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Gaming age limit?


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Is there an age limit on games? I mean, do you ever get too old to play games? Am I a 'past it housewife' or a 'cool mum'?


I've been playing games as long as I can remember, since pong and pacman and donkey kong handheld etc etc. I just love games too much to ever see a time when I'll stop playing them. I'm married with two kids and my husband and friends say to me, "how do you find the time and havn't you grown out of games yet!" Well I make time to do the things I enjoy doing, and no I havn't grown out of it yet so why the hell should I stop?


At what age can see yourself stop playing games?

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I'll only stop playing computer games when I can't physically move the buttons on the controller:D(though in the distant future, we won't be using controllers to play them ^^ lol). I don't think you can ever grow out of games. And who cares if people say you're 'past it' for playing games after a certain, age - that's just pathetic. If you enjoy playing games at that age, what's stopping you?:)


Oh and leXX, you must be the coolest Mum ever;)lol...at least then I'd have a Mum that understood why I played games all day:D

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Society thinks there should be, but in actual fact, as long as there is something in there you enjoy, and you do it healthly - not alone all the time, but socially, LAning/MP, meeting up w/ mates to discuss etc, then nah.


Life is too harsh to take away legal ways to enjoy yourself so readily.

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We're a different breed



Our parents didn't have video games they had tv and that's about it. They just don't understand what video games are all about. Older ppl, for example, love casino and card games (like my grandparents). Look at Vegas; people go there to play games. Gambling is a game too.


As for arthritis, I'm sure I'll find some appendage to play games with...

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Good topic leXX. :)


I have been wondering the same thing for a little while now. Sometimes I sit back and wonder.....am I too old to be here? Then I think, who cares, as long as I'm having fun with them I don't care what anybody else says.


There will come a point sometime when I might stop altogether, but I have no idea when that will be. Playing video games is something I have done forever. I remember Atari games like Space Invaders......so I'm just going to keep on going. :)

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Well I must say, everyone's comments make me feel a lot better. :)


I've always had the attitude that I don't care what anyone else thinks and I know there are many many older gamers out there so it's not like I'm the only one or anything hehe. I just can't see myself ever stopping because I can't see any reason why I should!

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Originally posted by leXX

I'm married with two kids and my husband and friends say to me, "how do you find the time and havn't you grown out of games yet!"


My answer to that is...


"Haven't you grown out of football yet? After all, it's just a game where a bunch of 22 grown men (or women or kids) kick a piece of plastic around a field and then into a net."


Why do they do it? Or watch it? Answer: Because they enjoy it.


Computer games are a perfectly legitimate form of entertainment, like watching the TV or going to play a game of soccer. If football players can get paid £2 million a year for kicking around a piece of plastic...then I say 'pfffrt!' to critics of the games I play on my PC. At least I don't have delusions of grandeur, and claim to 'earn' silly amounts of dosh for my pastime. :mad:


I'll continue playing games as long as they continue to interest me. And that's for the forseeable future.


Talking of the future, I can see that over the next 10-15 years computer gaming will probably become a truly mainstream entertainment medium with links to TV, so you can watch a Deathmatch in progress on your shiny new Game Sports Channel, while you can bet on the outcome down the Bookies, and talk about the tactics of the players down the local LAN-Pub over a pint of *insert toxic brew here*. :D

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Deathmatch TV is such a good idea! I often just spectate and being able to do it in glorious 32inch stereo surround sound would be wonderful. I get just as much enjoyment out of watching other people play as I do playing myself.

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