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Adventure Game Themes


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Lucas Arts have given us Pirates, Voodoo, Mexican Culture, Film Noir, Time Travel, Mythical Cities, Madcap detectives, Space Exploration, Stubble-face bikers and even strange weird tribal people with sticks.


What next?


Personally, I want to see some vampires. A trip to Egypt would be fun too. With mummified corpses that somehow come to life. There's also a lot of exploration to be done underseas too.



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Bleh. There are billions of possibilites, Vikings, Romans, Witchcraft, Australians, Robots, Biblical people. All have yet to feature in there very own LucasArts adventure game. As long as they don't feature any of those filthy neutrals. I mean, with enemies, you know where you stand, but with neutrals - who knows?

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Originally posted by bgbennyboy

Heh if you look at those themes from the point of view of traditional platform game levels, theyve got most of em covered.

So yes, egyptian, water and ice levels are all thats missing, games themed around them in some way.


You forgot mine carts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why the hell beard... eh, not?


I always thought a marriage between the two great assets of LucasArts would be great. Star Wars and (point & click preferably) adventure. This way both the LEC suits and the LEC fan community could have a game they want. It could also introduce the Star Wars fans who have been served with "low-brow" action games mainly to the genre of adventures.

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Well, that may be so, but the visuals are stunning and the stories may surpass the usual Star Trek episode. I for one love The Dig and think it was able to stand on its own. That is, at the time of its release. Nowadays you've got loads of Armageddons and the like, so the story isn't so unique anymore.


Get some very talented writers (Joss Whedon and his crew), some good puzzle designers and some artists and you can easily make a SW adventure that's better than Monkey Island 2. I put this remark in to get some bashing and maybe a little heat into the discussion.

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