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Post Count Drop?

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no, i demand 20k, no less.



alright fine, hehe just give me whatever zbomber said. it's just a number anyways...hehe i kinda figured that's what happened, w/the post update thing lol hope none of you took my words personal, it's called sarcasm. :D

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Originally posted by Lynk Former

i thought it only effected those who where around before LucasForums was created

true, it has no effect on people who joined after lf was created. so any of such people claiming to loose post are lyers (or a lot of there posts should´ve been deleted)

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Yeah i lost 700 posts.... i guess its my wraith 5 account from RSN that got cut off :( and wow.. im number 3 now.. *looks at reddy's postcount* man i never would have though that :p :p


so please.. just add my 700 :D


-Wraith 8-

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Ok, let's clear this up a bit more. This post update only affects people who have around the lowest 2000 account numbers, and who've had an account combined from another forum because of the merger into LucasForums in December 2001. Basically, it affects the owners who first set up the forum, and the people who regstered on the first two forums to be imported, namely GB.com and JK.net (not JK2, mind you).


Edit: Hannibal and Wraith should be good to go :)

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well i think jokes dont belong in here as people are here to deal with some serious questions, problems,...

admins/mods/other people come here to help out those who need help and i think they wouldnt be too happy if they needed to scroll down 20 jokes before comming to the actual problem.

so please come up with some problems or refrain yourself from postin.

thank you ;)

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