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Full Throttle 2 Cancelled

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I would tend to agree, but if they made every Star Wars game as good as KotOR and every original game as bad as everyone says RTX is, I'd say go for it. I don't think it's going to happen, though. Last time they went through an almost exclusive Star Wars content phase, they came up with such stellar titles as "Jar Jar Teaches Grammar" or whatever.


Maybe the actual lesson here is that LucasArts just needs to cut back on the number of titles they do in-house, period. They might be spreading their resources too thin, even with the number of titles that they're farming out. I'd rather see 2 or 3 good-to-great titles a year than 5 or 6 that are mediocre at best.


Or maybe FT:HoW just wasn't coming together and it has nothing to do with any of those things. Whatever the reason, it's probably for the best. Now they can wait and let Double Fine develop it...

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This is for the best. It seems LA realized the game was f@cked up from the start - badly conceived, presented, and executed. If I had my way I would have yanked most of the combat/action sequences out, replaced them with environmental puzzles, and re-did the entire game using cell shading but keeping it in real time 3d.

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Well, I was holding onto some slim hope that this game might be great, but I guess I don't have to worry about it anymore. Honestly, if the company that releases "Star Wars: Pit Droids" decides a game isn't good enough to finish, it's got to be pretty horrendous.

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Some retarded moron in a suit probably thought to throw in a crapload of action just because it's a 3D game, therefore it's supposed to have a crapload of action and the vanilla mainstreamers are supposed to like it :rolleyes:. I'm glad it's cancelled. But unfortunately it looks like it's been stained to never be remade.

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Originally posted by RemiO

I for one looked forward to the game, but anyway... With KOTOR being a huge success and RTX falling on its ass, I hope LEC doesn't go back to being an almost 100% Star Wars company again.

Such flimsy logic, and yet I am scared sh¡tless that somebody high up in the company formerly known as LEC will think it solid reasoning. Seven out of ten people are not rational. Fuk.
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Speaking of Tim (in your sig, Kingz :)):


“I heard they just couldn’t go on without the emotional support of Tom Sarris. I mean, Tom was the person Ben Throttle was based on. Not a lot of people know that. So I guess they finally just realized there was no way to do it with out him.”

(Courtesy of Mojo)

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Well... what can I say... I wasn't looking forward to this game... but it is amazing (IMO) that such a big company stops production of a game... dozens of screens are released, etc... I guess they were convinced of the bad implementation too... :p

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Originally posted by Kingzjester

Such flimsy logic, and yet I am scared sh¡tless that somebody high up in the company formerly known as LEC will think it solid reasoning. Seven out of ten people are not rational. Fuk.


Well, for certain higher-ups at LEC, that's all the logic they need.


I really don't think they'll stop making original games, but if they ever had an excuse, this would be it.

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I don't understand why they started making an action game in the first place... First i was annoyed by these news, but in the long run ist's probably for the best... Maybe we'll see a sequel that is worth the name of FT in the future.

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Originally posted by Homoludens

Some retarded moron in a suit probably thought to throw in a crapload of action just because it's a 3D game, therefore it's supposed to have a crapload of action and the vanilla mainstreamers are supposed to like it :rolleyes:.


I hope that was a joke or something. "Vanilla mainstreamers?" Ugh. It doesn't take "some retarded moron in a suit" to declare that a game about bikers might benefit from some action. I think the decision was made by the game's design leads themselves, not by some mandate come down from up on high demanding more fisticuffs. The fact that it was probably a bad decision (or at least a good decision gone horribly wrong) rests firmly in the lap of whoever came up with the freakin game, not their evil bosses who throw horrible notions of realtime brawling down their throats while dangling their puny paychecks over a lit match... or something.


I don't know if anything good needs to be said about anyone who approved a game and then went and cancelled it, but Simon Jeffery's (the head moron in a suit) quote about troubling and disappointing the fans was as dead on as you can get for a press release. I mean hell, no matter how much punching and driving they inject into a Full Throttle game, the only people who will buy it are still going to be us and us alone, unless LucasArts was so confident in the game that they put huge marketing dollars behind it like they've done with KOTOR. But really, did anyone anticipate that happening for Hell on Wheels? Nein.


Originally posted by Carlius

I did not know that Ben's last name was Throttle :D

That puts a new spin of the name of the game hehe


Did you know his first name was Ruben?

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