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WTF of the week

Rogue Nine

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Originally posted by volcom

"Hello my name is stupidisassupiddoes.com, wanna go out?"


"Yeah sure I'll pick you up friday, hopefully you look like what you said, nice blonde hair, fit and bit boobs. Hahah see you then."

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Originally posted by RayJones

:confused: scientology? dont know. hmm.




crazy or just pr for some pure vegetarian spooties.









*back to the bbq checking the catfishfiletts*


SPOOT! wOOt! I thought I was the only person in the world who used that word anymore. Sorry for the major off topic, but you have to understand this elation! :D


Good word! :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Darthfergie: Be careful. We've never entirely figured out precisely what Ray means when he says 'spooties.' :D It could be anything...




for instance in germany in can be: "Sputz", "Sputtel", "Sputtelig"


and it all means the same as spoot(y).




darthfergie: i swear .. i thought it out complete on my own.. :p you spootyhead.. :xp:



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I dunno. If changing ones name to something ridiculous is supposed to help inspire people to take up a strictly vegan lifestyle, then it just might backfire.

Hard to take someone like that seriously.


I mean, exactly how protien and iron deficient do you have to be for the idea of everyone addressing you as "GoVeg.Com" really begins to seem like a good idea?


If that's really an example of the advantages of a vegan diet,.. then I think I'll just keep eating meat, thanks.



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i think one of our 'big' advantages is/was the fact that we could eat almost 'anything' ..


in the 'early' years of mankind there were different species (?) of man and some of them specialized to eat plants some meat.


laters than the surviving group could eat both.. and it is/was good. MEAT => PROTEINE => power for the brain to grow..





mainly foodage should be balanced, nutrient and tasty..


(yes tasty for me being a fastidious child of the 21th century.. i know .. at that time you grew up you had to walk to school WITHOUT schoes.. in the winter.. :dozey:


AND?? i had to go to a shop to buy a tv-programme-mag.. my daughter will hardly ever know what a 'classic' mag is .. :D:D:D )

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I find it ironic that people take up Vegan/Vegetarian lifestyles because it helps the animals..


Of course, it helps the animals when bunches of land are raped for Agriculture, driving many out or killing them. Then there's the pesticides they use on crops. That kills animals (bugs, but animals yes)



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