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Do u think drugs should be legal?


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i think some that help us should be but the one that kill shouldn't what do u think


therre alot of drugs that kill but some can help cure stuff so i think the ones that help should be legal but the other illega0l


yeah your right this is my last one it's just these ppl want answer thelast one i made i throught they would answer that one and i think the deadly drugs should be illegal but trhe ones that help should be legal for hospital to help the patients that nedd it


no there are some drugs that are illegal that can help patients in hospitals so i was asking if u think they should make them legal to let hospital to give ti to there to there's patients


ueah your right there would be alot of drug overdoses but i'm talking just for medicial purposes


alot of ppl need some of the drugs that are illegal to cure them and that's why i think they should make it legal to let hospital ppl used them on the ppl that need it



good point squater i agreee with u on that one


u are right that would drive the drug dealers out of businees and decrease the drug use and the death from it

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It's not pointless at all :)

Posted by vegietto


there alot of drugs that kill but some can help cure stuff so i think the ones that help should be legal but the other illegal [...] i think the deadly drugs should be illegal but the ones that help should be legal for hospital to help the patients that nedd it

I agree with you completely - there are several drugs that could (arguably, should) be used for medicinal purposes, but which are currently illegal... Some of them have less side-effects than drugs we currently use in hospitals, but no decrease in benefit for the patient (that's from memory; I can't source it with ease :()
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Some drugs used for medical purposes is okay.

Any harmful drugs should be illegal.

I'm not too sure about hospitals using illegal drugs to cure patients. I doubt we'll be seeing that happeneing within the next 10 years ;)

I'm sure eventually someone will find a cure to everything... or not. :)

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Okay, Off the bat don't judge me or get me wroung in any way. I have done a good ammount of "testing" in my day, and still to this day. I'm nineteen and I frist started smoking marijuana at fourteen. Im not saying all you fourteen yearolds go out and smoke weed because I did everybody is diffrent and can handle diffrent things. I never really thought of marijuana as a drug, I wont get into it now because it would be a huge spam but in short I think retailing marijuana is the way to go, Sell it and put a tax on it. Society can handle liquor stoes on every corner, but not a marijuana store, thats pretty hypocritical.


Besides weed another of my so called "fav drugs" would be shrooms. Psilocybe Mushrooms or Shrooms are a fungus that when taken creates a surreal state of mind. For me it has opened me eyes to myself and my surrounds. I wouldnt think that this would be a good idea to market them. It would be nice to see that people are opening there minds in diffrent ways but I think it would be too out of control.


As for other drugs I think that no matter what you make "legal" there will always be the more harder more unsure of drug that is made. So there is really no point to make every drug legal, it will never happen no matter what I or ten million people want.


(Drugs are bad kids never, never do them!)

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Actually, illegal drugs have and are still used in some instances in hospitals to treat patients, and it is legal to do so. eye doctors used either cocaine or heroin i believe to numb up people's eyes before eye surgery. The reason they aren't used very often is that drug companies can make prescription, legal drugs that are just as beneficial without the addictive side-effects. Believe me, if there is an illegal drug that WOULD cure somebody's illness and there is no other drug to use....hospitals and doctors CAN use them.


Illegal drugs should stay illegal


And vegietto......you can post your responses to people instead of just editing your original....i mean, i had no idea what the heck you were saying in your first post because you have responses to posts that i hadn't read yet.

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Originally posted by Clemme w/Stick


Yes, to -s/<itzo- you listen! It should stay illegal, many contries would have alot of problems if they were legallized!





Yeah, look at Holland for example.... Their country is just in utter turmoil :rolleyes:



They've legalized marijuana, and they've also legalized euthanasia, which was a big step towards a better future imho.



They're doing fine.


I don't see how legalizing pot would screw up the US any more than it is though. Maybe Bush could smoke some and it might knock some sense into him and he WONT attack Iraq.



The effects of being intoxicated on alcohol are far more disorientating and internally harmful than the effects of getting high off weed.


I'm not saying I smoke it, or I'd like it legalized. I'm just saying it's silly to allow things like alcohol and tobacco but not marijuana

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Personally, I am strongly against legalization of marijuana, if you think isn't damaging for you, you are wrong, not only does it have the damaging effects of smoking, but you'll also get slower and less quick to respond and so on. Neither do I think it is right to have it legal just because tobacco and alcohol is legal. That is just like allowing people to beat eachother up as much as they want, just because people hits harder in boxing games, and it's allowed there.

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i have nothing against people who smoke marijuana, and i agree that it is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. i also agree that in some cases it has medical benefits.

my only problem with it being illegalized is that in alot of cases marijuana acts as an stepping stone to harder drugs,

most junkies (the ones who mug old ladies to get enough money to get their next fix) well tell you that they started out just smoking joints.

i'm certainly not generalising by saying people who smoke marijuana will eventually turn to harder stuff because i know that isn't the case. but it happens, i know it happens because it has happened to friends of mine.

if marijuana was illegalized then more people will do it, which will increase the number that go on to do harder stuff.


i would just want to know how the authorities would counter this before i signed anything.

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I think if drugs were made legal then they (the gov) could regulate them and control them better. They could make tons of money off of it.


At least here in Washington state........the state controls the sale of all "hard" liquor. It is taxed quite high here......for example.....a 5th of Absolut vodka here in Washington is about $20......in California it like $13 or something.


I'm just saying if the gov't legalized it....then it would be under more control and you wouldn't have as much of a "black market" as you do now.

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drugs are going to be abused no matter what. Many people abuse caffeen, and you cannot tell me that is doenst affect you, maybe not as much as Heroin does of course, but it still affects you nonetheless. I dont smoke pot but i dont see any reason that it should be illegal, just tax it like they do everything else. I wouldnt say that alcohol is a lot worse that pot either, you can have one beer and drive fine, you can smoke a bit of pot and drive fine, its when you take either in excess that you run into problems. In moderation many things can be enjoyed, but in excess, theres where people run into a problem.

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I agree, i don't see anything different from having legalized marijuana and having legalized tobacco and alcohol.


But i personally think that tobacco should be illegal. It's so addictive and cigarrettes are so harmful....and the smell of cigarrette smoke makes me sick.


The reason why tobacco is legal and marijuana is not is because tobacco has been socially acceptable since the days of the 13 colonies, and marijuana has not.

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Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think that part of the reason why certain substances are still illegal is that there's a powerful faction in the government that seeks to keep minority races down, and they see the war on drugs as a way of doing that. Most of the people who are convicted of drug offenses aren't middle or upper-class white people. As Leemu Taos said, I too believe that government regulation of the soft-core drugs would be the best way to go. Prohibition is historically proven to be a failure.


And maybe marijuana is a "stepping stone" drug, as Sivy said. But let me ask you, why is that? Let me present my reasoning: it's because if you get away with using marijuana, maybe you'll think, "Hey, this is sweet... I'm not getting caught, it's not doing anything to me that is anything but good. I wonder what the other stuff will do?" There's little-to-no definition between soft drugs and hard drugs here in the states, it's "Just Say No", and they don't bother to tell you why. Maybe there are some kids who think, "Hey, this isn't so bad; didn't kill me... so how do I know they weren't lying about the other stuff?" So you take the next step, and the next and the next until you're a wreck. Just like with sin, the more you break the law and get away with it, the more often you'll throw caution to the wind and think you're above everything.


Furthermore, there's the matter of hemp. Hemp could save the American farmer; it's a hardy plant that will grow practically everywhere. You can make paper out of it, rope, cloth... there are Native American tribes that are even making their houses out of it! It's legal to purchase hemp-products (even consumables) here in the US, but it's illegal to grow because the ATF can't tell the difference between it and its THC-rich cousin, marijuana.



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