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Darth Groovy's WTF of the week

Darth Groovy

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Uhhhh, yeah, they DID do the same thing with "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", y'know. :rolleyes:


I, for one, don't care if they made a "Cat in the Hat" movie. It's a good children's book, but for all we know the movie could remain true to the story. (Yeah, I've seen the trailer for it. Definitely looked like it ruined a good kid's title.)


*pulls on anti-flame cloak, for just such emergencies.*

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I watched the new quicktime trailer last night with the kids ... Cat in the Hat was one of their faves when they were little. They liked the trailer ... but I have to agree with Groovy ... WTF?


Grinch was OK when we saw it in the theater, but neither my wife or I or the boys have desired to see it again, we stick with good ol' Boris Karloff ... (the 30 minute animated one, in case you didn't get that)



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its blastphomy, i hated the first one :mad:


btw, its being made by the samepeople that brought us The Gayrinch after watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas (animated) every christmas, and loving it, i saw just ho horrible the movie was:mad:

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Originally posted by TK-421

lol...what a flop this movie is going to be....I wouldnt sit through it unless my life depended on it.

But, mike myers might....might...make it worth watching...

Don't forget what the highest grossing movie of 2001 was ... the Grinch ...



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Originally posted by Tie 23

What the hell is next??!! The "I Think I Can" train movie!?!?


Starring Keanu Reeves ... :rolleyes:


... or 'Momma do you love me' with Hillary Duff and Meg Ryan ...


... or 'If you give a moose a muffin', starring ... well who the heck knows ...



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yes Mike "the most Unfunniest man" Myers is slated to being the Cat in the Hat movie, won't go see that at all.


actually this week I have seen some WTF's? some funny some scary.


the funniest MXC (Takeshi's Castle) had contestants doing stuff in outlandish costumes, as if the stunts are not hard enough without extra difficulty added in.


the weirdest thing I saw and wonder does it exist? would be

Fur And Loathing In Los Vegas

this weeks CSI episode had these peeps who dress up, party

and have sex in fuzzy mascott outfits.

the show had them as part of an association


does such an association exist!?

*speaking as a seasonal Easter Bunny

the idea freaks me out.


and the bigeest WTF would have to be

and the scariest

the Crest Toothpaste commercial

where you whiten your teeth

while you sleep and dream.

the woman in the commercial dreams of

River Dancing with an entire line

of William Shatners in white body hugging suits.


now that is very WTF? to me.

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