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Legend of Zelda: Keep the new look?


Keep the cel-shaded look?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Keep the cel-shaded look?

    • Cel-shading is kewl!!!11!
    • Go for a realistic, OOT look ^^
    • Meh...

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It's early days yet, but according to IGN, the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on GC will be out sometime in 2004/5. It also states that the new title will most probably use the new cel-shaded graphic look featured in Wind Waker.


Now, I just wanted to get an idea of what Zelda fans on this forum thought about this. Personally, I loved Ocarina of Time on N64. I did, and still do, consider it the greatest RPG ever creative, with it's oustanding visuals, immersive gameplay and its certain reliance on realism. I was horrified when I first saw Wind Waker. Changing the whole look of it, I thought, took away that great "Zelda feel" that I had in OOT. When my brother got the game, I didn't think much more of it, and actually found myself playing the free OOT GC port, which you get with it, 10 times as much. It just felt as though Nintendo wanted to inject humour or a kid-like atmosphere to it to try and make it more successful.


Which begs the oh so important question ( :p ), should Nintendo keep the cel-shaded look for the next sequel? Or alternatively, should they return to the roots they planted when creating OOT, and try to develop on the aspects of the N64 game that made it so successful? I for one would love them to make a more realistic, slightly darker and more adult Zelda game, like OOT. It would be so much more immersive, appealing and interesting. Since the GC's success is starting to wind down...why wouldn't Nintendo want to go out with a bang?


Just wanted to get some other opinions on this ^^;

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If it comes out on GC, I want it to have the OoT feel.


If it comes out after GC, I don't care. I'm not getting another Nintendo system.


Nintendo has made a lot of mistakes as of late, if you ask me. Wind Waker was a rehash of OoT + cel shading. The cel shading stopped a lot of people from buying it, and when people found out it was a crappy game, they didn't want it either. Unfortunately, many, like me, found out way too late.


I hope Nintendo decides to do something worthwhile with their time left in the biz -- They're going to go the way of the Sega if they're not careful.

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Tricky call.


Does anyone remember the footage seen at E3 (or some such) of Link vs. Ganondorf for Nintendo's "Next Gen" console (obviously GameCube now). After playing, completing and loving OOT of time (Much superior to Majora's Mask) on N64 I was quite impressed by the new look. Dark, Gritty and realistic.


Although OOT was a fantastic game (And my 2nd all time favourite) I thought it lacked what had been apparently been promised by Nintendo - a "Resident Evil atmosphere" and "Physcological depth" (Quoted actually in an article i'd read - Nintendo or not). The footage shown seemed to have it.


However - it was later revealed after release of GameCube and first scenes of WindWaker that the Link in the said footage would be used in Soul Calibre 2 (an excellent game no doubt ;) ).


This disappointed me a lot.


However - WindWaker, although no match for OOT was still visually impressive albeit childish. It was still a good gaming experience.



*Votes against cel*

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In my opinion, I don't find cell-shading to be the least bit attractive. I much enjoyed the 3d days of Zelda (And the 2d ones, but those games were more innovative and their gameplay was extrodinary)


So, I'll stop trying to make myself sound smart and I'll say ditch the cell-shading and go back to 3d ;)

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*A-HEM!* WHERE, may I ask, is the "Yoda!" choice?


I personally don't mind either way. I have played through both OOT and WW, (Wind Waker) and both games were excellent and worth playing through multiple times. Both have epic stories, endearing characters, tricky dungeons, and massive bosses. As long as those core elements that make up every Zelda game are in place, I'll still enjoy the series.


As for being realistic...take a look at A Link to the Past for the SNES. Don't those eyeballs Link has seem a little...big? Furthermore, his head is way out of proportion with his body. Not exactly "realistic" graphics in my book. In fact, Link looks a whole lot like the Link in WW, just seen from an aerial view. Yet people don't complain about it. Seems a bit strange, if you ask me.

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Keep it realistic. I am a HUGE fan of the Legend of Zelda (since the first Zelda) and I've gotta say that (although good story line) the cell shaded wind maker put me off. Whilst all of them are excellent, Ocarina of Time for N64 is my favourite due to the realistic graphics and the storyline.


@Bawbag: Yes I remember seeing those shots. The ones with Link, Ganondorf, etc. Those shots were absolutely AWESOME!!!! The amount of detail put into the swords, characters........it was almost like it was REAL.

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Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

I always thought that the cel shading doesn't look that good. I like real looking graphics much better than cel shaded stuff. I can get cartoons on TV; I don't want a game that looks like a cartoon unless it's based on one.





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Ah, you found the infamous "Space World Zelda realism" shots. I downloaded a short movie of it in action before my computer's hard drive crashed. Now I can't find the movie. Oh well.


May I point out however that cartoons don't always mean a "kiddie-oriented" experience. Some Japanese anime and manga cartoons can be downright disturbing and deal with decidedly adult issues. I don't think anybody would want to let their young child read a comic series titled "Rape Man," with the hero doing what his name suggests.


My point is that (at the risk of sounding hackneyed using an old cliche) you can't judge a book by its cover. The problem is that society sees cartoons as purely children's art form.


The Japanese don't have a problem with "Rape Man" and similar types of anime and manga because their culture believes that cartoons are no different than any other art form and has enormous potential for all ages. In Western culture however, cartoons have a negative stigma for anyone older than ten or so, mainly because cartoons have always catered to the "kiddie" crowd. Any adult that still reads comic books or watches cartoons is seen as strange and is shunned by society. Such a stigma will take a long time to change.


I personally think it was a mighty brave move by Nintendo to release a cel-shaded Zelda to the U.S. Maybe they're trying to make a point for something Japan learned long ago: that cartoons aren't necessarily "just for kids."

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I am one of the few that actually liked the cel-shading. It looked just like the SNES and NES versions of Link, it really "fit" what I thought Link really looked like. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask were great too, I got kind of confused at first, I didn't imagine Link in that form... so I think The Wind Waker did it "right." No matter what they do to the graphics though, I'll still love the Legend of Zelda games at its core.

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Well, I dont own a gamecube, so i can't REALLY comment, however I think a lot of people are being stupidly biased against a game because of it's look. Sure, it looks cartoony, but do you not notice how SMOOTH the game looks? I was seriously impressed the first time i saw my friend playing, just because it has a smoothness, and a uniqueness to it that brings something NEW to gaming.

It's like XIII How many of you won't give that game a shot because it's cel shaded? Well I played the demo and I must say, if it weren't for a limited budget i would own that game. I thought it was simply fantastic.

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Originally posted by Jed

If it comes out on GC, I want it to have the OoT feel.


If it comes out after GC, I don't care. I'm not getting another Nintendo system.


Nintendo has made a lot of mistakes as of late, if you ask me. Wind Waker was a rehash of OoT + cel shading. The cel shading stopped a lot of people from buying it, and when people found out it was a crappy game, they didn't want it either. Unfortunately, many, like me, found out way too late.


I hope Nintendo decides to do something worthwhile with their time left in the biz -- They're going to go the way of the Sega if they're not careful.

They're supposed to make a "Big Announcement" in May . I hope that announcement really is big.


Anyways... I want the good ol' feel of OOT. That was the best.zelda.ever.

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IMO, we are all simply pointing out that, although Wind Waker was a good game, it wasn't the potential great game. They didn't push the limits to really make the memorable, everlasting, groud-breaking experience it really could've been. They choose not to go down that path, and while some may disagree, didn't make any real gaming progress. They had already told people what they were going to make, and then changed it for no excusable reason, in which most people say wasn't an improvement therefore meaning less points for Nintendo. There was my opinion. Enjoy.

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Originally posted by IG-64

IMO, we are all simply pointing out that, although Wind Waker was a good game, it wasn't the potential great game. They didn't push the limits to really make the memorable, everlasting, groud-breaking experience it really could've been. They choose not to go down that path, and while some may disagree, didn't make any real gaming progress. They had already told people what they were going to make, and then changed it for no excusable reason, in which most people say wasn't an improvement therefore meaning less points for Nintendo. There was my opinion. Enjoy.


I thought it was a crappy game :p

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Originally posted by Jed

I thought it was a crappy game :p


Yeah, it is pretty crappy. :/ Aint hard enough.


I wish they would make the next game more OoT like, and that they include the main adventuring song(the one you hear on Hyrule fields).

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