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SERIOUS thread.

Hellfire Jedi

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I know some of you guys have helped me with problems in the past. I have another problem now, I am thinking VERY serious.

Get it straight first, I am 13.

I think I am losing my mind. I am NOT joking. I am hearing a LOT of sounds, my brothers AIM, when it wasn't on. A loud bang last night, he didn't hear that, either. Then a few weeks ago I heard my cat attacking him. Of course I yelled for my dad, but my brother was right in the room.

This sh!t is very personal. I trust all of you guys, help me!




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Hmmmmmm, ouch, losing the mind must suck. Try going to counselers and stuff, even though it sounds cheesy, counselers can help greatly, also talk to your parents. Then they will better understand what you feel. And maybe these sounds are similar to the sounds of when you think someone said something or called your name. Maybe they are just sounds trapped in your brain that have been triggered, kind of like a deja vue. Well im not an expert so ill leave it up to them. I hope everything goes well with ya;) . If you recover if you truly are losing it. Let us know:)

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Originally posted by Thrackan Solo




:eek: I dont know what to say. Seriously.


From my view point, a christian, I would pray and ask God to help me.(please dont critisize me I am trying to help a friend)

Maybe it could be a demon, in all seriousness.




Originally posted by SamFisher

Woah, slow down... what is the problem? You are hearing things? I didn't know that.




Anyways, you need to seek professional help, and since I'm a Christian too, a little prayer goes a long way.


ditto again

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Are you stressed out a lot these days? I think that the problem may be related to stress, are there things in life (other than your hearing things) that are bothering or worrying you? As far as hearing your brother's AIM at night and a bang noise...im not tryin to be weird but maybe he is up lookin at porn and using the computer late night for that, just a suggestion. Good luck with your problem.

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okay. this might or might not fall in the category.


I have two people in my life who have been sent to a mental hospital before. Both are okay now. But they had to seek some help with a psychologist because of a hard childhood and hard early life.


Okay, now about the noises you hear.


if they are constant and seem to have a patern. Such as nothing but noise and no voices or images. Maybe its some kind of imbalance in your life. you should seriously talk to you parents about it. if you dont think your parents will understand or will listen go see your doctor. Your family doctor at first. describe as best as you can and express how worry you are about it. If it helps, try to track down how often it occurs. Like writing down on a paper what happened and what time. keep a record of the events.


I'm not a doctor thought so I cant really help you as to say what is wrong. what you can do to "cure it" and etc. Seek professional opinions and talk to your parents if possible.



NOTE: oh and the bang noise you described. it could be kids setting off fire crackers outside. a kid in my neighboor hood has been doing that a lot lately around mightnight or 1am. its getting annoying. If he keeps it up I'll buy the biggest pack i can find and pitch it next to his bedroom window at 5am to see how much he likes it.

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Welcome to the club. Seriously.


Last year, my junior year in high school, I got very edgy during a lunch period. I just went nuts and told my freinds to shut up. I then proceeded to the library to read, but the words just ran together, and on top of that, the library lady was staring a hole right through me. I looked at her and said in the sweetest voice possible: "What in the San Juan Hill are YOU looking at?"


Needless to say, I got thrown out of the library, then one of my friends (who happens to be a female) talked to me and got me out of that state of insanity.


My advice: Talk to a female. They help. :)

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Well, you might just be freaking out about nothing. I'm no shrink, but depending on the frequency of these episodes, it may just be that strange stuff that never really gets explained (like that nacho that looked just like Groucho Marx... creepy). You're 13, it may be some mental thing, but in all likelyhood, you're fine and you're getting stressed out about nothing. If you keep hearing sounds from out of nowhere, though, seek some help, first from hearing specialist, then from a shrink. That's my diagnosis, anyway....

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The Hospital is not always the immediate answer. Counseling is the first step, and medication is usually a temporary fix. Don't feel bad, I used to live with a girl, and we split up. She tried to contact me a couple of years ago, of which I ignored her. Then read in the newspaper a few days later that she and her new boyfriend pulled a double suicide. At the same time, during that same year, my grandpa died, I had to quit my old job, due to lack of hours, and lost my apartment. I spent the first half of that summer as a vegtable. Poeple would tell me things, I would not hear them, I fall asleep at all hours of the day, and it would take me rediculous amounts of time to do meaningless tasks. I got some help, and some meds, and I was fine, been fine ever since. Don't worry about it too much. The shrink said there was nothing wrong with me, I just had too many things happen at once, and he just said I was suffering from stress. 'It happens to all of us.

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you could try seriously asking your doctor or research some sites on the internet. I am not sure but hearing things that might not be there I believe falls into schitzophrenia. another possibility is that your conscious and subconscious halves of your brain are active and speaking to each other while you are awake. this can happen as a deffense mechanism when threatened or as a result of over active immagination unable to deal with every day dull drudgery.

I am the last person to help you since I see stuff like Johhy Depp as Hunter S Thompson in Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas. and there are the BAM's so long as you don't see them you'll be okay.


(actually my new job as window washer will bring up close to where some of them nest. I wonder if the society of birdology will acept black asphault monster sightings.)


anyhow talk to someone about it, don't get freaked and out of control.

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Does this happen only at night?? When you're in your bad?? Cause some times I just wake up, thinking I heard something but it was more like a 'dream'... Seriously, those things can really make you mad, you think you're going insane...


In my case, I just have it once in a while, if it's becoming too much for you, you might consider seeing a normal doctor first...

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Originally posted by Hellfire Jedi


Good to know you'll do whatever it takes to get better. :rolleyes:


Seriously, though. There are several steps that people take before going to a mental hospital (unless they are seriously psychologically disturbed, which you obviously aren't since you are coherent and conscious enough to post on LF).

These are the steps I recommend if you'd like the voices to stop and are actually worried about your mental health:


1. Tell your parents, no matter what you think they might say or do, tell them that you're concerned and would like to see a doctor.


2. See that doctor... after a session or two he/she'll likely either a) suggest a plan of treatment OR b) arrange more tests to try and more accurately gauge your level of mental health.


3. If conventional treatment fails, and you continue to experience psychotic episodes or those episodes put you and those around you at risk, then and only then would you be sent to a mental institution.


So don't worry about going straight to the mental hospital... it's definitely NOT the first stop.

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Originally posted by Thrackan Solo

Maybe it could be a demon, in all seriousness.

And maybe this is the Middle Ages, and he should see a priest to exorcise him. Or his parents should take him to a barber where they'll stick a couple leeches on him and bleed the bad spirits out of him.


Christ, you'd think we'd raised awareness about medical and mental health over the past couple hundred years...


Next you'll be telling me my fever is caused by imps or frogs living inside me, or that I was cursed by a witch. :rolleyes:

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Try this: Stay silent and better if you are alone for about 10 mins, try no to think and see if you listen things (high pitched or down pitched). then try to keep your mind busy, watching tv or something. then if the're high pitched sounds or a down pitched buzz maybe a midle ear problem. stress may cause same effects.

If you hear voices... call for a doctor, no joke.

I'm not a doctor, but mid-ear problems are very common.

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Originally posted by Eldritch

And maybe this is the Middle Ages, and he should see a priest to exorcise him. Or his parents should take him to a barber where they'll stick a couple leeches on him and bleed the bad spirits out of him.


Christ, you'd think we'd raised awareness about medical and mental health over the past couple hundred years...


Next you'll be telling me my fever is caused by imps or frogs living inside me, or that I was cursed by a witch. :rolleyes:


I dont know, maybe. You dont have to jump all over me for it, ok?

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Don't fret it, you've heard some wierd noises lately that no else noticed.


Guess what, it happens to other people too.


And Thrackan, please don't start the whole "demonic possession" mantra - how'd you feel if I told you your cold originated from you not hearing country music lately. Let's stick with that works, shall we?


Bure sure, pray ahead if you want to. Just never forget to look for proven causes and cures as well.

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