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Why does everybody go on about Boba Fett?


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I have been to a lot of different forums and people are always going on about Boba Fett being so cool and a great character etc, but he hardly did anything in the films? he just had a comical death.


Am i missing something? Can someone explain this to me?

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People have all different reasons for loving a certain character no matter how small their part. It's all the about the background story. Look at Aayla Secura for example, if you blink you miss her, but she has a huge fan base including myself. She has a great EU background story.


Boba Fett is popular for many different reasons. His ship, his weapons, being a bounty hunter just for starters. He has a big EU background story and appears in many books and comics.


It doesn't matter how small a characters part is in Star Wars, they will instantly get their very own fan base.


Having said all that, I prefer Jango myself. :D

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A lot of people love Boba Fett because he left so many different possibilities open. Like did he really disenegrate his prey? How did he get those Wookie scalps? How does he know Vader?


He was the first real character who gained a serious EU history.

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Originally posted by SE_Vader_536

his death was not comical because he didnt die! he escaped the sarlaac pit and persued han and leia several years later during dark empire.


Yeah apparently as far as GL is concerned he died in the Sarlacc pit, i know the EU contradicts this but GL dosen't care for the EU, only what happens in the movies is official.

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Originally posted by SE_Vader_536

his death was not comical because he didnt die! he escaped the sarlaac pit and persued han and leia several years later during dark empire.


Thats whats stated in the EU.. wich is based on certain peoples thoughts, not what GL thinks.


'Hey, I'm a big Boba Fett fan, so now I bring him back from the dead by saying he killed the sarlacc and was saved by Dengar.'


Thats like putting Darth Vader back to the living... almost.

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Yeah thats on the star wars website under the databank on the emporer's section, but again, as far as GL is concerned the Emporer died and with him the extinction of the Sith forever!!


Still, the Eu gives an interesting spin on things.

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Originally posted by Lynk Former

are you trying to say you got a sex change wraithy?

LOL.. No ofcourse not.... i just said it because thats why a lot of people like him :D never seen the batman movies did yah lynk? :D


its the car right... chicks love the car :D

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Boba Fett is just damn awesome. His suit is all beaten up, and he has all those cool gadgets and he's a bounty hunter, and is just plain awesome!!!!


*mad at self for not buying stand up poster of him for $30 at the mall yesterday*

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but does it really matter if GL accepts it or not, the death of boba or the emperor. everyone is entitled to their opinion. since we didn't see the sarlacc actually kill boba, it can be open for EU. same goes for the emp. in terms of, was he powerful enough to become " one with the force." this is all my opinion though. i think this is why when a character in the PT dies, it is certian. ie. decapitation, cut it half, kinda thing.


anyway, i think boba is damn cool, though not as cool as jango. IMO.:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like some Eu books, but most just ruin the film. Vader brought balance to the Force, and yet, those damnable EU authors just have to bring out new Sith or have a cloned Emperor! This completely downgraded the significance of that act in ROTJ!


I think Lucas got wiser, and decided that "once I kill a character, I really mean it.". That is why he had the characters dismembered, decapitated, stabbed, etc.


Oh, and Boba's dead. Final. Only in the fake world of EU does Boba lives. That is like a dream versus real life.



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Originally posted by WJTW

I like some Eu books, but most just ruin the film.


If you follow the movies, ignore EU, if you like it all, go for everything. EU is just for those who can't get enough out of the movies and want more... MORE... MORE!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

re: continuity vs canon

here we go again...yes, star wars is george lucas' brainchild- but does that mean that all material developed by other parties is redundant? that depends...imo, the answer is NO. it IS safe to say, tho, that the eu doesn't correspond much with lucas' vision 4 the sw universe(...but then again, how far did he think ahead?) but that in no way negates the things told in the eu. lucas is, after all, responsible for establishing the eu...had he wanted to be the only source for sw material, he wouldn't have permitted zahn to write the thrawn trilogy, nor would he have allowed the eu to develop at all. The expanded universe isn't just some half-baked idea concocted by a team of authors & comic scripters...it's OFFICIAL.

sure, canon takes precedence over continuity...but that doesn't mean that contiuity has no importance whatsoever. it's just means that should the canon say something and the continuity another, what the canon says goes. of course, things like this rarely happen and are usually covered up by continuity patches or fixes to preserve the flow. so yes, boba's still alive. his resurrection was...plausible. and if george's people didn't like the idea, they would've axed it (let's not forget that all eu stuff has to go thru lucas licensing b4 it's made official).


a lot of people like star wars for it's eu (a poll done at dark horse comics saw the vast majority-ie. >90%- of it's voters voice their support 4 continuity. 5% said they wanted only the good stories to be included in continuity)...... i, for one, wouldn't like star wars as much as i do now without the rogue squadron tales. eu's done a lot for star wars...things like traitor, the x-wing series, most of the dark horse comics...all have done a tremendous job of creating the more or less continuous storyline that has been a source of joy for many star wars fans, including myself. sure, there've been real mistakes and rubbish storylines (*ahem*darkEmpire) but if everything's taken into account, the eu's done more good for the sw universe than the bad.


Re: boba fett

yeah, he's a cool character...anyone read his comics? bludy brilliant, they were...they reconciled cam kennedy in my eyes (which is quite a feat, considering dark empire...)


and as to why he's so popular, it's probably coz he was the mysterious sidekick whom no-one knew about. and his armour...


incidentally, a star wars poll a couple of years back listed him as the all-time no. 2 fan favourite, second only to han solo (who ousted him with but 1% of the votes). boba also had the best lines-in-movie : popularity ratio, with wedge coming up second (wedge was rated 8th in the popularity poll).

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