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Damn Dish Network


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I lost MTV and Nick today. Dish Network vs Viacom. Pisses me off. I pay like 60 or more dollars a month and they take away 8 channels. WTF. I am so tired of being overcharged. I wish they offered digital cable in my area - I am getting sick of it. :(


anyone else feel my pain?

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welcome to my world of no digital, satellite, or cable anything.....no satellite cuz we cant find the signal we need and we dont have a box thingy....no cable cuz i live in no mans land.....heck i cant even get pizza delivered to my home cuz the delivery guys are afraid of the reservation! GOD I JUST WANT SOME PIZZA!!!!! :swear::cry7::crybaby::cry7::swear:

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Originally posted by STTCT

Direct TV is next. Their contract is in a few months and Direct is owned by the same company EcoStar. This means bye bye CBS, ALL NICk, VH1, MTV, MTV2, Comedy Central.


I want to cry I'm so mad!


Even TV Land? I want my Mr. Ed :(

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Well I'm more educated now. Direct isn't the same as Dish. Different Companies. If they don't resolve this soon I'm going to Direct. Its not necessarily about loosing the channels - its about paying for something and them loosing the main programming. All we have are crappy shopping channels anymore :(

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Originally posted by STTCT

Well I'm more educated now. Direct isn't the same as Dish. Different Companies. If they don't resolve this soon I'm going to Direct. Its not necessarily about loosing the channels - its about paying for something and them loosing the main programming. All we have are crappy shopping channels anymore :(


good, I still have Mr. Ed....

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Well, to make Dish Network seem a little better, they didnt sign with Viacom(owner of CBS, Nick, Comedy Central, ect.) because Viacom was overcharging, which meant higher prices for you.


Too bad you can't get Charter there, it's a really great cable company(High Speed Internet and High-Definition Channels too). We still have all of those channels though(if I lost TechTv and Nick though, I wouldnt really watch any tv at all).


(On a side note, I wonder why I remember all that about Viacom, but I still cant remember the difference between Communitive Property and the Assosiative Property..)

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I suggest you move to DirectTV since we don't lose any channels... only DishNetwork and Ecowhatever do... besides... I only pay 30 for all the channels I need(not including starz or any of that crap). I got my spongebob, I got my Jay-Z, twista, 50 cent, I got my Half Baked... ahhh the good life:p

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Your CBS and MTV Networks Are Back! Message from Charlie Ergen, CEO of DISH Network

Dear Loyal DISH Network Customers,


I am very pleased to announce that we’ve successfully reached a long-term agreement with Viacom to provide you with CBS and MTV Network channels including MTV, Comedy Central, and Nickelodeon. I am happy to say that this agreement will allow us to continue to provide you the lowest all-digital price everyday.


I understand that it has been a difficult 36 hours to be without these popular channels. We appreciate your patience, your support for DISH Network and your continued business.


As promised, you will receive a $1 credit on your next billing statement. In addition, we would like to thank you for all of your support by sending you a free DISH On Demand Pay-Per-View coupon that will allow you to view upcoming hits like “Cat in the Hat” and “School of Rock.” The coupon will arrive in your April billing statement. Enjoy a movie on us.


Everyone at DISH Network will continue to fight to provide the best possible programming and services at the lowest possible price, every day.


Thank you for your loyalty and thank you for being a DISH Network customer.



Charlie Ergen


DISH Network

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I really have no time for TV. I catch the English soccer every now and then, occasionally watch some news/documentaries(usually by accident), but that's it ! Work takes up a huge chuunk of my day.... When I'm not doing stuff with my partner or out with friends, I am either on the ps2/GC or on here with all you clowns.... and yes, every night before I go to sleep, I read(new Timothy Zahn novel out now!), or play my GBA(Final Fantasy Tactics, Sonic,TW Golf) :p



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Charlie Ergen, CEO of DISH Network

I understand that it has been a difficult 36 hours to be without these popular channels.




Y'know, I wonder if thats the whole reason everyone hates us. Others have to live in poverty-stricken cities with only a rifle as law, meanwhile we have trouble living without Survivor and Spongebob. :p

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

I don't even have cable TV...




*runs around screaming and smacks into a wall*

To quote from the classic 'Better Off Dead:


Charles De Mar: How are we going to get real drugs in this town? We can't even get cable!



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