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Father Torque Foundation

Father Torque

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OK, I dont like saying this but, DONT DOANTE TO THRIK. Here are my 4 reasons


1. Thriks so called life story, is false, and totally irrelevant to why he should get points. Hmmm he sure is homeless when he can have a computer with internet, connection and a good photo editing and digital graphic program


2. He has 6991 points need I say more.


3. He won a banner contest at MIXNMOJO, where scabb a person who Moderates there donated him points even though he knew he didnt need them and tried to impliment in the fashion he wrote his post, that he believed Thrik. And Remi0, said he has never seen or heard of him before, this being weird considering I remember a while back I saw them posting in the same thread on after another.


4. He knows better, than to ask for points when he himself has a plentiful amount and 2 times more than anybody on the forums.


Here is a personal note to Thrik. Never ever come back to this thread and make a post like that. It was un true, had weird content which some other forumers might think is bad. And one more thing Thrik. If the pyshopath was extremely proffesional he wouldnt give you drug needles. Its common sense buddy, and the next time you post a false post try not to make it sound so obvious that you are lying. Or I have a better idea, dont post a lie reply again ;), Roger.

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Originally posted by Father Torque

He won a banner contest at MIXNMOJO, where scabb a person who Moderates there donated him points even though he knew he didnt need them


Right, you’ve made two glaring errors:


Error one, right, Frankenstein was the name of the creator, not the monster. Error two, right, Frankenstein is a zombie. He’s a type of zombie. It’s like people who say Tannoy when they mean public-address system. Tannoy is a brand name.


No really, the competition had little to do with me. I feel like I'm the victim of a hate crime. Look and see the folly of your ways.


I will accept several hundred points as compensation.

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Cash! I need Cash!


I need to change my name, it's spelt wrong. I've been saving up and almost have enough, but now I want a sig pic.


And those are so damn expensive.


So how does this whole thing work exactly? Can I just ask for points and people'll give em, or do I have to repay them later? Is it like welfare? I get points but have to show progress?


I'll bet it's all in the first post but I'm lazy.











:snear: What do you mean "No wonder I don't have many points!?!"

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No points are to be donated to you as necessary compensation since this is a VOLUNTARY service, and no one NEEDS to donate points, they just elect to. If you want a better answer, do it outside of the Father Torque Foundation, and in PM, if at all.

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wow last time i saw thirk about 1 week ago he had like 4000 points not hes got 7000+....this is crazy...and the whole points of this threed is to donate to people who need them most and Thrik really dosnt need them, thirk u should donate some points you selfish boy u


100 to mandolorian and 100 to skinner and 278 to Semicolon


making me to 821 donations

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Originally posted by BongoBob

Soon as DJ get's my sigimage done, I'll cash in points.Semicolon, you're really cool...50 to u. I still have 50 left, who wants em? Tell me what u want them for.


Awsome, thanks dude. And thanks to everyone who has donated to me thus far, this really is a great place, Almost got me my sig then I can donate to yall!

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Donate to me! It's the only way to ensure I don't end up committing suicide or something due to lack of credits. I've lived with pain all my life - why not let me enjoy happiness for a change?


Donate the credits to me and change a person's life forever.

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I'll find it very amusing if one day the admins remove your points Thrik. But they are your points so do as you please will with them just dont expect people to donate to you.



Anyway back to the real point of this thread:


I am going for a picture sig :o and as yous can all see i still have only about 200 points, so please donate to the "Lord Siraious Needs a Pic Sig Fund", You'll put a smile on a little green alien's face :yoda:

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Thrik, u REALLY are pathetic, i mean some people have problems like losing there homes, and parents and on aids. U REALLY make fun of those people u embarris ( of however u type it)


it makes me wanna hope those things in ur post are REALLY gonna happen to u !!





I am saving for a italic name, can i have some points people?

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Those saying that I should lose my credits - why? I worked for them by winning a competition. What have you people done? Spam and accept donations? Please.


Quit being so jealous of me, too. They're just credits. They mean nothing. Yes I have a lot, but I don't really care. It's you lot making a huge issue about it - just teach yourself to not care.

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Originally posted by Thrik

They're just credits. They mean nothing. Yes I have a lot, but I don't really care.


Then why ask for donations?


What you are doing is akin to stuffing your face with food while surrounded by starving people. I fail to see the humour in it, and I quite understand why people would be upset by it.

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