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Bush is a Moron


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Can we please impeach him out of office?


The man is sincerely going to lead this country (USA) into a big ole mess. I am against a war with Iraq. I think he needs more support from other countries before he decides to just go over there. Our economy is suffering big time. ETC. He basically said that we are going to war without any supporters if necessary. We will do it by ourselves. I think this is a big mistake. Does anyone else agree that Bush is a moron?

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ok first off, we already know Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. Therefore, WE NEED TO TAKE HIM OUT!!! Bush is not a moron, he understands that Saddam is hidding his weapons. Even Hans Blik (sp?) the leader of the inspections team has said that he believes Saddam has weapons of mass distruction. Saddam has failed to produce any proof of his distuction of hundreds, if not thousands, of cemical and biological weapons. If he had destroyed them, then why not just hand over the proof. Iraq's huge statement about it's weapons programs (the one that declared all his currents weapons), doesn't account for tons of stuff that we know he used to have. Saddam claims he used those weapons (BTW - these are biological and cemical weapons) in his war with Iran many years ago, but we know he didn't shoot half as many of these rockets as he claims.


In short, Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. He is a mad man and must be taken out of power.


Remember: If Bush had said we were going to go after Usama Bin Laden and his terrorist before 9/11, the most Americans would have said the same exact thing as they are now about Iraq. Do you really want to wait until he attacks us or one of our allies.


And just so you know, we impeach the pres. out of office...not veto. Veto is what the pres. does to stop a bill that congress votes into law and he doesn't agree.

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Originally posted by Praetorian

ok first off, we already know Saddam has weapons of mass destruction.


It has never been proven, so we don't know if he have.




Bush has weapons of mass destruction. Israel has weapons of mass destruction. Perhaps we should take out them instead?


Even Hans Blik (sp?) the leader of the inspections team has said that he believes Saddam has weapons of mass distruction.


False. Hans Blix said that they hadn't found anything, but couldn't be sure whether or not he have.


In short, Saddam has weapons of mass destruction.


As I already said, it has never been proven.


Remember: If Bush had said we were going to go after Usama Bin Laden and his terrorist before 9/11, the most Americans would have said the same exact thing as they are now about Iraq. Do you really want to wait until he attacks us or one of our allies.


Saddam has nothing to gain by attacking. If he does so, he will be chrushed right away, and he knows that. He may not be very nice, but he is quite intelligent.

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hee exactly!


Here we have Korea over there blatently making nuclear weapons....and we are still saying...oh no we aren't going to go to war with you north korea.


here's saddam who "might" be making weapons of mass destruction. We dont know for sure and basically Bush is saying well too bad, we are going over there anyway.


He hasn't given enough proof to justify going over there and "disarming" saddam. I can understand if this was justified. If it was I know he'd have the support of France and Germany. But as it stands right now he isn't getting strong enough support and I think war would be a stupid move.


This is the same man who wants to give Nasa more funding but in the same breathe we are going to raise taxes, cut school funding etc etc etc. I think helping our children get better educations is a lot more important than sending another space ship up there.


And how does this relate to OSama...this Saddam thing. I understand...terrorists. USA is pissed off and doesn't want to look weak. I think Bush is just going about things the wrong way.

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ya...that's probably it. I dont' think he's doing it for the oil though...partly but maybe not all. I think he just wants to prove to the world about "axis of evil" and America aint going to take it! At least with the Sept 11 attacks he was a little more careful about pointing fingers. This is just seemingly to me like George Bush has always had a hard on for Saddam and has been training his son to finsish the job for him.

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Originally posted by STTCT

Can we please impeach him out of office?


The man is sincerely going to lead this country (USA) into a big ole mess. I am against a war with Iraq. I think he needs more support from other countries before he decides to just go over there. Our economy is suffering big time. ETC. He basically said that we are going to war without any supporters if necessary. We will do it by ourselves. I think this is a big mistake. Does anyone else agree that Bush is a moron?


He's been jingling his spurs since he stepped into the oval office. He doesnt know foreign policy yet is in a big frickin hurry to send young men to die. I just don't understand it. Wherever your petition is Shannon, I will sign now. ;)

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Okay, how should I say this without looking like a fool and a mindless drone follower of a warmonger?


First, no matter how much you hate the guy, no matter how poorly it appears he is running the government, George W. Bush is still a president in his first term. Politically speaking, the majority of what he is trying to do, will be what he feels is in the best interest of our nation. If not, he would be committing political suicide and destroying any chance of re-election for sure. "He already is/has!" you say? Exactly my point, the decisions he's making is not for a personal agenda, because he has basically destroyed any hopes of an easy re-election in two years.


It's quite obvious that out National Security Advisor or our Defense Secretary, or both have proof that Suddam has Weapons of Mass Destruction or is actively researching them and has strong ties with Al-queda, specifically the attacks of 9-11. This evidence is what George W. Bush is acting on. However, to disclose the nature of evidence/proof we have, would render the source completely useless from that point on, or worse yet have those sources (Probably CIA or State personnel) compromised and or killed. Besides having United States personnel killed, the ramifications of revealing the source or sources would be detrimental at best. With a war with Iraq seemingly imminent, we could use all the inside info we can muster, to help locate Suddam and his weapons.


Now, if you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Suddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction at his disposal and know full well what kind of sentiment he holds America in and helps terrorism strike at America, then you too, would try your best to make the world see what you see without compromising your inside sources. You would also want to eliminate that threat to your country. Would you not?


Now, do I agree with all Bush is saying and proposing? No. But I have to respect the guy for committing political suicide to ensure the safety of our country. He could of easily backed off by know, but he knows what a lot of other nations don't, and what his own citizens don't. He obviously can't live with himself knowing he didn't make an attempt to remove Suddam Hussein and the threat Iraq currently poses to world peace.


Ask yourself this, even if he wins the war, do you think he'll be viewed as a hero? Of course not. His political career is over. Why would he have risked that for something the majority of the nation and even the world doesn't seem to agree with him over?



Because he knows what we don't, and I wish he could show us, and the rest of the world, exactly what that is, but the reality of it is, he can't. Not without compromising the lives of American personnel. Of course a war on Iraq also endangers thousands of American soldiers, but in the end, whether he shows the proof or not, this war is most likely to happen. Even more likely if he discloses that proof. So he would gain nothing, but more support for the war at the cost of a valuable information and possible additional human lives beyond the casualties of war.


It's an extremely difficult position George W. Bush finds himself in, and you all seem Blasé about the whole thing. He has sealed his own fate, politically, probably is losing sleep over this and I know I, personally, would have resigned or hung myself by know if I were in his shoes.


The decisions that man faces everyday make our lives look petty. He makes the decisions that will affect millions of Americans everyday, and ultimately the whole world, and like it or not, the guy is human. Which mean he's going to make mistakes. Don't fool yourselves into thinking that the "other guy" would have done things any differently or better.


You go ahead and bad mouth the man, but I wouldn't want his responsibility for all the money in the world, nor would I ever want to be making the decisions he's making right now.


On one hand, I could let the world know what I know at the cost of American lives and eliminate a valuable source of Iraqi inside information therefore rendering us partially blind in the war. Or I can protect those sources and possibly go into war alone because the rest of the world doesn't believe me, but I would have spared those sources and would have better info to make future decisions educated and efficiently during the war. Either way, thousands of lives will be endangered in war.

Or I can just ignore the fact that Suddam has biological weapons and is working on/has nuclear weapons and supports the same terrorist group that just viciously attacked our nation, making the possibility of the next strike even more deadly with the use of biological/chemical/nuclear weapons on American soil with the aid of Suddam Hussein, but just hope it never happens. No matter what I choose, the possibility of me getting re-elected isn't looking very good.


That's not the kind of decision I want to make, but you know what, I think I'll just sit back and bitch, moan, badmouth, slander and insult the poor sap who has to actually make those kind of decisions! :rolleyes:


He's just a guy, who is having every kind of difficulty simultaneously that the last four presidents had to deal with individually:


Cold War with North Korea - Carter/Reagan Cold war with Soviet Union

Columbia Space Shuttle disaster - Reagan Challenger Space Shuttle disaster

War with Iraq - Bush Sr. War with Iraq

Hurting Economy - Clinton hurting economy

Loss of thousands of lives in an attack on our own soil - Never happened before on such large scale!


The guy is under more stress than any of us could possibly imagine. He's still just a man who is a husband and a father, trying to make decisions for the well being of our nation. Cut him a little slack, at least state your opinions in less judgmental way.

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Russia has weapons of mass destruction, I'm sure France has weapons of mass destruction, Germany probably has weapons of mass destruction, the list could go on forever. Why dont we goto war with them and make them destroy thier weapons of mass destruction?


Though I do agree Bush is a moron. . .


And why should a man be forced to die for his country? what if he doesn't want to die? Dont we have enough ppl in the Miliatry already?

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Russia has weapons of mass destruction, I'm sure France has weapons of mass destruction, Germany probably has weapons of mass destruction, the list could go on forever. Why dont we goto war with them and make them destroy thier weapons of mass destruction?


The reason we don't go after Russia, France, Germany, and many other is because they are our allies and are not ruled by madmen. Countries like North Korea...we risk war with China. That would be too costly.


The basic political rule tends to be, if you have nukes, no one touchs you. I'm not saying that is alway the case, but it seems like that IMO.

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Originally posted by STTCT

well i do care if he has weapons of mass destruction...and I'm glad the UN is over there trying to figure this stuff out. I certainly do NOT support Saddam having these kinds of weapons, but I do not support war without proof.



Remember, Saddam has not proved that he doesn't have weapons of mass destruction. We already know that there are many chemical stockpiles that Saddam hasn't shown ANY proof that he destroyed. If he had destroyed them, then he should have nothing to hide and would give evidence of destroying them right away.


What in Saddam's history tells you he can be trusted?

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I dont see why we should send troops. . . send some bombers and a support wing of fighters and bomb the crap out of Iraq. . . but then again. . . there are probably innocent ppl there, (that still hate us anyways) but we couldn't kill them cuz they're innocent.


Ya, if sum1 gots nukes, you dont mess with them. Plus, IMO, the first person/country that fires a nuke will have started WW3. Cuz the country that is targeted will launch a nuke back, and then the targeted country's allies would launch missiles too, and then the country that fired the nuke fist would have its allies fire nukes back, and so on. So basically. If we ever went into a Nuclear War, it would be the end of humanity. that's jus my OP. . .


[/end rambling]

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To begin.


Had Bush not been pushing for this the inspectors would not even be in Iraq at this moment. Let's ignore the fact that Iraq is in material breach of those sanctions. Let's ignore that their weapons declaration was missing some 3000 pages. Let's ignore that the inspectors have already said that Iraq hasn't beeen cooperating fully. I can go on and on.


Saddam is playing the UN, and most of the people here. He is cooperating just enough for most people to say war isn't necessary. If he isn't stop eventually Europe and the UN will once again get bored of the inspections and won't bother with them anymore. Bush is seeing that this doesn't happen.


You call Bush a warmonger. Why because he nows that to disarm Saddam war is required (if you think otherwise then you are just fooling yourselves). Who quickly do you forget when one of our planes had to do an emergancy landing in China. And the Chinese wouldn't release the crew or the plan? People then clamored for a military response. What did Bush do? He used diplomacy.


Returning to current events, let's look at North Korea. Now you are all upset that he isn't pushing for war with them, when he is with Iraq. Funny that doesn't sound like a warmonger to me. Has it occured to you that at the moment the situation with Iraq needs to be dealt with first before dealing with North Korea. The worlds attention is now on Iraq, so maybe North Korea can wait.


I for one support the war against Iraq, and will gladly give my life for this country.

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I've seen this debate go on and each side has represnted themselves and, personally, I'm torn...I hold very personal religious views, so I don't conform to any one church or ideaology...basically for me, I hate all war, justified or not...to wage war on another country is to hurt all mankind, I am baffled as to why people cannot understand that we are all the same, to hurt someone else is to harm ourselves.


There are people out there who do need to be stopped. Whose anger and lust for power will be unsated no matter what. Hitler was one of those people. Napoleon was probably another. Saddam is one, in my opinion. The main problem is that we can't kill Saddam...it's not that we couldn't get to him or find him to actually end his life, if we did he would become a martyr and his followers would hate America even more. There must be an alternative, we just have to find it.


I'll end this with a quote from Albert Einstein,

"How despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than to be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."

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Einstien is... Einstien so no use argueing with him.:D



Admiral- 1) Inspectors come first anyway.

2) Fair enough, but all countries will do that when everyone is against them

3) Diplomacy? Doesn't sound very Bush-like, but I guess he's not that bad a guy.

4) Guess who I'll be argueing for next? ;)

5) I would make fun of patriotism here, but I might get banned. ;)


Ackabr- LOL! :rofl:

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