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I have trouble finding the motivation to do my homework... any advice?

Reborn Outcast

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I have amazing trouble concentrating on my homework. I come home after school at 2:20 P.M and then I see my CD player and have to listen to music. Then I have to play some games. Then I have to eat some food. Then I play some more games and I end up doign my homework at around 10:00 P.M or the next morning real early. Does anyoine have any advice for me that may help with my problem. I would like to somehow find the motivation to do it right when I get home so then I won't have to worry about it later.

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Well, you could take a little break after school, like eat something, take a nap, or go on the computer for awhile. However, you should start you HW after around 30 min. to 1 hour. Try to motivate yourself into thinking that you are getting rid of the bad stuff (HW) first and leavin' the good stuff (free time) for last. Bascially I usually do the hardest and most frustrating things first and then leave the easy and good stuff for last, it just makes me feel better at than end. :D

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Welcome to the life of a procrastinator. What you need to do is scare yourself. Think about it. What's gonna happen if you let your homework build up? You think you'll be able to do it in time?


Otherwise, watch T.V. or listen to music while doing it. Sort of works for me.


Anyway, I do the same thing and sometimes I just totally ignore my homework. But if you get it done and done well, who really cares when it's done?

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Did you know I am a scientist? I amseeking new theories constantly. Well, I have found one recently. It is something I like to call "Teenism."


Most teenagers, I would say about a good 98%, who are in high school, tend to care less about their work, and would rather do something else.


Me, I am in the 98%.



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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Did you know I am a scientist? I amseeking new theories constantly. Well, I have found one recently. It is something I like to call "Teenism."


Most teenagers, I would say about a good 98%, who are in high school, tend to care less about their work, and would rather do something else.


Me, I am in the 98%.




Thank you captain obvious...


Anyways,I also have that same problem(Do it around ten, and most of the time do some of it early in the morning)


It's mostly just "Oh,I'll do it at five" "Oh,it's five now,I'll do it at six" "Oh,it's six now,I'll do it at seven.." ect.

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Originally posted by Tyrion

Thank you captain obvious...

Ahem, that's DR.obivious to you. I didn't go to school for 8 years to be called "captain" !!!!!





Actually, I do most of my homework for 4,5,and 6th period during lunch, and do 1,2, and 3rd period at home. It saves me a LOT of stress that way.

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I write for a living, and when I was in college I'd have similar problems with concentration. Give a little sensory depravation a try and see if that helps. For example, when you get home go into your closet turn out the lights and sit down for a few minutes. No, this is not meant to be nap time, but instead, try and find an image in your head to concentrate on (such as a red sphere). This will be difficult at first, but it's important to continually train your brain to concentrate like this everyday for about ten minutes. This will not only force your brain to focus, but it will increase your creativity level as well.


Before you know it you'll have a sharper mind and that homework won't seem like such a daunting task.

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I always put it off to the last minute too. I am lucky and I have time to do it later or at school the next day.


I usually just come home and then I get online and if there is no one that I want to talk to I play online. Unless I have something real important that I know is going to take me time I won's start a assingment till 9-11.


Since he brought this up I was wondering if you do the same thing with projects? Like stuff that your teacher assigns and that is then due 2-3 weeks later? I always do it at the last possible moment. I do it the night before it is due or 2 days before. No matter what I do I always start it late instead of doing it when I wont be stressed. I am going to try to do this for my next project that I get assignsed but I don't know if I can do it.



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Back in high school we had a study period where i would do most of 'em, so i could sleep on weekends.


Also in the back of the bus, or in class. Some stuff i did right away cuz it was pretty easy.


I rarely studied, i wonder how i managed to graduate.


College is not the same...highschool is just a waste of your time cuz you're too young to go to college! :p

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If it's something really easy, like reading a few hundred pages in some book, I do all of that right away. I don't have to think, so I'll just lump all of it together and get rid of it right there and then.


However, assignments and projects are an entirely different matter. If I have to write something, do something creative or just generally use my brain, I'll do it the night before it is to be handed in. As an example, I have to do an English essay tonight, which should have been finished 2 weeks ago (vacation got in the way, and I didn't feel like doing anything).


I don't know what do to either.

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

I have amazing trouble concentrating on my homework. I come home after school at 2:20 P.M and then I see my CD player and have to listen to music. Then I have to play some games. Then I have to eat some food. Then I play some more games and I end up doign my homework at around 10:00 P.M or the next morning real early. Does anyoine have any advice for me that may help with my problem. I would like to somehow find the motivation to do it right when I get home so then I won't have to worry about it later.




same here man. im a lot like that.... im not quite sure what to do. MAKE YOURSELF do your homework. just realize that it has to be done, and force yourself to work on it. then, wheny ou are done, you arent panicked, and you can just relax. :D

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omg that sux.....well, i have to deal with a dumbass Latin teacher who sux at teaching, never tells us the homework (and gives us an F when we dont have it), and is possibly psychotic...he talks a lot about Lady Luck and what we think Horace or Odysseus or Flaccus would do nowadays.... wacko.....

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Parents. My dad noticed I spent a lot of time playing games and stuff, and my grades were going down, so he decides I only get an 1 and 1/2 for myself and the rest is hw/studying. Now everything is harder and I worry about my assignments and crap, and my grades still arent all A's. All I've learned is working hard is pointless and I NEVER want to end up like my dad. I see no point in working so hard for a family that has only mild interest in you so you can die breaking even.


So, the moral? Go for philosophy, art or writing; work is relative in those fields, just dont expect to own a lexus.

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I find that distractions kill me when I'm doing homework. When I was in HS, I typically did all my homework at school. Either during study period or during another class. I was always an avid reader, so staying up on my work was a way to create free time for reading whatever novel was in my pocket.


Now... I find myself in that Homework dilema without the study period. Full time job, wife, kid..... 1.5 hour round trip commute to work..... uggh.


I put on the headphones and make sure it's some kind of instrumental Jazz (lyrics tend to distract me) and go to it. I'm usually in bed around 2:00 am... then up at 6:30.


Advice: just do it. ;)



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