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hhmm....is it just me? ("n00bs", "lamers" etc)


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I also noticed that most of the jk2 ppl are also starting to lame now. what the hell is goning on?!?!?!



And i hate that stupid gh3y n00b lamer at kurgan's server, keeps on laming and spaming saber throw. And attack while im chatting or changing my force settings.


He goes by the name "subern00b" and I agree, he's always laming!

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Talking about lame behaviours, I DO have problems with retarded n00bs in Siege who constantly switch teams because "they don't like to defend" or simply because their team is currently loosing a match.


Almost daily I find myself in servers where there're 3 vs "rest of the world" matches and, despite asking politely to even the teams, very few people care to restore balance. Sometimes I even receive answers like "f**k u" or "Stop whining"

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Originally posted by FK | unnamed

I'm kind of curious as to the age/gender demographic that is the "honor" folk.


The reason I mention that is, I have a very difficult time picturing anyone who is:



Weighs over 100 pounds

Over 12 years old


Crying about "lamers".




I really get this mental image of some 93 pound, pale skinned, scrawny ass little kid, who never goes outdoors, has no friends, has never played any contact sports in his life, every time I hear some one bitch about being "lamed" in a video game.



Really, no joke, every time I see a person in a server cry "lamer" I get this flash back to my elementary school days.


Only difference is they were crying "mommy" back on the play ground instead of lamer...



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While I agree with and see the point of view that many of you have about having "servers where you can play the game as it was meant to be," I don't think it's necessary to dis on those who do enjoy a less frenetic online experience. You can't challenge your buddy to a lightsaber duel in an IRC chatroom.


It's like servers that run different mods or maps... some are pure server, some disintegration mod, some blademod, etc. What's happening is that there's a classic "Deathmatch" camp, and a "Knights of the Round Table" camp, both at loggerheads with each other. To quote a famous president, "Why can't we all just... get along?!?"


Agree to disagree... let everyone have the game they want. The "there's no rules" perception is a double edged sword, and cuts both ways - if people want to hang out in a map with friends from around the globe and duel, trio, practice, talk, or simply watch others fight, then they have just as much of a right to do so as the Pure Play servers have to not do so.


The only problem I see is when people don't respect the other camp... Knights go into a Deathmatch arena and cry foul when someone doesn't bow - pure and simple idiocy; and Deathmatchers drop in to a server they know is having a practice session and slice 'n dice every single person for the fun of it - pure and simple malice. If everyone would simply rescognize that this game caters to a vast audience, and respect each other's territory, everything would be fine.


Go to the ones that play how you like to, and leave the ones that don't alone. Simple... no more lamers and noobs, and a lot more enjoyable all around.

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I knew it, I knew you'd pinch my ass the moment I look away, =).


Remember boys, there are no lamers, just unforgiving bastard children of John Carmack. We come from a less civilized era, when the chaingun and the man slaughter meant the difference between winners and losers. Now that we have glowing sticks we cannot stop fragging chit chatters sorry butts.


I mean, is not that we want to. I pray for the day I can seat infront of my PC all day, have tea and cookies, and chat like my grandma would. But when I'm on the matrix I feel an uncontrolable need to have a frag fest.


Thank to the Lord, Oh the Looooord! We have still a couple of cool JK3 servers where win the match is the only valid rule. Alleluyah brothers!


I love you all, whiners included. Whiners are not bad ppl, just unexperienced inmature ppl. Heck, I used to bend keyboards like if they were candy sticks in the middle of an online game rage when I was like 16 years old.

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Originally posted by Akshara

To quote a famous president, "Why can't we all just... get along?!?"


Actually, that quote is from Rodney King, the drunken driver whose beating by the LAPD was captured by a bystander with a camcorder. He said it during the Los Angeles riots that followed the acquittal of 4 LAPD officers who were tried for the beating.


But I agree with your main points. Servers that are falsely listed as "Free For All" in the server browser but are really pseudo-dueling servers\chat rooms\role-playing areas\playpens for power-crazed tyranical teenaged admins should be clearly labeled as such in the sv_hostname and g_MOTD (suggestions: "We Don't Really Like to Fight Server", "Would Rather amkiss than Fight Server", "The Limp Saber Server", "The Having Honor Means Always Having to Say You're a Lamer Server", and so on) so that players who are looking for an actual "Free For All" server can stay the hell away from them and leave them alone. At the same time, players who feel the need to scream "lamer!" and "saber down = peace!" when they come to a real, pure, classic, honest-to-God "Free For All" server should either be quiet and play, or leave. There is no need to convert the other side to the your own way of thinking. As you point out, there are over 500 servers, they don't all have to be the same.


Unfortunately, in my experience, it is the so-called "honor" players who are more likely to invade the few real FFA servers and convert everyone to "saber down = peace" than the other way around. If a real fighter comes and disrupts a chat session\role-playing\pseudo-dueling server, it's probably because she foolishly believed a server listed under "FFA" was what it was advertised to be.

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"that N00B PONY LAMED ME!!

i was putting all the pretty horses in the right places (and making them bow and kiss each other while the other horses watched) and one of them attacked me!!!!

(i didnt even have me saber out!)

so me and the other ponies kicked that laming horse out and we kept on brushing each others hair and stuff"



HAHA. sounds like something cartman would say.

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Amidala from Chop Shop

If a real fighter comes and disrupts a chat session\role-playing\pseudo-dueling server, it's probably because she foolishly believed a server listed under "FFA" was what it was advertised to be.


You asume that the real fighter is a girl, that's cool. I wish my girlfriend had broadband too, she would kick some asses too, =).

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When will these threads ever end?


The other day I was playing a map and this guy cried lamer every time anyone killed him... It was the sadist thing.. He had the "I can kill you, but you can't kill me rule going on.".. Someone called him out as a "cry baby" and he threatened to hack their computer. lol he was so restarted...


I guess the sad thing is for a little kid a game is their way of showing they have balls or playing grown up. They have never proven anything in real life. So they have to show they have balls in a computer game. Chat killing them is like walking up to a coworker and slapping them in the face except that is real the game is not...


For an adult they have proven themselves in life and just want to play the dam game. I have enough respect crap to deal with in life. I don't have the need to come home and do it in a freaking computer game. When I should be relieving stress I'm getting stressed by the punk crying "you lamed me" ShuT The F@CK UP. "It's game kids get a life."


A lame in real life is when you get your @ss beat by a mugger or I take your promotion at the job.


I have nothing to prove to any little kid playing this game. If you don't have the balls to take a beating in a computer game than you might as well "Kill Your Self," because real life is allot harder...


I say all the mature people in the game community just ignore this "cry baby crap." Let them post what they want and cry as much as they want and just kick their buts as much as we want... They are never going to stop. They are as annoying as a news break in the middle of your favorite TV show you waited a week to tape...

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Originally posted by CortoCG

I knew it, I knew you'd pinch my ass the moment I look away, =).


Remember boys, there are no lamers, just unforgiving bastard children of John Carmack. We come from a less civilized era, when the chaingun and the man slaughter meant the difference between winners and losers. Now that we have glowing sticks we cannot stop fragging chit chatters sorry butts.


I mean, is not that we want to. I pray for the day I can seat infront of my PC all day, have tea and cookies, and chat like my grandma would. But when I'm on the matrix I feel an uncontrolable need to have a frag fest.


Thank to the Lord, Oh the Looooord! We have still a couple of cool JK3 servers where win the match is the only valid rule. Alleluyah brothers!


I love you all, whiners included. Whiners are not bad ppl, just unexperienced inmature ppl. Heck, I used to bend keyboards like if they were candy sticks in the middle of an online game rage when I was like 16 years old.



I miss the old days of quakeworld and such.





blow **** up


blow **** up


blow more **** up




life was good back then.




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Wow... I see.


For the record, I'm 33, married 7 years, have a successful business of my own, and saw A New Hope 30 times in the theater during the summer of '77. I'm as, if not more "mature" than most of the supposed "adults" in this thread whining about how hard real life is. Yet I don't feel the need to go online and take out pent up rage slapping around 13 year olds for being who they are.


Occassionally I enjoy hanging out on these "falsely" listed FFA servers... does that also mean I'm not capable of enjoying "true" FFA sometimes as well? Of course not. Just blindly labelling everybody who enjoys playing on a "pseduo-duel chatroom" as below human isn't a very Jedi-like course of action. I mean c'mon... telling these people that they might as well kill themselves?




Even going back to the Q3 days, I never encounter as many of these so-called pre-pubescent teens who scream foul as everyone on the gaming forums says there are. I played both JK2 and EF from first day, and rarely ever saw it. Sure I've run across some at certain times of day; but from reading the forums here you'd think the servers were 80% populated with them. People hanging out together doing trios and duels and talking to each other at 2am on a weekday are not idiot pre-teen fanboys. Give me a break...


But the young ones here are to be expected, and they're sizes will probably grow... I mean it is called Jedi ACADEMY. It's smart when purchasing a game to know it's audience... sheesh. Here we range from young Anakin dreamers to those with New Hope bootlegs that have the Biggs scene in them, battling it out in a game that Raven designed to have a little bit for everybody.


For speculation's sake... let's say that at least 50% of the people in these supposed "psuedo-dueling chatrooms" aren't idiot teens... then why does everybody have such an amazing hard on against them ALL? Is it a testosterone thing? They're not simply disliked around here... but outright and publicly defamed, disrespected, and despised.


At least that's how it comes across.




ps. I was quoting Jack Nicholson, which was a little more of the tone I was trying to get across. It wouldn't hurt for people to lighten up a little around here - especially the so-called adults.


As adults we have the life experience and reponsibility to step back and show a little compassion for each other that children generally don't have. It's fairly known in psychology that whatever upsets someone the most is often a reflection of something inside themselves that they don't like to see. The general consensus expressed in this thread isn't really more mature than the cries of the lamers.


Not flaming... just exercising my right to express an alternative point of view. If you see me online, you can always challenge me to a duel... oops, you all don't do that fag sh*t.

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^ have at it. server has been filling up the past few days.


i went on there but some lamer named plazz or whatever drained me while i was sab0r down so like WTF!? :mad: just wanted to let u know this rumor, plz ban him we dont need that kind of no skillz poeples on the server ruining the game for me. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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and saw A New Hope 30 times in the theater during the summer of '77.


Man, I wish I was old enough to be able to say that ! I was 2 when ANH came out, and SW has been a big part of my life since I saw it in 1980 on TV - when I was 5 !

I made up for it w the special editions & prequels, especially AOTC which I saw about 14 times over the course of a few months !



As for the topic, I agree w Cosmos Jack

When will these threads ever end?





*Goes back to reading NJO : TFP, resumes waiting for KOTOR*


Dammit - 200th post - I'm a F**KIN EWOK ! I hate EWOKS !

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It IS fun you know :)


Yes... it IS fun. ;)


Astrotoy 7...


I agree with certain elements of Cosmos Jack's sentiments as well. I just feel that there's a lot of agression being taken out on these people at this forum inappropriately, in a not so Jedi-like or mature manner. A lot of people really enjoy antagonizing the 'whiners', and if they were really gone they'd get bored.


Samurai Jack is one of my favorite cartoon characters ever. Like watching a japanese koan.

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