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The 'Get To Know Each Other' Thread


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I know the sudden increase of new people in the Swamp has caused a lot of people to be a little unsure of one another, so I've put together this little thread so the new and old people can get to know each other a little more:)Just write a few of your details so we can understand who you are. Thanks!:)



Name: Tim (Darklighter)


Country: England


Age: 16


Description: I'm a shy, reserved and infinitely complex individual;)


Interests: I like computer games (mainly JK2), sports (soccer is the best), Cowboy Bebop, chatting with friends, etc.


How did you find your way to the Swamp?: I came on here looking for some answers to a question I had about JK2, and resided in the Skinning section for a while. Eventually, I found myself here. I've been here since June:)


Your dream?: To be a world famous actor...I kid you not:)

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hahahaha its starting to sound like the AA only about spam!!



Name: STTCT or Shan


Country: US of A


Age: 23


Description: woman


Interests: Jetskiing, water sports, video games and generally just having fun


Swampage: I just came over here one day and started reading the threads. Then I made the mistake of posting here and been posting here and there ever since. But I come from GB.


Your Dream: To live a comfortable and happy life

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Name: Josh/FluX


Country: Australia, on exchange in Germany (some one visit me)




Description: my latest nickname is 'mr Alcoholic'. does that describe me enough?


Interests: drinking, partying, listening to music, going to concerts, the odd good scifi book.


Swampage: i was looking for /shame - JK cheats and i came accross this webpage, and been here since - i'm old school


My Dream?: is to be a resident DJ in Ibiza ( no BS) and own a big house on the beach.

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HI, my name is Jon 'nova_wolf' Adamson, and I have a problem...


I am a Star Wars fan.....


Age - 19


Location - Live in and go Uni in Leicester, England


Me - I am tall dark and plain... have girlfriend who is scarely my soul mate but love to pieces. Am a Master of Electronic and Software Engineering in training (2nd yr) and love Uni to bits.

Can't dance, but can mosh and air guitar...

Love a few drinks, never had a hangover and ALWAYS remember everything the next day - EVERYTHING!


Interests - Love Star Wars, especially fluff writing, shjort stories, the books and the GOOD games (Supremecy, JK Series, X-Wing Series). Drinking, movies, gaming, Final Fantasy, my missis, good music (my definition is warped at best!) & the Swamp.


Swampage - Was big into X-WingAlliance, then JKII was released, so came over from there to see what was happening. have been AWOL from reality ever since!


Dream - To own my own company that will build the ultimate simulators for the ultimate member of the X-Wing series...

That and to become a Jedi, live with my misis in harmony for ever and have a droid dog called Saber.

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hello my name is Sivy B, it has been 3 weeks since my last spam :p


Country: England


Age: 23


Description: fantastic body and a great lover


Interests: computer games, internet, bowling, pool, dvds


How did you find your way to the Swamp?:


i found way here from the modding forum which i first went to so i could find out how to change a skin to SP, then i found my way to the Ep II board and then the valley, then the swamp


my dream?: world peace and to be extremely rich

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Name: Masterjo2588 or Dan


Country: US


Age: 15(technically in 1 1/2 months)


Description:im shy, and the genious of my class


Interests:computers,computer games (mainly JK2), sports , all kinds of music, chatting with friends, etc.


How did you find your way to the Swamp?: Been here since last week, came just because i felt like it..now i need swamporette to quit and leave(but i dont plan on that ;))


Your dream?: To be a world famous computer techniction...sorta like a millionare who invented something important to the computer world. at any rate i will at least be a regular everyday comp tech.



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Name: LadyGaladriel


Country: England


Age: 17


Description: One of those strange female creatures.


Interests: Shakespeare (because I'm a freak), web design, films and novels.


How did you find your way to the Swamp?: Via the "Premier Forums" link on the main page. Sounds classy.


Your dream?: To got to uni at Oxford and go on to become a nicely paid journalist.

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Thanks to everyone who have posted, but I'm sure we can get more people in here than this:)Cmon people, don't be shy. I really think everyone should know a little bit about everyone else in the Swamp. You can see perfectly well that in the Swamp Awards 2002 thread, people were getting left out, simply because we didn't know enough about you. It's not about how long you've been here. It's about contributing to this mini community, by getting along and respecting other members, listening to people who give you advice. So let's make this place what it used to be. Personally, I'd like to get to know all the new people around here, like I have with the oldies:)lol

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Name: Riley/Skate Boy


Country: U.S.A.


Age: 14.I know, I'm a youngin'.


Description: Uh...Shy. A male. That's about it.:D


Interests: Star Wars, Music(Actully playing music, like Guitars and Drums and Bass ect.)


How did you find your way to the Swamp?: I'm with LadyGaladriel, The "Premier Forums".


My Dream?: To become a famous musician. Or to join Weezer.:D


That's my life. Interesting, huh?:indif:

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Name: Jake


Country: good ol' U.S.A.


Age: 16


Description: I am usually a serious person who. When it comes to my judgement, I usually think about what good a decision will do in the long run, rather then short lived. I enjoy humor as well. Without humor; one cannot be an individual.


Interests: Sci-fi movies, Computer games, Classic/southern rock.



How did you find your way to the Swamp?: I didn't find the swamp, the swamp found me. I was browsing the old JediKnight.net boards, and I seen a change. The change was very huge. Now there was a "go to lucasforums" option. I said "Lucasforums? what in the blazes is that?" I clicked out of Curiosity, and witnessed a viarity of message boards, joined together, including Jediknight.net and JKII.net. I wondered over to JKII.net, and pow, I'm here.


Your dream?: Currently living it. :cool:

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Age: 17


Country: Denmark


Description: Male. Average build. Hair cut consistent with today's pop culture. Caring and loving. Good with animals.


Interests: Long walks under the moo.... *cough* ahem.... - Pen 'n paper RPG's, PC games, drinking, partying, music (all genres).


How did I find the Swamp: http://www.jediknightii.net --> "Premier forums"...


My dream: Make it to the next day in one piece.

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Name: Benjamin


Age: 11 Im the youngling you idiot :p


Country: Sweden


Description: Shy.... Male, funny (IMO of course :p). Yeah well thats what you get ;)


Intrests: Intrests? what is this intrest you talk about? j/k :p, computer games, the net.


How did I find the Swamp?: No clue... seriously I cant remember, I think I was looking for skins and stuff and well, after awhile I ended up here :cool: its pretty addictive actaully....


Your Dreams?: To live a good normal life.

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Name: Kstar__2 (or as some of you may call me: Kilian, or K)

Country: netherlands

Age: 14


Description: male, bit of a geek, i have my funny moments


Interests: everything that has something to do with computers


Swampage: through jkii.net, i signed up because i had some questions and moved to the swamp

Your Dream: be rich and to know a hell lot (more) about computers

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Name : Michael/Flanders


Age : 13


Description : Male, geek, very funny in some moments


Interests : Jedi Outcast, Xbox, Gamecube and Science


How I came here : [big silence] I forgot.. [lots of laughs from the crowd]


My dream : To marry Keliegh.. [Very unlikely but, what the hay]

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Country: USA


Age: 26


State: Washington....yeah it rains a lot!..=\


Interests: Star wars, pc's, Xbox, movies, hanging out here @ LF.


Most wanted upcoming game: Knights of the Old Republic. For info click the link in my sig. ;):D


Self description: Happy, I'm usually always smiling, I like to talk a lot, and I enjoy a fine beverage every so often (usually the ones with alcohol in them). I also love to play sports! :D


How I found this place: I clicked on a link in someones sig about three months ago........I've been trying to get away.....I just can't seem to do it though. I have too many good friends from this place. :D

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Name: Father Torque or KFC man


Age: 12


State: Washington (oohhhhhhhh yeah):)


Description: I am a jock, have brown hair and brown eyes and am 5ft 3


Intrests: Deffinetly soccer(going to austrailia brazil and germany/engalnd to play on US team:p Computer games, Music

baseball, sleeping, technology


Ifound the forums firstly to post a recruiting thread in the clan recruiting section, i finnaly came to the swamp about 3 to 4 months ago


I wish to be a sucsesful accountant or technological sergent in the US marines or air force



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Name: Mark


Age: 15


Decription: Blond hair, blue eyes, slim build, 5 ft 11, and athletic


Interests: Love sports, games, tv, girls, movies, partying, computers, and LOTR:D


How I found the Swamp: I found a link to the modelling forum while looking for info on the Plo Koon Jk2 model. I eventually started browsing the rest of the forum and found the best part: The Swamp:D


My dream: I have 1 dream that will be with me my whole life. For the world to live in peace.:)

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Darth Talliusc/Rich


age: that wonderful time where you cant drink but you can drive.


interests: any game made by blizzard or lucasarts. hockey, partying, sleep.


habit: bad things happen to me, and to people around me. im sitting here right now with my neck stiff as cement from the car accident two weekends ago, fighting off mono. i dont actually know if its mono but i get the blood test back tomorrow and that will tell me. oh and im in terrible pain.



how i found the swamp: i was trying to click a file on jediknightii.net while the page was still loading, as i was about to click it for some reason the page layout changed slightly, shifting the stormtrooper that is the link to the forums over just enough to make me hit that instead of the file. started reading titles and found the offtopic area. wasnt actually planning on staying but there were some topics i wanted to post in. its addictive it is.


dreams: to know what i want to be, to know where i want to be, how to get there, and what to do should it actually happen.



edit: anybody notice how masterjo misspelled the word "genius"? i hope that was intentional...

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name: ckcsaber


country: USA


Age: 16


Description: 6'1. Crazy. Black Hair. Crazy.Likes lots o' things like WOT, SW, LOTR, Basktetball, Baseball (Angels). And im crazy


Came upon this haven looking for ppl to talk SW with. Didnt really post anything the 1st month though:D. Once I started I was hooked. Plain and simple

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Name: Elessar-Eärfalas [aka dAno from about...a month ago;)]


Real Name: Danny Paton


Country: Canada [yee yee!]


Age: 16


Description: All around cool kid, Italian, nuff said!!! :rolleyes:


Interests: My biggest interest is in Soccer, ive been playing since i was 5 and ive grown with it bein italian and all. i also love computers, and hope to do something in liek with my job to do with computers. did that make sense?....ya, who cares.


How did you find your way to the Swamp?: well i started off at LucasForums when i got jk2. i was always hangin out at the Modeling forum to see the current model WIP [good ol days] and then i eventually stumbled upon the Swamp! and here i am...:)


Your dream?: To play for Team Italy in the World cup...:D

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