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Favorite Part in AOTC


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One of my fav. parts is when Mace lights his saber and says: This party is over. Then all the other Jedis lights there sabers, and hell breaks loose.


I also like the audience with Jango, you know when Obi questions him. I like it when Obi asks if hes been to Coruscant lately, and Jango answers: Possibly!


and theres alot more!!


I just love that movie!!



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Well, I think the best part(s) were...


1: The final duel when Dooku challenges Yoda into a lightsaber duel... "It is obvious this sh*t cant be decided by our knowledge of the force.... but our lightsaber!" (or something like that). And then he turns his saber on.. Geez, mighty sh*t!


2: When Anakin rides his airbike to the tusken camp to find his mom... The remix version of Duel of The Fates is playing in the background.. mighty sh*it!!


3: Actually Im not a big fan of star "wars" you know, then I mean wars in the space with aircrafts.... But I like the scene when Jango and Boba are dropping those sonic bombs .. The sound of it is just superb!!


4: When Anakin tells Padme about that he killed "every one of them"... the tusken raiders, that is. There you get a feeling of Anakin becoming Vader!! Geez!

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1. The Coruscant chase.

2. The Asteroid fight.

3. The sound of the seismic charges (best sound effect ever)

4. The Geonosis Arena Battle (first time we get to see the Jedi in all their glory)

5. Yoda's mad kung fun saber skilz

6. Anakins 'I killed them all' speach

7. Anakin on his way to kill the Tusken Raiders (this visual effects and music of that is awesome)


I can't choose between those!

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Originally posted by Squater

The whole Jango vs Obi Wan fight.


my sentiments exactly. that fight totally rocked. as for best sound effect im gonna go with the seismic charges explosion.


that would be one helluva claim to fame for jango though, "i once headbutted a jedi master and left him for dead" too bad obi lived and jango.... well.... didnt.

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The ship exploding at the start :D


Nice effects :thumbsup:


Oh, and any lightsaber dueling; gotta love the art of lightsabers :)


I think most Jedi are called Master Jedi from respect; if you notice when on Naboo, the old dude (Sio Bibble - lol) refers to Anakin as 'Master Jedi' even though he is still a padawan learner.


I think Obi-wan is still a Jedi Knight unless he was given the title of Jedi Master eventhough he didn't successfully train a padawan.


[Edit] I like the whole movie! Except any parts with 0 action and too much Anakin & Padme :p

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