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Weighing in at 7 pounds 7 ounces - Announcing Baby Matthew!


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Oh. I guess I am late, sorry. I was busy with the high school exit exams.





My mom has 9 kids, heheh. I am number 2, Redwing is number one. All from the same dad, too. I hope that Matthew turned out to be just fine. :) :)

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

wow 2 kids already?


Yah, GUNNARDOG has been poppin' 'em out since '99. He's a machine. :D


YAAAAAAAAAY SHAN!!! I'm sure Matthew will be the greatest little baby in the world. I mean, how could he not? He's got a Star Wars fan for a mom. :) We wants the piccies!!!

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Hey guys!!! Thanks for your Congrats and Prayers!!! Baby Matthew got to come home this past Saturday YAY!! We were sooo excited....and now we are exhausted. I'm still recovering from my wounds!! But he is well worth it...heck...I can't even remember the pain. I think that in the end I was more scared (with the c-section and the complications) than ANY pain. But Matthew is growing sooo fast. I call him a "monster" because he eats and eats and is just sooo cute. He's great and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. Well got to go...sorry I haven't been online much - but I do read the threads once in awhile but usually Matthew doesn't give me enough time to reply. Cya guys when my life is back to normal - I should be back to work in a month and cruising these forums regularly again :D

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What a dandy boy that is! The good kind of dandy, I mean. :D



Through the miracle of computer graphics, we are able to look ahead and see what lil' Matt will look like. Check out the attached picture for a glimpse into the future. :eek:


.... You may not notice many changes but examine the subtle changes around the eye and ear areas.




Matt's going to be quite the ladies man. :D

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