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Time to post this here

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Lord Siraious

Yeah the forums going down does bug my too. :eek: Your 13, OMG I now feel soooo old and i'm only 19 and a half :(


Damn....I'm 21. Haha. It'z all good though. They are probably guyz and ladiez who are like 30 or something. :D (Yet I have not seen a girl on LucasForums.....oh wait...maybe two. ) :saberb::yobi::r2d:c3po::aobi:

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thats funny :lol:


it's a really good fake,

you do that yourself Rhett?



btw, the other day i saw a member in the birthdays list that was 50. yesterday i saw another that was 44.

i did an age poll last year and i believe the average age came out as 20.

i might do another one soon.

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