more than a lowlife who memorized the map of the world.


I'm not condoning the rather poor results of the test, but this is far from the one-sided issue people make it out to be.

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Originally posted by kstar__2

lol, so 19 percent of the americans doesn't know where there own country is?


now i understand where you guys got bush from!:p


you mean 11% right :) lol!


only one .... that goes both ways ... the fact that u got 20/20 doesnt mean all americans can


true its not completely representative


buts its not a good sign

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Originally posted by OnlyOneCanoli

That recent test was given to young Americans aged 18-24. It is not indicative of Americans as a whole, nor of that age group (I didn't get the survey, and nobody I know did either). Surveys can be flawed if the random sampling techniques aren't sound. For example, give the test to Americans in inner-city ghettoes, and give it to Canadians in wealthy suburban towns, and of course you'll get skewed results.


THIS IS THE TEST THEY TOOK. You can take it yourself by going to the link.


As a young American in that age group, I got 20/20 very easily. I didn't have to think twice or think hard about a single question on the list. Further, if you look at the results of each page, you can see that America got average or above average scores on many of the questions. But it is disheartening to see that many of us (or at least those polled) don't know where our own damn country is.




You're sure that the people who can't find Iraq want to go to war? Don't generalize one foreign policy to an entire nation of people. Once again, it is not 1/10th of Americans, it's 1/10 of young Americans who chose to took a poll which may or may not have been done accurately.


And it is possible to lead a successful life without knowing where Iraq is, you know. I respect an honest businessman who can support his family but can't find a country on the map more than a lowlife who memorized the map of the world.


I'm not condoning the rather poor results of the test, but this is far from the one-sided issue people make it out to be.

yeah thxs i knew it was something like that :D

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Originally posted by OnlyOneCanoli

That recent test was given to young Americans aged 18-24. It is not indicative of Americans as a whole, nor of that age group (I didn't get the survey, and nobody I know did either). Surveys can be flawed if the random sampling techniques aren't sound. For example, give the test to Americans in inner-city ghettoes, and give it to Canadians in wealthy suburban towns, and of course you'll get skewed results.


THIS IS THE TEST THEY TOOK. You can take it yourself by going to the link.


As a young American in that age group, I got 20/20 very easily. I didn't have to think twice or think hard about a single question on the list. Further, if you look at the results of each page, you can see that America got average or above average scores on many of the questions. But it is disheartening to see that many of us (or at least those polled) don't know where our own damn country is.




You're sure that the people who can't find Iraq want to go to war? Don't generalize one foreign policy to an entire nation of people. Once again, it is not 1/10th of Americans, it's 1/10 of young Americans who chose to took a poll which may or may not have been done accurately.


And it is possible to lead a successful life without knowing where Iraq is, you know. I respect an honest businessman who can support his family but can't find a country on the map more than a lowlife who memorized the map of the world.


I'm not condoning the rather poor results of the test, but this is far from the one-sided issue people make it out to be.

Thanks for explaining that Only, it's nice to know that somebody takes the initiative to explain things before posting a topic. :rolleyes:

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all i gotta say is wow. I'm 13 in America and i no where alotta countries are. Canada is north the USA, west of greenland.


USA is north of mexico, and south of canada, east of Pacific ocean, west of atlantic ocean


Iraq borders with Syria, Jordan, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait.


Generation before me is stupid? Or did they just ask hicks?

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i got a 20/20


but also so that gave it to people 18-24, i actually wonder if they were all taking to their fullest ability


you know what i mean? i know on stupid surveys i have put the stupidest answer possilbe i am betting that a good number of people did that on this survey



i find this thread very offensive i am getting sick and tired of some people from europe on this fourm dogging out america you have no right to, people just show how ignorant and sterotypical they are when they make fun of america

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