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Lovely Dream...


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It was in the setting of your "perfect neighboor". Sun was shining, the temperature was just right, cool breeze...and the house was the old-fashioned style with a screendoor. I hear someone laughing and giggling outside. I looked out the front door through the screen to see the cutest little girl, with two bows, one for each ponytail, running around the yard. I just stood there watching the playful girl. It was a perfect day.


I went back to doing whatever work I was doing, and decided to see if she was still there. I went to the door and opened the screendoor. She was standing on the front porch, with the biggest, brightest smile. She just stood there, giggling. I smiled back, but then stopped....I sensed something was wrong, and took a step back. She continues to smile, but then I noticed a trickle of blood coming from the top of her head. It continues to fall down her cheek, and then more blood started to come out of her head, into her hair, and down her face. I stood there horrified...but she continues to smile and giggle. I turned around for a split second, and turned not to see the pretty little girl that I saw before, but a figure of a grotesque corpse that looked as if it had been rotting for a week. It suddenly made a LOUD scream and just launched up at me.


I awoke...hearing giggling off in the distance slowly fading away.




Why can't I have normal dreams... :(

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I always hate nightmares.. Especially the ones you can't get out of.. I had a dream one night (scared crap out of me) It was all dark. But then something was visible. It was a little doll. not any ordinary doll but a doll with Blonde locks, wearing a skirt with strange looking eyes, and this smile that was more like a smirk.


The scary thing was i knew that was a dream, but i couldn't get out. Then the Doll started to laugh, ( the laugh got louder and louder untill i couldn't stand it.) I tried to wake up but the doll kept on laughing, not just any normal laugh, it was like a laugh in one of those horror films. Then all of the sudden the black place was flashing White and then black. While this happend the doll turned into Chucky.. ( chucky as in the killing man doll.). Still laughing something grabbed me!... After that i woke up.



especially when i knew i was having a dream.

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I told you, no eating peanut butter and jelly sandwichs before bed!


Have you considered that this dream may have been a warning of some sorts? Maybe a vision of the future?


Then again, maybe it's just all your imagination. Whatever the case, it's still a freaky dream. :\

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gee thanks... I'm about to goto bed in 5 mins....


the weirdest dream I've ever had was when I was like 10 or something. I was riding this roller coster, but suddenly, the tracks end and I fall in a box. The box turned into a cage and King Kong comes out of no whenre, picks be up, then drops me into his mouth. I woke up before I "fell" into his moyth.... freaky


my dreams no adays consist of me having supermutant powers and kicking people butts..... :p

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I kept having a dream for a week, a stupid one, when I was a lot younger, like 8 or 9, that every time I tried to cross this bridge, the river suddenly rose and always washed me off the bridge. It was a well built rope bridge, with the wooden slats, like you see that are all broken up in movies. I don't know why I had it, or what stopped me having it either...

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

It was in the setting of your "perfect neighboor". Sun was shining, the temperature was just right, cool breeze...and the house was the old-fashioned style with a screendoor. I hear someone laughing and giggling outside. I looked out the front door through the screen to see the cutest little girl, with two bows, one for each ponytail, running around the yard. I just stood there watching the playful girl. It was a perfect day.


I went back to doing whatever work I was doing, and decided to see if she was still there. I went to the door and opened the screendoor. She was standing on the front porch, with the biggest, brightest smile. She just stood there, giggling. I smiled back, but then stopped....I sensed something was wrong, and took a step back. She continues to smile, but then I noticed a trickle of blood coming from the top of her head. It continues to fall down her cheek, and then more blood started to come out of her head, into her hair, and down her face. I stood there horrified...but she continues to smile and giggle. I turned around for a split second, and turned not to see the pretty little girl that I saw before, but a figure of a grotesque corpse that looked as if it had been rotting for a week. It suddenly made a LOUD scream and just launched up at me.


I awoke...hearing giggling off in the distance slowly fading away.




Why can't I have normal dreams... :(


A ph...doctor that can help you,Just ignore the jacket :p

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Originally posted by CyBerNetiX

im not being really serious, but how can a dark room and a doll that laughs weird with the room flashing be a sign of the future?:confused: If you foresee something i can't then that is freaky too.:p


I was talking to Rp. ;)

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I've had lots of scary dreams. Some seem stupid in the light of day...and others still give me a sense of dread. Action adventure dreams are the best, and dreams where I travel are usually pleasant. So apart from all the monsters, ghosts, demons, witches, possessed puppets, invading aliens, denizens of hell and global catastrophes, they're good to have. :)


There's one thing for sure, though...there's nothing quite like having a dream. Better than TV or real life...if only you could see the places I've been in my mind. :eek:

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rp, the fact that you imagine that must come from somewhere,


you either saw it on tv, in a movie, heared about it.


it can't come just out of the blue, you must have combined things you saw/experienced in the past.


but god i feel sorry for you:( (not in the bad way)

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I hate dreams like that. a little trick I use when I'm having bad dreams is to just realize that it's just a dream then wake up (or kick the bad guy's ass:D, I love to do that. it's like the Matrix). that mat seem hard to do, but if you concentrate hard enough it will happen. don't think it's a dream know it's a dream. but it does suck when you're having a really nice dream and then some freakish thing has to happen and ruin it :(

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Sorry for the double post but i was going to right this one first until i saw someone quoting me. So sorry again, i forgot to mention this, I hate dreams that make you paralized, as in you know its a dream but you can't get out and you feel yourself on your bed but can't move, and your consciously aware of that.:mad::(

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