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X-Mas hurts


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Well on friday I finally got up off my ass to put christmas lights on my arpartment. I usally over do it as usual but this year it actually looked nice(lights everywhere on the roof, and all over the place). And right when I was about to get down the little old lady who lives next to me asked if I could do the same with her lights on her little stoop as I did mine. So of course I wasn't gonna deprive the lady of a nice X-mas, and I did exactly as she said (while listening to her bark orders at me :(, I don't care what they say, old poeple are mean). Then as I was climbing down the ladder again, the wind gusted, but this was not what knocked me off. It was a kid who was running from his friend, the next thing I noticed I fell the 25 feet to the ground and then remember not being able to feel my ass and then the ambulence came. They took me in and I was released yesterday with a broken tail bone. But the sad thing is, I did the same thing last year, only I didn't brake anything. :mad: Another nice thing is I have my friends doing everything for me...and oh how they will pay ;)

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Old people...:mad: Irritating lot, aren't they? You can always count on them to block an isle when your shopping with their cart as they gaze off into nothingness, or maybe drive reeeeaaaaalllllll ssssllllllooooooowwwww in front of you when you're late to work, or on your lunch break. Anyway, hope you recover quick. Merry X-Mas.

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