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No! Somebody Wake Me Up!

Sherack Nhar

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I don't live in US, and i shouldn't really care, but really if...


In his rhetoric Lieberman has struck a tone of stern condemnation of much of America’s popular culture, from rap music to violent video games.


... happens u guys are going to suffer the APOCYLAPSE .


U just need someone to make a video recording of some guy crashing his car over a bridge. ;) ;) ;)

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ugg...I wouldn't mind supporting Gore...but LIEBERMAN? That's practically handing the Republicans another term!:o Oh well...can't have everything...


BTW, Sher...he's been pushing it for a long time, but in a statement recently he thought the ISDA was doing a decent job enforcing it's regulations, but he does think that mature rated games should be ID sensative. And the crappy part is that he has CNN in his hip pocket. They run so many anti-gaming articles and it annoys the crap out of me because of the horribly educated views they use. They only use games like BMX XXX, Soldier of Fortune, GTA3, and others to represent the entire gaming industry. It annoys me to death.:evanpiel:

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see, that's what WE'RE all saying, but they've come up with a completly unfounded relationship of violent games to violent kids...this all REALLY blew up around the whole Columbine thing (if you don't know what that is, go here) when it was revealed that the 2 kids had made a model of their school in a Doom map :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by darthfergie

I wouldn't mind supporting Gore...but LIEBERMAN?


You blasphemer! :eek:



Anyways, of all the candidates, I'd say that Lieberman has the least chance of winning. Kerry or Edwards or Grahm have a much better chance of defeating Bush than Lieberman. Of course, i don't think anyone is gonna defeat Bush, but absolutely not Lieberman.

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I'll be able to vote in 2004, so I need to pay attention to this. I'll probably regester as a Democrat just so I can vote in the primaries, but of the people who have announced so far I would probably vote for Kerry, whenever I think of Edwards I think of that "Crossing Over' guy, And I'm not too familiar with Graham..

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Great! Just great!


I find out that the people this issue affects can't vote on it! How fair is that?




GO BUSH 2004!!!


He may not be the best man for the job, but at least he hires the right people!

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Originally posted by krkode

But come to think of it...I don't play violent games. :|


I play Medal of Honor (Teen rating if i'm not mistaken) and Warcraft III (also Teen) :)

Those games depict violence, therefore they are violent game.


Lieberman would only allow you to play The Sims...

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Me too - I saw the pic and left the article! Couldn't stand the sight of the old people kissing. Ack! NE ways - here we are, America, in the midst of war (Korea problems, Iraq problems) and our "axis of evil" name calling and this guy is concerned with VIDEO GAMES?? A giant WTF goes out to him and his campaign. I'm not voting for him. I hope someone better comes along!

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I am not who I would vote for yet. I don't think I would vote on Lieberman. I dont like all his ideas. If I was voting democratic, then I think I would vote for Edwards (I already voted for him once for NC Senator).


I don't Bush's economic plan right now, however I do like his attitude towards nuclear power. (Note. this is not his attitude towards nuclear weapons, which is a completly different arguement.)

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Anyways, of all the candidates, I'd say that Lieberman has the least chance of winning. Kerry or Edwards or Grahm have a much better chance of defeating Bush than Lieberman. Of course, i don't think anyone is gonna defeat Bush, but absolutely not Lieberman.


Sorry Tie Guy but in a CNN poll of voting democrats Lieberman is currently in the lead.


But I agree with you that those other 3 have a better change of defeating Bush. Lieberman doesn't seem presidential to me. Neither does Kerry. Edwards or Graham mabybe. I think Gore was the only one who had a real chance against Bush.


All those people who were in an uproar 3 years ago would've been registering Gore voters like there is no tomorrow.

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