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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Everything posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. Ok, this has to be as confidential as possible. Its called the Jedi Knights and its a little something JM and I teamed up to work on. Its about finding Revan and you get 14 party members. I'll get the storyline posted ssoon.

  2. I am Mrcharlton, a TC mod means Total Conversion by the way. Your a modder, right?

  3. Do you wanna help with my TC mod?

  4. Is your avatar Juno Eclipse?

  5. Wanna help with my TC mod?

  6. wanna help with my TC mod I'm working on?

  7. WHo exactly was Te Jek'arta Mand'alor?

  8. how is Ms. Shan doin'? In this mod, her tag will say Bastila Shan Ablis though becuase she is married to you know who.

  9. What was the point of Lynk Former's creepy VM's to you? Aren't you already married?

  10. you do know I'm Mrcharlton right?

  11. You should see the brand new skins. We did two in one day so far and Dak is working on a third.

  12. are you going to send your home phone so we can talk? I don't mean to be persistant or anything, but I kinda wanna get to know you.

  13. but you are apart of the mod?

  14. then maybe you can just give me your home phone number.

  15. you should change yur name to Darth Binks!

  16. Yup its Mrcharlton. Can you plz email me your skype thingy? I want to know your thing for it.

  17. wanna RP with me? Its my new Star Trek one.

  18. wanna join my new Star Trek RP? If I have somebody join, more will come. That is only if you are a fan.

  19. we have 32 inches of snow! And to make matters worse, there is too much to play in (how ironic) and even worse, the basket ball game I was supposed to go to tonite was cancelled! This snow will probably stay till march.

  20. no, the one in my casting call. Remember? Its called Star Trek Final Frontier and it suggests that even though it controdicts cannon, it is supposed to of taken 100,000 years before Star Wars. Its about loosing comunication with Earth. It is loosely based on a popular mod for a Video game I used to play.

  21. Wanna join my Star Trek RP?

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